How often you donate blood

@kponniah (203)
May 24, 2007 12:09am CST
Did you donate blood and how many times you had donated and with what interval you donate blood...
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10 responses
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
24 May 07
Not anymore I can't because I have a autoammuine diease called multiple sclrosis but brfore I knew I had it I did. If it wasn't for me having this I still would donate.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
25 May 07
Yes it is.
@kponniah (203)
• Singapore
25 May 07
It is good to think of helping others...gr8
@ugotit (73)
• India
24 May 07
donating blood twice yearly is my routine. i feel some contribution to my society by doing this. plus i am universal donor.O+.
@kponniah (203)
• Singapore
25 May 07
Gr8 man.... keep it up
@emmiszoe (444)
• Sweden
26 May 07
I donate blood approx every four months - that is what I'm allowed to. Sometimes it can be upp to five months before I get there, because as I am a dancer I have to make sure I don't have any big shows or reherasals for a few days after donating. I think it is everyones duty to donate blood! I am terrified of needles, me to, but I still go - and the nurses are very very good and kind. I think everyone whould face their fears and do it to help other people!
• Malaysia
24 May 07
I never had chance to donate my blood to someone else. I don't even know my blood type :( I honestly salute those people who have done this. Cheers!
@kponniah (203)
• Singapore
25 May 07
Come on yaar it is nice to be care free... but after participating in this discussion i hope you will take steps to know about your blood group ...just lol yaar
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
24 May 07
I really hate to say this because I am a national donar and any one could use my blood type but never. I am terribly affraid of needles. I can just look at one and i will be passed out cold on the floor. I do not know why I do this but it is something that I have done since I was very little.
@kponniah (203)
• Singapore
25 May 07
yea well just think this way... When you donate blood fresh new blood will be generated and you will be more healthier
@el_jeffo (750)
• Philippines
24 May 07
I've never tried donating blood before. Do you get dizzy after like in the movies?
@kponniah (203)
• Singapore
25 May 07
Not everybody feel friend will donate blood once in every 10 months. He doesn't got such feeling any time.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
24 May 07
I prefer to sell my plasma. It is used to make product that diabetics and others need. I get paid for it and it help my budget. With today's gas prices I am able to break even. I haven't been since I started my new diet but this next week when I am off a day I am going over and selling more. I am able to do it twice a week.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 May 07
I have high blood pressure so I am cannot donate blood. My name was actually stricken the red cross list because of it.
• United States
24 May 07
I've never been able to donate blood, although I've always wanted to. I've had several tattoos & piercings before & for each one I think you have to wait 2 years before trying to donate. There was also a time that I was anemic & they wouldn't let me donate for that reason either. I haven't tried lately though...maybe I will!
@jogie_bien (1103)
• Philippines
24 May 07
i never experience to donate blood in my life.