A Little Advice Can Really Go A Long Long Way! See for yourself!
By chotche
@chotche (13)
May 24, 2007 1:14am CST
The book is a story of a person who as two dad's, one father is rich and the other father is poor! Both fathers taught the young boy how to become successful, but using different methods, and they both showed the young boy how to be successful in different areas of life!
Through out the book the author compares the ideas and concepts of both fathers. The book talks about financial literacy, how to get started, how money is created, and how to make money work for you instead of you working for money! There is a lot of wonderful ideas and information presented in this book. It is highly recommended for those of you who would like to make a significant change in your life. It is a great place to start! After reading this book, I took the liberty of reading 4 other books by him, and then continued on with my financial education by reading books by Napolean Hill, Donald Trump, and Warren Buffet. Now that I have done that I decided to use these philosophies and strategies and get started putting my ideas to work. I decided to get involved with an online opportunity, and am currently doing very well with it! I was involved with some other opportunities online before and lost quite a lot of money, so I decided to give it a rest, and start learning on what I was doing wrong? To sum it up nicely, I was doing everything wrong, but as with many opportunities out there, they target people like that. The way I was before! Either that or they are scams and don't produce any results. A good friend of mine decided to share with me an opportunity that was working very well for him, he told me that I didn't even have to promote it or anything, just make a one time investment of 49.00 dollars and I would start to make money. However, I was very skeptical, it sounded to easy, so I decided to look up everything I could find out about the opportunity, by doing my own research, and well I was wrong about this one. It turns out my friend was involved with something very big, and it was a very successful company! I jumped in, just knowing that I would make money by doing nothing. However, I decided I wanted to make more money, and build a strong team, so that is where the books I have read became very useful. Now if you are interested in becoming involved with the business I am involved with I cordially invite you to view the website at:http://www.loftyprofits.com/?user=chotche
If you have any questions or comments, or would simply like to add me to your messenger to discuss this opportunity or would just like some advice, or to give some advice, please feel free to email me at: financialmotivation@yahoo.com or add me to your messenger using that I.D as well.
Remember, anyone can be successful, you just have to know how, so I highly recommend the Rich Dad Series, because it has changed my life dramatically.
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