Mom loves me best - not!
By rowantree
@rowantree (1186)
United States
May 24, 2007 12:42pm CST
So...let's talk about playing favorites, shall we? My own mother has always made it crystal clear that I am the last person she wants anything to do with. She made this really clear when I was little and she hasn't wavered in her opinion no matter what I do.
I have two younger sisters. The middle sister was always Mom's favorite. All that changed though when the youngest got married to a man who made "good money". She became Mom's favorite. They divorced and she got remarried to a man who made even more "good money" than her first husband. My mother is so obsessed with her and what she has that she could blow up the Sears Tower and my mother would defend her for it and say she was justified to do it.
For the most part, this doesn't affect me. Every once in a while, a big stab will come my way, but usually it's not a problem.
My younger sister is having a baby shower for a baby she and her husband just adopted. I was told (told, mind you, never asked) that I was co-hosting this shower along with my mom, middle sister and my younger sister's mother-in-law. My sister, let's call her HRH for Her Royal Highness, shall we? Anyways, HRH decided she wanted her baby shower at the local super expensive country club, since she and her husband are members there, the room would be free of charge. Ok, that's good, since we're on a moderate income. But HRH didn't let me know that all of the food would be catered by the country club and HRH picked the menu out herself and I'm being handed a bill.
I bought some things for the baby before his birth and HRH had a fit. I still don't know why. My guess is that she felt I wasn't going to present her with anything at the shower. My middle sister emailed me with a "VIP LIST" of things that me, my parents and HRH's husband's side of the family were to buy things from for HRH. I didn't buy anything off the list. I did buy a lot of clothes, a specific line that HRH really wanted. I also bought a few toys. I have spent quite a bit of money.
Once the baby was born, I bought him more things as a welcome home thing. While there, HRH was whining how she didn't have a changing pad for downstairs and she hoped SOMEONE was getting this for her at her shower, since she was so tired of having to change the baby on her bed (they had been home 1 day). So when I left their house, I went to Target, where she is registered, and bought her the changing pad, along with some other things that weren't on the registry, and took it to her.
She hasn't spoken to me since then. I am such a horrible, terrible person for buying her son all these things, aren't I? I'm being so awful, treating HRH as though she can't afford to buy these things herself. That's what she told me. I swear.
HRH decided it'd be "fun" if the shower was co-ed. She also decided that our middle sister and me will bring our children to the shower so that her own child and stepchildren won't be bored at the shower. She did make it clear that she didn't want anyone else's children there at the shower, just ours. Then HRH decided she didn't want a co-shower anymore.
HRH chose the invitations and I ordered and paid for them. HRH gave me a printed list of everyone invited and their addresses. I had 2 days to mail them, because HRH refused to give me the list until the last possible minute. On this list, she has written down that my sister's husband and my husband will be attending. I blew it off. She was missing 3 addresses and told me to email her mother-in-law for them. So I did and I received the reply. The addresses were Mr & Mrs & Family, but I figured since HRH told me to ask her mother-in-law for these addresses, that this is something the two of them had previously discussed.
No problem. All of the invitations got mailed out right on schedule. Of course, when I mentioned this to my sisters and my mother, nothing is said, subject changed. Did I mention that I had to come up with the invitation wording, get HRH's approval, configure it on my computer and then print each invitation on my printer? Did I mention that I wrote each envelope out?
I have 2 children. Both times my sisters and my mother can't be bothered to make any kind of effort to make either shower halfway decent. My first shower consisted of a gathering of my mother's friends in a really crummy restaurant. Some of my coworkers didn't get invitations, although I was told they were invited. Did I throw a fit? No. My second shower was held at MY home. I basically threw my own shower. But for HRH, it's country club, fancy food catered, fancy invites, special printing, etc.
Yes I am a total idiot. When I was told I was co-hosting I should have said NO.
Today, while I'm having central air installed in my home & my home is busy with workers, my mother calls. She is very, very angry and yelling at me, wanting to know why my uncle's name is on my grandmother's invitation. It isn't. She doesn't believe me. I guess she's too lazy to go over to her mother's house, one block away, to look at the envelope. It's so much more fun to dial my number and start yelling at me for something I didn't do and then tell me that she doesn't believe me. Then I get yelled at because HRH's father called his own son to ask why 3 family members had "and family" invited to the shower.
She was completely and totally angry, her voice was shaking. I explained and then I let her know that she had no right to yell at me - at which time, of course, she denied ever being angry.
That's the way it always is. One of them has something going wrong in their life, they dial my number, nitpick at me for things I didn't do and when I try to defend myself, they say they're not angry.
I emailed my sister and let her know that I do not need this and that if she had a question about how I addressed the invitations, she can be a grown up and talk to me herself. I also let her know that if this is the way she is going to treat me and the way my mother is going to treat me, then she can count me out of the shower.
Wait! As if this wasn't enough, it gets better.
My daughter's birthday is Tuesday. I email my sisters & my parents about her bday, ask to get together on Sunday. HRH is upset because she won't have her stepchildren that day but she will have them on Tuesday. Middle sister has to work until 4pm Sunday. I decide no one wants to eat cake right before dinner on Sunday. I ask HRH if she & her family want to go out for dinner on Tuesday. She has to check with her husband, she says. So I email again, saying we're going to dinner Tues 5-5:30pm and cake at our house afterwards if anyone wants to come.
HRH doesn't like the restaurant my daughter chose, so they're not coming. Middle sister just flat out declines and then says they'll come for cake but it will be a very short visit since the kids have school the next day.
My daughter wants everyone over and wants a party, wants to spend time with her cousins & be able to play. So how do I tell her that her aunts don't want this? How do I tell her that no matter what date or time I try to schedule her party, her aunts just don't want anything to do with it?
I thought about sending a third email out, asking if Monday at 1pm would be ok. Then I got so upset while typing it that I cancelled it. Now this has happened with my mother and HRH and I don't even want them over here anyways.
I'm just going to try to fill this long weekend with things to do so she doesn't even realize we're not having a party. Hopefully that works. And if any of them show up Tuesday night, that's fine - at least they won't be here long.
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10 responses
@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
24 May 07
Your family sounds so ungrateful! If I were you I would have quit doing all of those thing long, long ago. They are your family and you are to love them, but they can't trample all over you. It's not fair at all that you have two other sisters and none are doing anything.
I'm pretty much organizing my brother's wedding (his bride is young-ish) and his bachelor party, but it's nothing as hectic as that. I was in charge of invitations (like you I printed and mailed myself) and calling the organizers but him and his fiancee help in every way possible. I've been happy to help them and it's been a honor.. but I could never do something like that under those conditions.
To answer your question though.. I can sort of tell my brother is the favorite, but I don't mind. If my mom makes a lot of fruit juices and he'll always get a bigger cup, he never did anything around the house while I got stuck with all the chores, etc. Things changed some when my mom got sick and I stayed with her in hospital - my brother just visited for an hour or so and left. But he's still the favorite, I can tell. It doesn't bother me though, I'm not a parent but I suppose it's only natural and human to always have a favorite. It's how they show it that makes all the difference, in my opinion.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 May 07
Well I think you did the right thing in puttng your foot down. It needed to be done and probably far earlier but I know that it is easier said then done with family. It becomes ingrained into us to do for them even though it frustrates us to know end.
I don't know how old your daughter is but perhaps just explaining to her due to family schedules that they probably won't come. Do things to make her birthday wonderful without the family. In the future just try to distance yourself from them. To not be available when they want you to do things. Some times we have to draw a line and hold to it no matter what they say.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Well it sounds like she had a good birthday even if the others were intent to try and ruin it. Only right they should pay for the meal. Makes sense to me. Looks like you did the right thing about making it about her and not worrying about them.
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Thank you very much for everything you wrote. We did make the weekend all about my daughter, all her choices, whatever she wanted. On Monday we went to Chicago & at the end of the day, she thanked me and told me she had the best day ever. My middle sister & her daughter (my niece) and my mother did come to the restaurant. It wasn't unpleasant but it was uncomfortable. Although neither one said they were coming over to my house afterwards, my mom did end up staying long enough to eat a piece of cake. My middle sister actually paid the restaurant bill and like I told my husband, since she and my mom pretty much ruined our dinner, the least she could do is pay for it! LOL!
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
25 May 07
Now, you sound like a wonderful sister to have done this for the one that adopted the baby. To me she seems like to be a spoilt ungreatful women. i would not stand for that and would tell her where to go. The other thing is, you should not let them tell you how to have your daughters birthday, if they want to come then they come. Your daughter is the one you should be making happy and not them. I would plane it and let them know by email or mail and if they do come good for them. If not you show your daughter how much fun and make her happy. boo to the rest. this is just crazy and they are grown women, please then tell them to grow up.....
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
1 Jun 07
"please then tell them to grow up...." - THANK YOU for writing this! It's exactly how I'm feeling!
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@chingyieng (248)
24 May 07
You sound so upset and frustrated... and the thing is, you can't do anything much because they are your FAMILY. What a bummer sometimes??? Well, it's strange, they are the closest people to you probably people you love and care most in life but you can't help feeling as if you are being taken for granted... yup... i can tell you it happens in every normal "healthy" family included.
Well, have a open honest talk with all of them. Don't pent in all up inside you... sometimes you just have to let them know how you feel and get it off your chest. Yes, they might not like it... but it's better than feeling miserable abt it later on.
Whatever it is, well, every family has their good and bad side. There must be some good in them that kept you all together even though you can't stand some of the things that happened before. At the very least, it shows that you still value your family and extended family enough to keep going, no matter how bad they made you feel sometimes.
As for your daughter's birthday... well you have tried your best to make everyone happy... send your invitations, if they don't want to come or care enough to come, well, that's just too bad for them... they are missing out. Have a good time with your own family... invite friends or a few of her friends from school over for a tea party or something... I am sure your daughter would like that. If your sister's family is so fussy over things like that... well, just hang them... and move on or get on with life... why make yourself unhappy over things beyond your control. You have done your best... Sometimes, patience and virtue takes time to see their results... Hang in there... and all the best!!!
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
25 May 07
What you said about there must be some good in them that kept you all together is really true. We have some really wonderful times together. I'm just realizing for the first time ever though, that those really wonderful times are at their whim, whenever they feel like including me and my family. So what I thought were wonderful times were really them just pretending.
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@MakeItCount (350)
• India
25 May 07
I not my mother's favorite either! I've just stopped expecting anything from my family- I do have a relationship with them and I keep things nice and polite but I have created my own support system so that I don't have to rely on them for anything. I guess after a point of time you've got to stop expecting things to change. I think it would make sense to cultivate lots of friends so that if your family doesn't turn up for your daughter's birthday you can still have a nice party.
God bless and remember you're not alone!
@toe_ster (770)
• United States
25 May 07
I can relate somewhat. I feel your pain. I am sorry you and your family have to suffer from others selfishness. I have had plenty of experiences like this. I am #5 of 6 kids and definately not the favorite. I am the one that gets the short end of the stick, like it sounds like you do. Same b-day situations and everything. It is so hard for me as a mother to have to try and explaint to a 2,3,or 4 year old why his cousins can't make it to his 'family b'day'. I learned the hard way. I distanced myself an kids from them and searched out other friends and family to create for my children. It is sad that parents and siblings can't always see past their own nose and realize there are others in this family and world that son't revolve solely around them. I know it hurts, but maybe its for the better, to not count too much on them for any love or support. When asked to participate, politely decline. Maybe and hopefully sooner rather than later they will get a clue. I am sorry again for your suffereing.
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
25 May 07
Thank you. It does hurt and I know it's for the better, that I am standing up for myself for the first time ever in my 43 years. It isn't making it any easier though!
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@jiffys_frog_woman (4050)
• United States
1 Jun 07
iam the oldest of of 5 kids i was not the favorite either i was made to do all chores go to school work and take care of my brothers my realtaionship it to the point with my mother that she took me to court for grandparents visits i say tell your daughter the truth i only have one child but is if have more they will be treated equal and to this day iam still fighting with my mother on over my daughter so screwed up with me and wants a redo with my daughter not happening so sorry this is happening to you
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
24 May 07
Well, I wouldn't worry about it too much, I would let it go and just accept that they are the way they are. Although I don't think your child will understand.
I too am not fond of my mother, and my sister has always been her favorite. My mother had little or no concern for me as a child, she let me get abused physically, sexually, and mentally, and done NOTHING about it. I could care less if she likes me or not.
I too have the same fear though. My children are quite young right now, but as they grow, I know they will ask of Grandma and why I have nothing to do with her. I don't know yet what I will say.
It is awful that mother's can be so terrible. Most people with normal families don't realize how lucky they are.
But, as I said, I wouldn't let it bother me. You should not cry due to this, people will be the way they are and nothing can change them but themselves. Maybe someday they will realize how terrible they are being to you. I hope you get to feeling better about this situation soon.
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
25 May 07
Thank you. I'm sorry about your situation with your mom. We want to protect our children, we want our children to know our family. The twist is, in order to protect them, we have to keep them away from our families.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
25 May 07
I know you are just venting, but believe me you are not alone. Probably most of us share these same petty family issues. My stance is to do what's best for my own family first. Since with some family members, nothing I do is right any way, why bother doing it in the first place. I can tell you that I am much happier now. My philosophy is just because you are blood related to someone, doesn't give them the right to treat you badly or even to be friends with them.
@curvychick77 (1084)
• United States
24 May 07
It sounds like you come from a pretty well off family..well moneywise. Your mother picks the favorite one because she married a man with money, so naturally that could be one part of it. Money makes others greedy and selfish, and you have described your family well in that situation. You seem to be different than the others, and I praise you for that. You seem to be a good person with a good heart, and may God bless you you want the best for your kids.
I think because you are not like the other people in your family that you are being shunned, but at the same time forced to do things you don't want to do, like pay the food bill, and buy all those gifts for your nephew. I think you did fine, you spoiled him and I think that your sister should appreciate the fact that you were at least there for her and her baby. She whined, but you were still there. I guess that was not enough for her.
Your mother seems to also be like HRH and seems to be putting you in the middle most times. You deserve better treatment than this. You don't need to do everything for them. Don't be afraid to say no, they seem to be doing it to you by not wanting to attend your little girls party.
Here you are doing all you can to please them and when it comes down to it they are not really there for you. Do you think that's fair? I don't. I feel for you and I want you to know I know the feeling. There are members of my family, mostly my aunts and cousins who have these homes that cost a fortune. They love to rub it in that my mother has a small home and that my husband and I live in a mobil home. They always pry and ask why we are not better off and why we won't buy a nicer home. Personally I'm fine here, we are happy in our mobile home, my mother is happy in hers, but my mother and husband and I are the ones who get shunned by members of MY family. It's not exact, but it is similar. I've gotten stuck with paying for things I never knew about, then getting yelled at for it.
I say, take a stand, live your life and don't let yourself be put in the middle. If they won't treat you as well as the others, why the hell should you have to treat them like royalty, right? I wish you well and if you need a friend I am here. I can understand these things because it's happend in my family.
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
25 May 07
Actually my family isn't well off, just average. Both of my sisters, however, married into money and I didn't. I don't care about the money. I feel it doesn't separate us in any way. Sure, they have a lot of things we don't, but it really, truly doesn't matter to me. I was always told growing up that I had to take care of my sisters. All I want is their friendship. For the first time, I'm wondering if it matters to them? Do they feel I'm not good enough because I don't have a nicer home or the newest car? What really bothers me is that my sisters both talk about how close all of us are, how close all of our kids are (they do all get along very well) and yet they get together with their kids and do things and don't invite our family. They actually send me the photos at KodakGallery online. My kids always ask why they weren't invited and I always make excuses for my sisters. Because the only reason we're not invited is that my sisters are not nice people. I try to do everything right in my life and yet I get treated this way by my family. My kids like playing with their cousins, they all have a great time together and I hate that my sisters ping pong with including and excluding my kids. When they feel like having a "family moment", my kids are invited. Otherwise, my kids are excluded. My kids don't understand this - how could anyone possibly understand this? The saying "no nice deed goes unpunished" is so true.
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