My kids play with a toliet plunger.

My childrens very unlikely toy. A toliet plunger.  - My kids unlikely toy. A toliet plunger.
United States
May 24, 2007 7:49pm CST
I have 4 kids and they just love to play with a toliet plunger. I know what you are thinking how gross is that right. But it's not the same one I use around the house. I noticed one day that my 2 year old was taking the plunger and throwing it to see where it would stick. He would laugh so had after sticking it to the walls and floor. So I made my hubby go get them a new clean one that they could play with. All of my kids play with it but more so my 2 year old. I think its OK as long as it is clean and they are safe and having fun. Do any of your kids play with unusual things?
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11 responses
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
25 May 07
Isn't funny the random things kids will decide to play with? At least they have a new clean one to play with lol. My daughter just likes to play with keyboards, phones, really just anything with buttons to push.
3 people like this
• United States
25 May 07
Yeah they will find fun in anything sometimes.
• United States
25 May 07
Sounds really funny, kids do pick stuff that we don't understand. My kids always seemed to have a lot of fun with boxes, paper towel tubes, ect. One of mine just loved to tear labels off of cans----sometimes supper was a real surprise, not knowing what we were opening, I finally took to writting what was in the can on the end with markers.
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• United States
25 May 07
Oh thats a great idea. My 2 year old does it too with the cans. And now I will be writing whats in it on the can.
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• United Arab Emirates
25 May 07
That sounds funny but, keep watching them not to let them use the other one till they notice the difference.
• United States
25 May 07
No I will not let them play with the dirty one.
• United States
25 May 07
Kids find the most unusual things to play with. Mine always played with the boxes the toys came in. I could never figure it out. It's the imagination and experiencing discovery that counts.
• United States
26 May 07
Thats for sure.
@vorbro (83)
• United States
25 May 07
I think that imagination is such a huge part of play and it makes sense that they would find something that wouldnt be normally seen as a toy. In fact id be curious to know what they think it anyhow you owe yourself a pat on the back for suppling them with a clean one to play with instead of just quashing there fun.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 May 07
Yep they love it. And they mostly just stick it to the walls and floors.
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@toe_ster (770)
• United States
25 May 07
I enjoy your discussions. I find Ican relate and they are pretty funny. The wierdest things my kids played with are the shower loofahs, and the long handled scrubbing thins. I can't think of the name of it. It is the one you used to scrub your back. It grossed me out, so I made my husband go buy them their own. It is funny. They use it as a microphone or wand, baseball bat...whatever their imaginations let them be. And as for the loofas, the put them on their wrists or arms and run around the house. But Ilike your plunger one better. I was laughing like my own kids did it.
• United States
26 May 07
Imangination is a great thing.
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
25 May 07
We have a plunger that I bought specially for the kids, to stop them trying to play with the one we use. My son would spend hours plunging when he was 3. I'm glad to know we're not the only family who has had to do this.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 May 07
nope your not alone.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
25 May 07
Okay, my kids are grown, and raising their own kids, so if they play with strange things their partners can deal with it. I just wanted to complement you on being such a flexible and understanding mom. I think you are great for appreciating this fascination. My best comparison is that when I worked at Head Start we used clean, new flyswatters to dip in trays of bubble solution and blow millions of itty bitty bubbles. It was fun. Gross, if they were used, but fun, because they were new. For giant bubbles we used the plastic hangers that baby clothes come on from the stores. They make really big bubbles.
• United States
25 May 07
Oh cool god bless head start.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
25 May 07
My son (2 also) loves to play with my husbands utensils that he uses when he cooks out on the grill. The tongs, spatula and the pocker things, I don't know what it is called. He will take the long metal spatula and push it along the floor, and the tongs...well today I was making his breakfast and he kept pinching my butt with them!! Then he started trying to get my boobs!! Little boys are crazy!! My son did try to play with our toilter plunger once but I wouldn't let him because it is so icky!! But if I bought a new clean one I thinks it would be fine...really funny!!
1 person likes this
• United States
25 May 07
Trust me its funny as heck.
• United States
25 May 07
My kids play with odd things. I think it is good kids play with odd things it helps them use their imanagination. I would buy a new plunger for them to play with because on the off chance the plunger gets used in the toilet and does not get cleaned well enough. The germs that live in our bowel is e-coli which could kill the kids. Just advise from an RN and a mom. Other than that let the kids play away.
• United States
25 May 07
And thats exactly what I did.
@LRB1111 (356)
• United States
25 May 07
Kids will be kids. Everything fascinates a 2 year old. No hard done as long as it's clean. Just make sure to let them know that the one in the bathroom is off limits. lol. When I was young I used to play with the canned goods in the cabinets. I used to stack them and make a fort. I also had a strange fascination with playing in the sink when the dirty dishes were soaking. I used to put toys in there and create this little imaginary land in the sink. Children have wild imaginations. Sadly, Dirty dishes to not hold the same appeal for me anymore...