HEART or "head": which 1 r u "ruled" by???
@creativemind755 (400)
United States
May 23, 2007 12:21pm CST
Even though MOST of us would probably say that we use BOTH, and that it's "ideal" 2 have a "balance", we usually tend 2 lean 2-wards 1 MORE than the other.
When u select a mate, do u "check off" all the items on your preference chart 2 c if they "measure up", and THEN proceed, or do u simply go by how u're FEELING about them, even if they're MISSING "key" things on your chart?
When selecting a car, do u do your research, as far as mileage, engine type, comfort, and overall performance, or do u simply go with what LOOKS GOOD 2 u?
When u select food, do u read the labels 4 calories, fats, cholesterol, vitamins, carbohydrates, sugar, salts, and other chemical contents, and base your selection on what u think is HEALTHIEST, or do u simply select what TASTES GOOD 2 u?
I could go on and on with examples, but u get the idea!
So, which is it 4 U?
When u look at ALL areas of your life, do u feel that most of your decision making is motivated by LOGIC, or EMOTION?
Is it "half and half", an even "balance"?
Is it a little MORE of 1 than the other?
Is it 100%, all the way, JUST 1 of them?
AND, regardless of what rules U, which do u think is BETTER 2 be ruled by, and WHY?
And WHY do u think U'RE "ruled" by 1, over the other?
What does that say about u?
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4 responses
@Rohit20 (327)
• India
23 May 07
I am ruled by my mind and not heart ,because in my vision all activities like decision making power,intelligence,I.Q,and........emotions,feelings,sentiments,affection etc. are basically generated from mind only and heart has no role to play in any of these activities.So,I am ruled by my mind.
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
23 May 07
But, if your heart has "no role" in your life, then how does that "pan out" in your INTIMATE relationships?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
23 May 07
The advice I try to live by and pass on to the young people in my family is this: When your head and heart are speaking the same thing, you cannot go wrong. When your head and heart are in conflict, listen to your head because your heart doesn't care.
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
23 May 07
Interesting, visitorinvasion!
But, why would your heart NOT care?
I would think that your HEART would be your TRUTH!
Actually, I would say my "gut", or my INTUITION!
I just know, 4 ME, being OVERLY-analytical, the "head" can COMPLICATE things, MANY TIMES, constantly weighing options, and "picking apart" information until my head is LITERALLY "spinning"!
So, 4 ME, I think the "simpler" approach would me my "heart"!
Then AGAIN, if we made MORE decisions on logic ALONE, we might NOT find ourselves in as many "sticky" situations as we quite often DO!
I'll continue 2 ponder this 1!
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@Melody1 (967)
• India
23 May 07
I liked your examples.Lol.Not everyone gets to select a mate!!If you really "select" a mate,that is!Yes one does happen to meet one and later on maybe,decide whether to live with him/her.
In arranged marriages,its your family who does the selection of your suitable mate.Well,to answer your question,if i ever happen to be in such a situation,i know for sure that my Heart will have an upper hand.Being a staunch romantic,I would let my heart,if not SOUL to decide.Yeah,I would allow my head to have a say,you never know,it might throw light on some shocking and necessary reality,which the heady heart might miss out and regret later.But finally its my heart and soul,which would dominate my selection.I hope I've made some sense here.lol.:-)

@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
23 May 07
No problem!
I understand u PERFECTLY!
And yes, I WILL find "HER", when the time is "right"!
Just hope it'll b SOON! LOL!!!!!
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
23 May 07
Yes, u've made sense, Melody1!
That's a good point u brought up, as far as the ARRANGED marriages. So true!
Of course, it's about EVERYTHING, not just your mate choice!
I personally think that MOST people live their lives based on EMOTION, NOT LOGIC, in EVERY area of life!
But, most CERTAINLY, when it comes 2 a mate!
I'm a romantic myself, so I know what u mean here!
And, u made ANOTHER good point, as far as, "IF we really 'select' ", AT ALL!
I believe u select your ACTIONS, like whether or not u're going 2 DEAL with a person, but u DON'T "select" how u FEEL about them!
Love is NOT in OUR control!
Ultimately, like u, my SOUL would decide!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
24 May 07
I think it depends on the Situation. If it is a matter of purchasing something I am more likely to use my head, comparing prices options etc. In a food situation i will go with whatever tastes good.
I do trust my feelings more when it comes to certian things. I would have to say that in my life I go more with how I feel then what I think. Now there are times I will think things over and try to approach something I am feeling logically (notice I said try lol.).
Perfect example would be my second marriage, I knew locgcally that I should have left sooner, but my heart didn't want to let go. My head finally won the arguement whe nI found pictures of him and his girlfriend cuddled up together on our bed on his computer. (I worked for an internet company how did he think I wasn't going to find them?) I knew more about computers than he ever thought I knew. What was funny is when I found the monitoring software he installed on my laptop trying to catch me doing something that I wasn't. I turned it off, sent an email to a frined of mine and asked her to say something off the wall, turned it back on and had a starnge conversation with her. When he mentioned it I snapped off on him for spying on me lol. That all had to do with me using my heart to decide what to do, and my head to figure out how to do it.
My mother tells me all the time that I need to think more with my head. She says I let my heart rule me too much. Maybe it has to do with me being Piscies I dunno. I do have to say that I am ruled more with my heart than my head, sometimes it works out for me sometimes it doesn't, but I am the one that has to live with my decisions no one else.

@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
25 May 07
Yeah, I think a Taurus is a good "fit" 4 a Pisces.
They say that earth (Taurus) and water (Pisces) go 2-gether. Plus, earth is PERFECT 4 u, as far as "grounding" u.
I used 2 be with a Taurus. The "grounding" part IS good, BUT, 4 ME, a Libra, she wasn't really a good match, ULTIMATELY! They say that Libras are 2 "in the clouds" and "lazy" 4 a practical Taurus. And, I can say 4 MYSELF, having BEEN with a Taurus 4 "3 1/2 years", AND having a sister who's a Taurus, they're just 2 stubborn and "BULL-headed" 4 me! LOL!!!!!
I can c why u've had problems with Cancers.
They always say that signs of your SAME ELEMENT are a natural match, but what I've found, is that u DON'T get the "balance" that u need! Like, with the Cancers, I'm sure that u both had similar strengths AND weaknesses, which is cool, as far as UNDERSTANDING each other, but "bad", because u can't really help each other much, 'cuz, as I said, where's the "balance" there? I know I've had this experience with fellow AIR signs, especially Geminis! My mom's a Gemini, I had a grandmother who was a Gemini, and I've dealt with other Gemini women, and we can get along GREAT! But, it's always been 2 much "air" (talking), and NOT enough earth (practicality) or FIRE (action)! So, I'm thinkin' that maybe I need some "fire" in my life, since I LACK it on my own! But, then again, I have another sister, who's a Leo, and all the Leos I've ever known are 2 selfish and self-centered, bordering on NARCISSISM! Aries' that I've known are 2 abrasive, impatient, and insensitive!
Maybe a Sagittarius would be good.
The "jury's still out" on THAT 1!
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
25 May 07
You are right about Piscies and cancer being too close together as far as stregths and weaknesses. I think my biggest problem came into play when I had to be dominate at work all the time, come home and be the same way. and my ex husband used to whine at me all the time. I should be the whiny one d@mn it! I shouldn't have to be more of a man than my mate!! I know i am a tomboy but come on, that only goes so far. Usually you hear about women complaing about their men watching sports. Not with my ex husband. Anyhow lol.
I don't get along with Capricorns most times. My step dad (Jan 18), brother (Jan 16) and oldest daughter (Jan 8 same as Elvis) are Capricorns, Its a constant fight with them. My other brother (july 11) is a cancer, and we get along great. My son (feb 3)is an aquaris (sp?) and he is my angel child. I can't remember what sign my middle daughter is (OCT 21) but she always needs to be the center of attention lol. As you can see my family is all over the place lol. It's no wonder none of us can live together for long without wanting to kill each other lol.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
25 May 07
3 Capricorns, a Cancer, an Aquarius, and your daughter (October 21st) is a Libra. What a collection of "characters"! LOL!!!!!
I'm a Libra 2, so I can attest 2 liking 2 be the "center of attention", although, the sign that REALLY loves that is LEO! Ruled by the SUN, they want things 2 ALWAYS be about THEM! As I told u, 1 of my sister's is a Leo, so I know THAT energy very well!
A Libra can go BOTH ways!
Since we're the "scales", we're 4-ever "dippin' " from 1 side 2 another, NEVER really being "balanced" in the middle.
Regardless of signs, though, I couldn't be around as many people as u just named, 4 ANY LENGTH of time, and NOT wanna kill somebody! LOL!!!!!
I love people, but I definitely need my SPACE, my ALONE time!
And especially, with signs that AREN'T a good match 4 me, if it's "family", our contact will be LIMITED, and in SOME cases, NON-EXISTENT! LOL!!!!!
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