Yard Sale Season Has Arrived!
By villageanne
@villageanne (8553)
United States
May 23, 2007 6:09pm CST
I have always enjoyed taking the day and going to garage or yard sales. I have found antiques, new clothing with the prices still on them , furniture and other things that my family can use. I have purchased furniture and redone it so it looks new again. I have found that it is true what they say ‘ one mans junk is another mans treasure”.
My husband and I will dress in comfortable clothing and shoes. We gather our change and small bills then we gas up the car and off we go. One just never knows were the best bargains will be found. I love a good deal and I will haggle over a price often getting the items we want much cheaper than even we had expected. Yard saleing is always more fun if you have someone with you.
One summer, we were looking for baby furniture for our daughter who was due in January. We knew that we had all summer to find that ‘just right” furniture. We stopped at a garage sale and found everything that we needed, high chair, wooden Jenny Lynn baby bed and wooden Jenny Lynn dressing table to match the baby bed. It was the end of the day and I knew that it was time to haggle. The items had not been cleaned before the sale and I am quite certain that is the reason for them still being there. I looked them over good and believed that with some soap and water I could make them shine again. The lady was asking $25.00 for each of the three items that I wanted. I noted that they were pretty dirty and that $75 was more than I was willing to pay. I lingered at the high chair a few minutes and said ‘I tell you what. If you will take $25. For all three of them I will take them. I was really surprised when she agreed and rather quickly too. I had my husband take them to our mini van. I brought them home and took the strap from the high chair and soaked it in bleach water till it was perfect again. The wooden baby bed and dressing table just needed cleaned up as well. My husband could not believe it was the same furniture.
I have even taken yard sale find and painted, washed or otherwise polished them up and resold them for up to four times what I have paid for them. I am known to my family as a bargain hunter and they swear that I can find a bargain anywhere I go. I even have one family member who calls me when they want something . They say I am the luckiest person that they know when it comes to finding anything that I want and at the price that I want.
I am always looking for new ways to get the things that I want for the price that I am willing to pay. I never pay full price for anything. Why should I , when I can get it at yard or garage sales for much cheaper?
I would love to hear about what ideas you have for yard saleing. Is there something special that you do to find the best bargains?
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29 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
24 May 07
And it sounds like you enjoy yourself too. Well I havent been to a yard sale yet this season. But I surely do plan on it. I do agree you cant get some good things at them. You just have to know how to haggle with the people. Right? And yes if your willing to put alittle effort in cleaning or painting something its a good deal. Enjoy your yard sales.LOL
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
I love yard saleing. Plus I won a new book on gather with this article. I cant wait till it arrives. I will be armed with knowledge then. LOL
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
24 May 07
i love what we call here in Australia garage sales, you certainly can pick up a bargain, I have had two of my own, I organised a street garage sale with 16houses and about 5 of my friends with their tables set up in my front yard, it was like a carnival, cars up and down my steet,people everywhere, it was wonderful but unfortunately because I put the add in the paper and felt I needed to have lots of refreshments for my friends it ended up costing me a little but I look at it as having one great day of fun...
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
We too call them garage sales when they are held in a garage. The term yard sales are used most often as they are held in the yard.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
24 May 07
I love garage sales and flea markets. Haggleling on the price is part of the fun. I will be on the lookout for bargains to resell on ebay. I love to find bargains. I bought a port a crib for $3 once and an umbrella stroller for $1. I have gotten Barney and Telly Tubby movies for 25 cents. Good luck and have fun.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
you and me would make a great team. LOL We would be unstopable at getting bargains. LOL

@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
24 May 07
One way to get good bargins is to get there early. Sometimes they let people in early if they want. i myself would because then there would be a better chance at selling something.
My mom is a big time garage saler. She can find great stuff there and has never let me down when I ask for something. She usually finds it at the next sale she goes to. Sometimes I feel she has to much stuff but i guess it does make her happy.
Sometimes we go together and find good stuff. It's fun seeing what people are selling and what they are asking for stuff.
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
25 May 07
You are so right to get there early. Long ago when my mom would have a garage sale, she'd open at 7am and people would be there pronto. Last Saturday at 6:30am I saw two people at a garage sale that has already started! 6:30AM! I couldn't imagine, but hey, the early bird gets the worm. Good thing too, I don't want the worm. : )
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
24 May 07
I find the things that make our family complete in that the older and more sturdy items for cooking, playing etc. We lost everything in a fire on 4/23 and now we are searching again for the basics and other treasures as we have money. I notice it depends on who is with me what items I tend to find. The energies involved make it so. Wish me to luck in putting together a complete household once again. Also in finding some of the things I loved and lost and have them replaced. I prefer church rummage sales since I can put many things in a bag for one price in most cases. Prices are normally very reasonable too.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
24 May 07
yuppers! Freecycle is getting us 2 dressers tomorrow. The kindness of people has been amazing. I swear one day I will be a blessing to others even though through receiving I may be a blessing to some now. Thanks for responding to me.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
I do wish you luck. I know how difficult that can be but yard sales and freecycle will both be great helps to you.

@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
24 May 07
Ohhh Village, something else we have in common! I am a mean, mean garage-sale machine! Ha! When I found out that my third pregnancy was a girl, I bought a sewing machine, signed up for a sewing class at the local community college and was learning to sew. I knew I had to learn to make little dresses! Anyway. Hubby and I were hitting garage sales one day and there was the OLD sewing table. The type with the lift across board and teh machine stores down inside. There were drawers on each side. It had been stained, painted and everything, but hubby and I love to refinish things like that. We asked how much and the lady said, how about 25 dollars. I almost laughed out loud. I said, it would take 25 dollars worth of products to strip it! We started walking towards our vehicle and she started saying, "how about 20?....we kept walking. Then she said, "how about 15?"....we kept walking. Long story short, we got the cabinet for FIVE DOLLARS! It refinished beautifully and holds my machine! I have bought so many neat things at garage sales!
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
LOL Well Ms Mean Mean Garage Sale Machine,
We would make a great team as I dont know how to say the word "full price" I am a wheeler dealer and I get the job done. LOL
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
I acturally wrote this article for gather and won advance copy of Garage Sale America. I am so excited and cannot wait to receive it.
The first of June my first article as Gather US History Cooespondant will be live. I am so excited and have so many articles to submit. It sure will help with the bills. Woo HOo.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
29 May 07
I love going to garage sales. You can find just about anything at them. I hate having them. They are alot of work but we always have a good turnout. We buy lots from garage sales that if we went to a store and bought, we would not be able to afford.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
21 Sep 07
I still haven't been to one tag sale! Maybe I will take the kids tomorrow after we pick some apples.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 May 07
that sounds like fun. I never found anything I really wanted in a yard sale. I am not a big collector of things myself. I would love to find a new can opener though. Mine is completely finished.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
24 May 07
I usually don't go to yard sales. But I know you can find some good items at very good prices. I guess I always feel like I have enough things and don't want much more. I think once I build my new home, I will be much more interested in antiques and that sort of thing. Happy hunting and may the early shopper catch the best deals...lol.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 May 07
i dont know how true that is (about churches only having junk)...for instance i know that our church has had one in the past (and are also having one this weekend) and there are a lot of people that can't be bothered having their own, but still want to get rid of their stuffs...so they donate it to church (its for a good cause, our youth are going on a missions project to mexico in august)...so in this case, and other church ones that i have been to...they have been great!
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
That is just what someone else said. I will have to start stopping at the church sales also. I have just passed them by in the past. I do a good bargain
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 May 07
i LOVE garage sales...i have bought a lot of really cool stuff @ them...i prefer church ones the best (because older people tend to donate really great stuffs!!
i never pay full price for anything, even when i go to the mall...which is rare (i generally shop @ thrift stores - even my kids love em!)i buy stuff on sale!
we are having a garage sale on sat...wanna come :-D
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 May 07
Really??? I usually dont stop at the church ones. I just assumed that they would get the cast offs. HUM??? Mabe I will start checking them out.
I too love thrift stores. There is one up the street and I just purchased a few new dresses for church for $2.00 each and they still had the tags on them.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
28 May 07
I too like to haggle.I will act real interested in something but dont' want to pay what they're asking so I'll say I can't afford that and usually when I act like I am gonna walk away,they will lower the price.It doesn't always work,but most of the time.The only thing is being down in florida,our garage sale season is from the end of fall during winter
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@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
24 May 07
I just love yardsale season you never know what kind of priceless treasures you are gonna find. And it is a good time to make a little extra cash for a rainy day for yourself too. I usually do my spring cleaning during yard sale season so i can take things and sell them in a sale instead of jus throwing them out. I was always told one mans trash is another one treasure.
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@vampiryss (85)
• United States
27 May 07
I used to go Garage/Yard Sale shopping with my sister-in-laws all the time! We loved it! I've also gone with my mom and one of my Aunts.
Over the years, I've had a couple of yard sales myself.
My next door neighbor always has a yard sale up during this season.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
25 May 07
You sound just like my Aunt Joanie. She is amazing at yard sales- I have never seen anyone dicker down a price better than her- We go to yard sales all the time- My favorite is a town called Gonanda- It's a full day trip- We take plenty of cold ice water and our sneakers- It is my 3 cousins , me and my Aunt. It is so much fun ... We usually buy so much stuff- Yes alot of it when I get home I say why?? then it goes to my yard sale pile- I like baskets- so I'm always looking for them- I have been looking for a cedar chest for a while now- to start a "hope chest" for my daughter- I love to redo furniture- My parents just found one and got a heck of a deal on it- I'm so excited- I can't wait to get started on the redoing part! I love yard sales! I haven't been to many yet this season- but I'm planning on going this weekend for a bit- My 10 yr old daughter is loving them too!
@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
25 May 07
My parent's neighborhood just had a neigborhood garage sale. Not as many people participated this year, but I think the somewhat stormy forecast put them off. My mom would like to participate, but she doesn't have the energy, and my dad is too busy.
Yard sales can be a blessing. My entertainment center came from an estate sale. I guess that is what they call in it more wealthy neighborhoods. I couldn't afford something that nice on my own. I was so thankful to have it. I want my apartment to look presentable. LOL My parents live near a rich community, so they go there a lot to get deals, because they know usually everything will be in good shape. And it isn't harder to talk them down than anyone else.
Of course flea markets are fun too, a little twist on the yard sale, but these days it is hard to find a good flea market. And who thought to call the thing a 'flea' market? : ) To bad I can't go yard selling with you, Villageanne. I have a feeling I would learn a few things. : )
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
28 May 07
I loved to go to yard/garage sales particularly apartment complex types as they may have as many as 15-20 tables, and you can certainly haggle over the price. I think I have a lot of my clothes from yard sales, But with me being on a budget and no vehicle it is a bit difficult to get to any thing but the surrounding streets. Our city sprawls quite far and wide and on any given Saturday you will find from 50 up yard sales.As well on Saturday we have an open farmers market, and on Sunday a huge flea market, I do take the bus over to it once in a while but there is an entry fee, of 4.50 so It is not to often , but I do so miss the garden sales Maybe soon.
@songbirdnaimh (1422)
• United States
26 May 07
You're someone that I'd enjoy yardsaling with! (That is if yardsaling is actually a word...but you know what I mean).
I had a yard sale a few weeks ago but only made a bit....after all the time and effort I put into it. I've come to the conclusion I am a better yard sale ATTENDER...lol