"keepin' up with the 'jones' ", OR "dancin' 2 the 'beat' of your OWN 'drum' "???
@creativemind755 (400)
United States
May 23, 2007 12:37pm CST
Society has ALOT of standards. We all know that. And MANY are HARD 2 live up 2!
We're expected 2 have a certain amount of money, LOOK a certain way, and ACT a certain way.
We're supposed 2 value "higher" education, and be college graduates. And, the MORE degrees, the "better"!
By a certain age, we're "supposed" 2 be married with children, own a home, have a well established career, and probably a good retirement plan!
There are probably MANY things that could be named here! These are just a few, off the top of my head.
So, how do u run YOUR life?
Do u feel the pressure of society's standards of BEING, and SUCCUMB 2 those?
Are u a REBEL, and u "shun" any and ALL things "conventional" and "traditonal"?
Do u subscribe 2 conventional standards, 2 a POINT, yet still have a little rebellious "streak" in u?
And, if u DO "succumb" 2 the pressure, do u AGREE with these standards, in YOUR "heart of hearts", or do u do it JUST 2 "fit in" and be ACCEPTED?
If u DON'T "succumb", is it because u really ARE a "different drummer" type, OR is it because u just don't feel CAPABLE of "measuring up", so u "rebel", just because (in YOUR mind), NO ONE is gonna tell u how 2 live?
And finally, which 1 do u think is the "better" approach 2 life, and WHY?
This should be interesting!
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3 responses
@dlhnola (70)
• United States
23 May 07
I live my life to MY standards of happiness and responsibility.
When, in the past Ihave tried to live up to someone elses notions
of life I was unhappy.
I probably am not all that different from most people but I have figured out what I need to feel god about life, what makes me happy and what I can live with and WITHOUT. I try to only have people in my life who live a genuine life themselves and are happy about their own choices.
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
23 May 07
Well said, dlhnola!
I think the ONLY way u CAN be TRULY happy IS 2 live your life by your OWN standards!
Unless, of course, YOUR standards ARE society's standards!
Great post!
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Hi creativemind755, I just do me. When I was younger I use to try to keep up with the jones. I was always in the mix of the hottest whatever if it was hot I was in it or wanted to be in it.I use work so hard at trying to be cool or always in the mix of the hottest, trying to be liked by everyone, but it took me awhile to realize you cannot please everyone and people are going to talk about you regardless or what you have or how you look, etc. When I was trying to keep up with the jones I had more associates & less friends, now I have fewer associates and more friends. I can only be me.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Nicely put, msjigga!
I went thru a brief period, back in high school, tryin' 2 "fit in" myself, and I had more "associates" then 2, but somewhere, in the back of my mind, I KNEW they were NOT my REAL friends! Plus, in hindsight, I also realize that the 1's that u try 2 "fit in" with, usually aren't even WORTH fitting in with!
As u said, u can't please everyone, no matter what!
So, at the end of the day, u might as well be U!
At least, that way, whoever DOES actually like u, likes the REAL u!
Excellent post!
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
29 May 07
Dancing 2 the beat of your own drum is the best way to live. There is always someone there who is going to say that is not the way it is supposed to be done. But think about the fact that if you have ten people in a line and you tell them what you are doing you are going to have ten different opinions thrown at you saying you are wrong. If you do as you think you should and the heck with what other people think than you have a surer way of living a life where you can live with yourself.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
30 May 07
I couldn't agree more, sunshinelady!
And, with 10 DIFFERENT opinions, all u'll end up is CONFUSED!
Besides, NO ONE ELSE knows what's best 4 U!
U'RE the ONLY person living your life, so only U know what "works" 4 u!
Great response!