Do you blame the soldiers or the war?
By Scott
@callarse1 (4783)
United States
May 24, 2007 2:20am CST
During the Iraq war (or any war) do you blame the soldiers or the war? For example, many wars that were undesirable or seemed unjust the people didn't honor the soldiers when they returned home from that war (or at least at first) such as Vietnam and South Korea. I believe people blame the soldiers in Iraq for the war.
Do you blame these soldiers or do you blame the war (the politics or war)? Should we think that these soldiers are the scum of the earth that what they did was terrible and we shouldn't honor them?
I remember reading once "I'm fighting for you so you can be safe and have your freedom. Why aren't you supporting me in MY country?" I always thought that the quote (that I paraphrased) was very true. Please let's discussion. I hope to read your interesting replies.
Have a nice day!
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33 responses
@ranjeetkolarkar (1595)
• India
24 May 07
I think, it would not be right to blame the soldiers for the war as they are not hte ones who had initiated it. In my opinion the blame must go definitely and entirely to the leaders who take such drastic steps.
Soldiers can only be blamed for the atrocities that incur upon the local people. But to put the blame for the war on the soldiers is not the right thing.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
24 May 07
I always thought that it wasn't right to treat the soldiers bad when they come back home from the war. I was surprised when I saw pictures of the people showing the soldiers disrespect from the Vietnam war :(.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
24 May 07
it would be downright stupid to blame soldiers for the war!! the soldiers are NOT the ones that make the decision to go to war..that rests in the hands of the leaders and the leaders should be the ones held responsible for it.
the soldiers are just doing their job. they do what the commander in chief orders them to do.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
24 May 07
I always thought they did such a hard work in Vietnam and in Iraq. In fact, many of them volunteered themselves and had families as well. It makes me surprised that some people do not show respect for them :(
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@Killamurk07 (67)
• United States
24 May 07
I am getting ready for anything...I am gonna become a strong solider...A proud US citizen
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
25 May 07
Good for you !
Other teens could take a lesson from your example.
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@ZenDove (698)
• United States
24 May 07
In my humble, inexperienced opinion, it is deplorable to blame the soldier. I don't even know how anyone could possibly blame the enlisted man who is simply following orders. Many times, soldiers are sent to 'fight' in countries that they have never even heard of before. The decision to fight, the agenda of war is always determined by the politicians who have the most to gain. The soldiers only ever lose. Even if they come home physically whole and the media declares the war a "V-day", they lose. Their innocence, their humanity, their psyches will never be the same. I think that it is disgustingly cowardly of presidents, czars, kings, shahs, whatever - to call for others to give their lives in battle. You're mad at this guy for not respecting your imaginary religion or your imaginary lines on a map? Get in there and duke it out with him - yourself! Don't send my son or daughter. Don't try to sell me on a pack of lies and manipulations as to why I should be willing to die or suffer for your "cause." We all know that it is always about money and power. Always. Democracy, freedom, justice - have nothing to do with the order to fight a war. I myself would fight for those causes. Instead, "I want what you have" is what every war banner should read.
My heart bleeds for every soldier ordered to take up arms and for every mother who loses a child to a war agenda - on either side. My daughter served in the Middle East. My daughter. The mother of 2 of my grandchildren. I would have gladly defied any government order to not have her go. Yet, she is a soldier, she was following orders. She came home to us but her heart will always bear the burden of war. When she came home to her children, there was no parade, no accolades, no extra pay. I held her and said that I was sorry. Sorry that we, as a country, had elected a leader who had so little depth and inspiration, so devoid of honesty and integrity, so small of a spirit that the only agenda he could devise for us, was a way to send our children to their deaths. Needlessly, pointlessly. Where is Bin Ladin? Having tea at Camp David? Our soldiers are not the ones with blood on their hands.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
27 May 07
This entry is so beautifully written. The reason why I wrote this question. I was thinking about the Vietnam War, I remember when I was in high school we watched a video that some news reported had taped. They were trying to have a parade for the soldiers that came home and there were there own citizens booing the soldiers. :( Sometimes I think that people even today will say bad things about soldiers, but you put it so good about the reasons why we should at least give them respect :)
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
24 May 07
My husband is serving in the aid to our nations problems, its a long battle. I think that getting mad at a person for doing they're job is redundant and ill mannered. Its not that soldiers fault he's doing what he is ordered to do, they are required to do as told whether they believe it is right or not. When you join to help your country you do as the country says, and you like it. I fully support my husband even though i don't agree with some of the nations polotics and battles or wars. It is true that I sleep alone at night so that other people can sleep in a free world with they're loved ones beside them.
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
24 May 07
My husband hasn't gone overseas yet, however he's told that it could happend anytime now. With the way they're sending them in i'm worried that anytime will be here soon. Thank you for your blessings.
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
25 May 07
I would never blame the soldiers. They are doing what they are told to do by superiors. My husband is military and deploying in 2 days. He will be gone for 6 months, and I am going to give him a great homecoming. It's terrible to think that some people in the past haven't been treated well after returning home. It's gotta be hard enough going to fight a war, leave all your household stuff and family, and then get mistreaded upon the return. That makes me so sad :(
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
25 May 07
Bless your husband. Yes, I don't understand why some people want to blame the soldiers, perhaps they didn't do the best things in the war, but I don't see how we can disrespect them :(
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
25 May 07
Yes, if anything we should blame ourselves because we have a right to protest the entrance into a war, right?
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@smoke_gun (1243)
• Malaysia
24 May 07
do you guys believe that your country really fight for freedom and release iraq peoples from terrorist?from the history we should know there are never the good and evil in war,only greed and profit,the winner take all.most of peoples around the world believe that US is fight for petronium field in iraq,if they lose in the war,they have nothing left,but a huge debt.
my friend told me US peoples are weired,they are always looking for motivation,they cant live in peace,so there are always enemy target in front of them.who knows which country next after iraq?
who should be blame in the war?of course your leader and who support to starting the war!
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
24 May 07
Yea, I don't think wars are good at all. In fact, I am not sure why the war was begun, but they are now there. I don't they should leave because they have caused all many problems there. I wish that we all can live in peace and there will be no conflicts.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 May 07
Hello,callarse,I think the soldiers should not be blamed for any reasons, they should be honored indeed. The soldiers were the real heroes in the war,they might not know why they had to go for the war,they did it just because their countries sent them to the battle,they fight hard in the war,they did not know whether they could get over it. Some of them might stay alive after the war,there might be casualties,some might die with a flag but most were being forgetten.
The soldiers did not start the war but it was because of politics,we should blame for the politics.
@navtech (1773)
• India
24 May 07
Why the soldiers should be blamed. They are the people who should be saluted. If a country is going to war and the war initiated by the leaders of the country. Soldiers perform their duty to protect their country and citizens. They should be respected. Of course, comtemporary wars that are fought without any justification by their leaders. Atrocities committed by the solders in those wars without taking into consideration the justification of the war by the solders. In those case, people instead of blaming the leaders who initiated the war, blaming the solders for their atrocities. It is ridiculous on part of the people to blame the soldiers, on the other hand they should blame the leaders of their country which promoted the soldiers to commit such atrocities.
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@jogie_bien (1103)
• Philippines
24 May 07
well, for me i dont blame the soldierfor the war.Because they are only doing their job to protect the country.And what the problem is the leader who will give the order or command them of what the soldiers should do.Soldiers cannot do anything even they dont want to make war.They want peace also so that they will not risk anymore their life for a war.But if the commander told them to do that, they have to followit.Soldier have feeling also when they go to war, imagine they risk their life just for the country.When they go to war they accept to die.And i think soldiers is very risky work.
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@Vizeroh (32)
• United States
24 May 07
You can't blame the soldiers. They have to follow orders given. If there was no line to follow no one would have an army to begin with. No war is good, nothing good ever comes from any type of war, but they are done, and this won't be the last. The Iraqi war started because Bush ordered the following of the terrioists who planned the 9-11 attack. And that's what it's ''suppose'' to be about. But it's not anymore. They took over Oil Rigs throughout, and claimed them as their own.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
25 May 07
Unfortunately they went into Iraq for the wrong reasons, they need to find Osama Bin Laden :).
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@heatherleegeffen (10)
• United States
25 May 07
Hmm... this question just rubs me the wrong way. It is possible to support the troops without supporting the cause. I do not blame them, and I do appreciate everything they do. However, I do not believe that they are fighting for our freedom in this war. They are fighting for the freedom of another country. This freedom, in my opinion, is not likely to ever occur. The second we step out, things will return to the way they were.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Oh, I see. Well, I don't think they are going to be stepping out any time soon. At least they probably shouldn't because just like you said.
@laneita (78)
• United States
25 May 07
I dont see how anyone could blame the soldiers for anything. Its the president that makes them go. An if you dont go them its bad trouble for you. You have no choice in the matter when you sign up. They dont just say hey we want to go fight over there just because. If they had a choice im sure they all would pick to be back home. If our people cant support our soldiers over there fighting for our freedom what in the hell is up with that. You mean to tell me your going to be disrespect our soldiers. No way. You cant be an american if your doing that. Come on people dont you think if it was up to them they would leave that place. Dont blame them for this nasty war. Blame BUSH for this crap.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
25 May 07
The soldiers are following orders. I can in no way blame them. We are fighting a war that doesn't make ANY sense anymore. I put the blame on who it belongs - the government at the hands of Bush!
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
24 May 07
I blame the people that started the war, not the military. Many of the men and women come from backgrounds where they can't get a decent college education because their parents can't afford it, the military is a way to advance in life and unfortunately they have to risk their lives for it. That's what happened to my husband. He fit in that loophole where his parents made too much money for him to qualify for financial aid (even though he was living on his own at the age of 18 they still count parents income for years) but his parents were barely scraping by to pay their own bills. He joined, got some great training, and had a few close calls. Thankfully he is out and out of harms way now. When I was in college, it was always the spoiled rich kids who called my husband the "baby killer" and said he was just as bad as terrorists. That's easy for them to say when they have everything handed to them on a silver platter. The military is just doing what they are told to do, they have no say in the matter unless they want to get discharged or in trouble.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
25 May 07
Well, you are right, many people are doing it so they can advance and pay for their university education. Bless your husband :)
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@kumbarn14 (735)
• Pakistan
24 May 07
God blesses glory to every country and watch how this is used on his fellow human. Then comes a time that there is a misuse of his gift and faith which God never forgives, then he sends such a punishment that they will never forget. No man can do anything without the permission of God so we can see in Iraq, the Iraqis are destroying themselves, the only thing I would do ask forgiveness for these people and guide them in the right path. The soldiers are Gods wish and they should be duly respected for their duty inspite knowing their faith. Today what you see around the world is God's wish, to punish people who misused his gift and also for not maintaining their faith and their countries respectively.
@shakysteve (22)
• United States
24 May 07
The soldiers are not to blame, they are just following the orders of the politicians. The Iraq war is totally unjust and the soldiers shouldn't be there in the first place. Bush and Blair are war criminals who should be prosecuted, sadly I can't see that happening.
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@windhair (498)
• Germany
24 May 07
Of cause it is the war or the politicians that we should blame. But I do not agree with that quote. Why they fight outside of their country and make their country safe by killing the people in other country. Sometime, it is nothing about their freedom. It only about this dirty politicians.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
25 May 07
Yes, you are right. The quote is saying:
That I am a soldier and I returned to my country. My own fellow citizens do not support me because I was a soldier.
I agree with the quote because I don't think we should blame the soldiers :)
@henry_gale (29)
• Hong Kong
25 May 07
I will not blame the soldiers, except those commit war crime, cause they are trained to obey order. You probably won't want the soldiers to escape from war when there is a real need.
The leader should bear the part of the liability cause he has great influence in the decision. However, I don't think the leader should take all the liablity. Without the support from the public, a war could not happen. I will say it is the collective intention to be blamed, though it may be misled before the war. However, I think the public should have the wisdom to avoid being misled, except they want it subconsciously.
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