What is something you want for your kids that you never had???
@babygurl850406 (1322)
United States
May 24, 2007 8:46pm CST
Have you ever said "I want my kids to have this because I never had it when I was little"? Things you remember from childhood that you wanted bad or something you never got to do when you were little....
For my kids I would have to say, I want to travel with them so they can see different parts of the world because when I was little I never got to travel much and still haven't I think it would be a great experience for a family to share.
As for smaller things I had always wanted a Barbie jeep when I was small but never had one, My oldest has a small one and I would love to get her something better later on.
I had gone to good private schools and wish I can soon afford to send them to the best schools so that they can get a good education like I had.
So then, what are things you want for your kids that you never had?
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22 responses
@sramsey150 (162)
• United States
25 May 07
i want my child to be invovled in after school activities and sports because my mom never incouraged my brothers and i as children.
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
25 May 07
Yeah, my parents never encouraged me to get involved in things either. I wish they had. Although we HAD to take one year of piano lessons and then opt out after that, I wish I had continued to take piano lessons. I never had any outside activities.
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
yes that is also great, sramsey, if I had sons I would encourage them to play sports even my daughters I would love for them to be involved too, I played basketball when I was younger and I loved it.
and patgalca that is a good suggestion about playing piano for a year then choosing after that. I played piano for a few months and I hated it it wasnt my thing I guess. But atleast to give them a chance at doing something involving music.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
25 May 07
opportunity. it was something i didn't have much of and i had to move to find it. i didn't want my children to worry about going for their dreams because of the financial state and problems of their parents. and i want them to experience the closes to their parents which i lacked after a while when growing up. every parent want for their child what they didn't have. i do want to make it easier on them in life, but i will also make them work hard for it. mostly i don't want them to worry too much about money all the time and teach them to cherish what they do have.
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
thats a really good answer I have to agree with that. I have the same views as you.
thank you for responding.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
25 May 07
I would want them to be able to follow their dreams and be the people they were meant to be. I would hope that there would be no naysayers around to stop them.
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@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
25 May 07
There will always be naysayers either through jealousy or negativity. I hope for your children to have confidence, too, so the naysayer's arrows bounce off them.
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
I do agree there will always be naysayers around that can get in the way. I would want them to know no matter what always follow your dream even if somebody says you cant do it. To have enough confidence and strength to do so anyways. Good luck to you!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 May 07
I think having a safe place to call home is #1 for me. Every time I think about my childhood I find myself thinking "My child will never have to go through that." That's really the big thing.
I would also really like for him to have some money to start his independant life with when he's old, whether it's used for college or something else that interests him. I was kind of thrust into the world penniless, and I don't want that for my child. I want him to have the chance to learn who he is and decide what he wants to do while knowing he'll be able to do important things like eat while he's deciding.
On a lighter note, I'd like for him to have whatever is necessary to pursue his great passion, be that books, musical instruments, sports equipment, or whatever.
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
that is wonderful. I want the same for my kids, to have every opportunity open for them to pursue, I had many interests when I was younger but my family had limited means to get me involved with any of them.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
25 May 07
I've always wanted my children to have a tree house and a really fun, imaginative back yard to play in. My dream yard would have little paths through flower and vegetable gardens planted by or for the kids, a real looking play house, a big swing set, a picnic table...whatever their little imaginations could come up with.
My dad was going to build me a tree house but my mom's house projects got put first. My mom said she didn't have time to take care of a garden....
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
that is a really good idea! I want to get the money soon to have a backyard full of fun things for the kids to do, a garden would be great, knowing my daughter she will love it and nurture it very good. Thank you for these ideas, you got me anxious to do this.
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
25 May 07
I am 23 and I have never been to disney world. I would like my son to experince this while he is still a child. I do believe that every child should get to visit it while they are still young. I think it is important for young children to believe in imagnary!!
@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
I agree with you, I am 22 and have been to Disney World once at 3 and would love to go back and let my kids experience this too, maybe make an effort to go once every 2-3 years or whatever is affordable.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
25 May 07
and your question made me pause and think awhile.
i had a difficult childhood but i never regret going through every inch of difficulty since i was brought up well somehow.
when it comes to my kids, i still want them to go through some of my experiences... not the difficulties but atleast, i want them to experience how it is to live without a car, atleast experience not to have everything that they want... it's a part of the learning process that they will be able to appreciate life more.
if ever i already have kids, i want them to experience having their mom and dad together. i grew up with my parents separated because my dad needs to work always abroad. we understand him but we always miss the presence of a father. so, it's one thing i want my kids to experience... a mom and dad together at home... a happy family... together.
@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
It is good, to show your kids that can't have everything they want, they do appreciate life more instead of being spoiled brats who can just ask for something and get it at the drop of a hat.
I think if I had money when my kids are old enough for cars, I would probably have them atleast work to pay for insurance or something of the such. I will know when the time comes though.
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
25 May 07
I want my children to have the exact same things I had as a child. I want them to have parents who are there for them, who support them, and give them what they NEED and not what they WANT.
I am sick of hearing parents who say they want to give their kids a television in their room because they never had it as a child. There is a reason for that. You don't NEED a television in your room. Parents today spoil their kids too much with cell phones, computers, video games and such. We have one computer and my kids are rarely on it. If they want something badly enough they can save their money and buy it themselves. That is what I did with my first paycheque - bought a small television.
These same parents are complaining about being broke. We are broke but not because we are not living within our means. We are broke because I became ill and unable to work. We lived in this house 10 years before we even bought a can of paint. It was so ugly.
My parents never let us watch television or play outside after dinner on a school night. I know it was for our own good because I see my own kids struggling to get their homework done because they want to watch this show and that. When I was growing up the television was not in a main living area like they are today. So if one parent is watching television, then the kids are there watching television. I wish I could enforce the rule my parents enforced but my 10 year old has not had any homework lately so going outside and playing is good for her. I won't deny her that. It's better for her than the television anyway.
It is also important to teach children the value of a dollar. You can't do that if you are constantly buying them stuff. And besides, they have too much "stuff".
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
26 May 07
I do love giving my kids things, but I do want them to learn the value of a dollar too. I want to start my oldest on chores for a allowance and when she gets enough money she can buy something she wants at the store, and as she gets older, even if I have good money I will still have her do things and learn she cant just ask for something to get it. Life doesn't work that way. I do want them to realize that as they get older.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
25 May 07
There are 2 things that are very important for me to give my kids that I did not have. The first is a stay at home mom. My mother worked very hard all of her life. She was a waitress so she worked nights and we didn't see her very often. When I was about 12, she bought a pizza shop and this had her working even longer hours. My father would take us there for dinner to see her, but it wasn't like all my friends had~ a mom home when they got home from schoo.
The second thing is taking a yearly vacation with my family. I remember about going on 3 vacations growing up. I have expressed my desire to take my kids on a family vacation every year to my husband. We have been blessed by being able to budget enough money in our vacatioin fund to go to the beach every year for the past 18 yrs.
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@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
25 May 07
I would agere with you. I want to take my son travelling. my parents ran (still run) a farm. We took a lot of day trips but could never leave the farm longer than a few hours. We went on 1 trip when I was 3 years old to California. We went to visit my great aunt and we went to Disneyland. I was only 3 but I remember it, the plane trip, the heat, Mickey Mouse and Goofy, ice cream etc.... I can't believe that I remember as much as I do. I guess it had an impact on me. I just remember being so happy because back then we were a happy family. After taht time money got tough and my parents seemed to get angry with eachother and the world. But anyways, I digress from the topic.
I want to take my son on trips to see Disneyland. I want to travel with him across Canada. I want to take him to the Olympics when they get to Vancouver although I don't think I can afford it. I want to take him to the Calgary Stampede, I want to go on a Donkey Hike with him through the Grand Canyon. I want to go on a cattle Drive with him in Alberta, I want to stand at the top of the Effiel Tower with him and see the Arc de Triumph (in France) I want to take him to see the Amazon (been there and loved it, it's a whole different world). I want to take him to Ireland, Russia, Thailand, Australia so he can see a Kangaroo in person. I want to take him everywhere because we have only this one life (some people believe) and I want to help him live it. I want him to grow up to understand that he is part of a huge world and it is more made up of more than he can see around him here. I want him to travel and grow up with tolerance to different cultures and peoples. I want him to have a thirst for knowledge and travel like I do. My boy is such a fun, curious, intelligent, kind, and compassionate individual I know he will be an awesome travel companion! I can hardly wait!
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
26 May 07
that sounds like a lot of fun, you named some really good places to travel to. I cant wait either til my kids get alittle older and I can save money to take them places too. I want my kids to see the world with me.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
25 May 07
Definitely travel. We did not live near family when I was growing up so all vacations were spent going to see family. I want my son to remember fun travel vacations. Disney World is definitely on that list, among many, many things.
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@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
25 May 07
Yes definately, it is a great memory for children to travel with their family.
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
25 May 07
I don't think there's something like an object, 'cause I've always had pretty much everything I wanted when I was little.
But what I do wish my kids (when I have them, someday) are not shy, or at least not as shy as I used to be. I still am (although I might not sound like a shy person here), but it doesn't bother/hurt me anymore.
If I notice they're getting to the same way I was, I'll try to lead them to another path.
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
25 May 07
My wants are quite simple for my daughter, I want to grow up in an environment without fighting, with a dad that spends time with her rather that going to the pub and to have a loving family and good role models so that she can see what life is supposed to be like! I didnt really have this as a child and ended up in an abusive relationship because that is what I thought was normal, but now I have a loving partner who has shown me what life is supposed to be like and that is what I want my daughter to have, all the material things I dont care about!
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
26 May 07
There is a huge huge list girll! lol..I had such a crappy and boring child hood..we didnt do anythign and we were made to grow up super fast..by age 9 i watched mysister all night long while mom worked third shift..and dad didnt live there anymore.,i cooked,cleaned,got her ready for school.after school same deal until mom woke up at 4 pm..we only saw her for maybe an hr a day..because we were aloud to play outside when she got up.yeaaa it sucked!!! so now i ant to give him EVERYTHING I NEVER HAD,,.Like i want him to have the longest and best possible childhood..and being a kid as long as he wants lol..taking him to Parks,Museums,birthday parties with friends,but I do make him help me clean..he likes it actually and cooks too..he loves that soo much! lol..Ther is one thing i wish with all my heart he had that i did but he was a drunk and never around for us girls..is a DAD..a real dad..his dad/DONOR! has never been around from day one..how the hell someone could deny there own beautiful child is beyond me..but thats ok we are doin great without him..itys just..he needs a man figure in his life..and he doesnt have anything..at allll...so i play both parts as the best i can..maybe il get him in a Big Brother program here..but..yea..i wish i could give him a great dad:)
@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
26 May 07
That is a good outlook you have, so many mommies play the role of mother and father nowadays and your son will grow up being close with you and look back with respect for you to do the things you have done with him and for him. Many times kids who grow up fatherless will make a huge effort to be there for their kids when they have them because they know what it is like.
@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
25 May 07
Hmm tough question because what you wanted and never had might not be what your kids want at all.
I want my kids to have the opportunity to do whatever they wanted if its good for them. I want my kids to know not to worry about money but to be able to understand the value of money.
I grew up always saving for a rainy day and I've missed out on a few things because I believed that keeping the money was more important. It was important, I don't regret it but I wish I had the opportunity not to worry about money that much.
I wouldn't get my kids some kind of toy just because I never had that kind of toy. I don't think its important. Kids get tired of things easily and when they were adults they won't be thinking of what they owned but what fun they had. Now as an adult I remember what fun I had but I don't really think about what I wish I had.
I would send my kids to a good school. It doesn't have to be the best. I believe its not the school that make you a student that excel in studies, but more often its yourself that determines that. A smart kid with good discipline and an eagerness for learning his chosen subjects will do well regardless of schools.
@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
26 May 07
thats a good perspective to use. Whatever my kids are interested in and want to do I want to encourage that. If it is something they dislike I dont want to force them to do it, but encourage and help them do the things they are interested in.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
25 May 07
The one thing I want for my kids that I didn't have growing up is to live in a world where the color of your skin doesn't matter. I doubt that it will happen but thats what I want for them. I want them to be able to been seen as the wonderful people they are and not by what skin tone they have. Material things don't mean jack to me if they can't be happy just being who they are in life.
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@toe_ster (770)
• United States
25 May 07
Safety and security. I was brought up in an unstable home. That is thing i longed for most. I am still unsure if Iam doing right, having not had the experience. As for material things. I was number 5 of six. I rarely got new things. I would like for my kids to appreciate new and used things equally the same.So far so good. I always wanted my very own new bike. To this day I never had one. But my kids each got their own when they were ready for them. I like the thougt and hope to ensure the same kind of schooling, and being able to travel. But who knows. Maybe one day I will get it all right!
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@yellowrose110261 (17)
• United States
25 May 07
I would have to say that I wan tmy children to be able to and to feel comfortable coming to me or my husband to talk about things that are important to them or concerns/questions thay have and know that they won't get in trouble for doing so.
When I was growing up, I was made to be terrified of my step-father and my mother was nieve and just as terrifieed as I so. He even forbid my sister and I to have private conversations with her.
I have always been open and honest about everything with my children in hopes that can be open and honest with me.
@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
26 May 07
That is a good answer, I have thought about that so much too. I wasnt scared of my parents exactly but I felt weird about telling my parents things. Usually my mom would cry and my dad would overeact. I want my kids to know they can tell us everything and not feel bad for doing so.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
25 May 07
I've got to do that Barbie jeep thing. I had completely forgotten about those things. Wow! I would have really loved one of those when i was kid. As far as what else I would get for her. Well, I want her to be really smart and have access to good education, so I just got her an older windows 98 computer to do her computer learning games on. It's working like a charm.
I hope she has more stability in her life growing up and can just live in one place. When I was a kid we moved around all the time. I didn't like that much. It affected my ability to keep friends. So, guess i would say, Stability is my wish for her. Thanks for the insightful question. Much appreciated.