I am the president!! Haha

@kharen (1488)
May 24, 2007 11:09am CST
If you'd win as the president of your country, what's the first things you wanna do and first things you wanna solve?
4 responses
@dulheraja (436)
• United States
7 Oct 07
if i wud become a president, the first thing i wud do is cut the tax rates down. trying to increase economy of the country against other countries. won't do war and waste money behind for no reason. i save money for the country n make it stronger
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
28 May 07
If I were to become President, I would make several changes,but I believe that the first thing that I would change is gas prices and taxes. I would figure out a very fast way to lower gas prices and taxes as those two things are costing people alot of money that they could spend on many other things. The next thing that I would do is put God back into the schools and the government. I believe that the United States was built on believeing in God and now people want to be politically correct and leave God out of everything. In God we Trust should be the motto that we live by!!
• Indonesia
25 May 07
Well being a president is not an easy job to do. But for me the first thing to do is create a better law and make sure that no one breaks it. There are a lot of law breaker around here from simple traffic regulation till corruption and it's like there are no penalty of breaking this law. Well to do this is not an easy job to do, to be frankly this is the hardest part of all. But when this can be done through out whole the country then any kind of policy will be made and carried out easily. Well that's from my point of view
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
24 May 07
If I'd be lucky enough to be given the golden opportunity to serve as the president of my seemingly God-forsaken country, the first thing I would probably do is revamp my cabinet. As it currently stands, the Philippine government, sadly, sucks big time and this is perhaps because of the way things are being inefficiently run here. The current cabinet members appointed by a president, whose legitimacy is gravely in question, are likely tainted by the perceived illegitimacy of the same person who appointed them. Conceivably, thus, to somehow dispel that perception of illegitimacy of the government, I would immediately get rid of the old cabinet members, upon my assumption to office. After successfully revamping my cabinet, I would immediately buckle down to business, knowing full well that with the taint of illegitimacy removed, my countrymen will likely be in full support of the programs I'll embark on and the policies that I will implement. One of the first things I will focus on is the reduction of grinding poverty. In order to do this, I feel that I have to pull all the country's resources and re-allocate it according to my administration's level of priorities. Since my long term goal is to alleviate, if not completely defeat, poverty, I will urge the Congress to direct more funds from the national budget to education, health care, and job generation. I truly feel that if more money will be given to the education sector and will not be pocketed by few unscrupulous governmental officials and/or employees, then the likelihood that the country's quality of education will improve will be better. This is so because if the money for education will truly go to programs for the improvement of education, then I feel that education will naturally improve. If education will be improved and it will be made available to a greater number of citizens in the country, then their chances of landing a good job for themselves would perhaps be higher. In relation to jobs, however, I feel that my administration must likewise turn its attention to its generation, since unemployment and underemployment rates are currently quite high. By providing jobs to a well-educated citizenry, such citizens would have income that they could use for their daily subsistence and, as the number of those unemployed and underemployed gradually lowers, then it could very well be likely that poverty would slowly be reduced as well, since previously unemployed citizens would be likely employed and would be given their wages. However, to ensure that all the citizens are in the best shape of their lives to be very productive in the workplace, my administration would also ensure that the country will have a good system of health care. Hopefully, through a top quality educational system, excellent job opportunities, and efficient health care system, my administration would be able to achieve its long term goal of reducing poverty in the country. These are just some of the first few things that I would possibly do and solve, if I'd be given the privilege to be the president of the country. If only wishes could easily come true...