Are you working or a stay home mom?

@shy611 (53)
May 24, 2007 11:51pm CST
if you are a stay home mom do you expect your husband to help you with the household chores? or if your both working who does most of the chores? if he is the stay home dad, do you still do chores?
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13 responses
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
25 May 07
I'm a stay at home mom of two kids. I stay home all day with the kids, plus do the house cleaning. I don't find it hard at all. It's easy. I don't understand how some people complain about the housework not being done when they stay home all day with the kids. It can be done. You just can't be one of those mothers who just sit on the couch all day. Anyway, my husband does do some house cleaning. He will do the dishes, even on the days he works. I do everything else though. And on the days he has off, he actually lets me sleep and rest up and then he will do a little more then just the dishes, he will sometimes vacuum for me, but I mainly do the other cleaning. I think it is more like team work, but I would never make him come home and clean when I am home all day and I could of done it when the kids are sleeping/napping or when they are at school.
• Maldives
27 May 07
You're amazing if you find it easy to be a stay at home mom especially with two kids. I am a new mom and at the moment I'm a SAHM. It's been 9 months since I gave birth and just stayed home to take care of our baby. Everyday is a challenge for me (being a mother and a wife)but I try to do as much as I can. I do most of the housework. When my baby naps in the morning, I do the laundry and the housecleaning. In the afternoon I cook and iron clothes. Sometimes I get frustrated when my baby wakes up after a short period of time because then I wont be able to finish my chores. But its okay coz my hubby understands and he helps. After work, he takes care of the baby and he does the dishes so I can rest before bedtime. At the end of the day, Im thankful I have a great hubby and a cute baby!
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
27 May 07
As time goes by, you will learn more and more how to swing things. It seems to me that you are doing a FANTASTIC job! You seem like an awesome mom/wife! It's also nice that your husband helps out some. I think men should help out with some work, not all, but it doesn't hurt to lift a helping hand.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
25 May 07
I'm a stay at home mom. I do expecthe helps out with the house, after all he lives here as well. We don't split things 50/50, though I wish we did. But we're about 60/40 where I do some what more than him around the home. But he still has to help as he is part of the family and we are all expected to care for the house we live in.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
27 May 07
You do have a point there. I think it's about 60/40 here as well. But I actually don't mind doing the cleaning. The only thing that I hate doing is the dishes because I always have my little one at my side and then my older one is running around like a crazy wild animal. I finally just said I'm not doing dishes during the day, it's pointless, so I have my husband do the dishes when he gets home and I keep the kids entertained. :)
• United States
31 May 07
Yes I am a stay at home mom and love it. My husband and I do share some chores. I do most of the cooking, and cleaning and stuff like that, but since I do work from home I expect him to keep the house clean and clean up after him and the kids while I am working. I do help him with outside chores though too. I help him with the yard, and gardening and things like that as well.
@hdcc829 (15)
• United States
27 May 07
I am now a stay at home mom and I do all the chores with the exception on the yard work and taking out the trash. My boyfriend offers to do the dishes and wash the clothes but I feel like he is working why should he have to do that stuff. I was a working mother when I was married to my sons dad and I did everything with the same exceptions. He however did not offer to help me do anything even though we boh worked and I was in school. I have found that is usually how it is the woman does everything in the house even if she does work. I have been lucky enough to find the best guy in the world who works to support me, him and my son and is still willing to do household chores.
• United States
27 May 07
I am what you might call a working stay at home mom. I work at home, business stuff online. As far as chores go. I don't dare let my husband do chores. Don't get me wrong. It's not as if I'm old fashioned. But, he can actually clean the house better than me. Now that's crazy. Ok, now that I've actually said it outloud, that doesn't make sense....why the heck don't I let him clean the house. He's always offering! I'm kind of compulsive so I like to clean the house myself. But, I don't mind if he takes out the trash.
• United States
25 May 07
Even though I am home every day with my son I still expect my husband to do some of the chores. After all...running after a 2 year old all time can be pretty stressful and I think it is just like a full time job! I take on most of the responsibility for chores, but he still needs to do his part. And the best thing he can do is occupy our son for 30 minutes and let me take a breather!
@AshleyHasan (1024)
• India
25 May 07
I am working mom and I still expect my huband to help me in work , we actually divide the work and do it and my husband helps me a lot in work....My husband also works..Most of the work he do for my baby she is just 6 months old haha..
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
25 May 07
I am a stay at home working mom. I work from home so I do all the thing a mom does around the house and I do data entry and every thing else I can get my hands on.
@youless (112876)
• Guangzhou, China
25 May 07
I am a working mom. Our housework is shared. For example, if I cook, then he will wash the dishes. It's not fair for one part to do all the housework. Besides, even if one has to work and the other stays at home. It's still better for the one who has to work outside help to do some housework.
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
25 May 07
I am a stay at home. I have a three month old son so I expect my husband to help me out even if it is just watching him so that I can get some of the chores done around the house. The only chore that he is expected to do is to keep the grass cut (which has to be done at least once a week here if not more) and to take the trash out to the road every thurs night.
@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
25 May 07
I am stay at home mom right at the moment, but when i was working i still did all the chores. I exspect him to do something that doesnt mean that it will get done. I had to do everything from the laundry to mow the grass i will give him that this year we dont have riding mower he has helped with the mowing, but before i did it all. all he ever really did was go to work and watch the kids from time to time or when i was at work.
@maehan (1439)
• United States
25 May 07
When both of us are working, we share the household chores. As I am a homemaker right now, he will help if I ask him to; usually I will ask him to wash his own dishes after he had his snack.
• United States
25 May 07
I am a stay at home mom that works. I do telecommunication work for a company from my dining room. Before I became disabled, I was a real estate agent who fortunately was able to connect with a RE company that let me basically work from home, via fax, phone & computer. My kids use to love going on showings and open houses with me. As long as they had games in the car, they were fine while I was out prospecting or doing inspections. Now they are older (13&14) and they respect my job and know when I am on the phone with a client they need to be quiet. Our housework? Well, when it gets done (LOL) it gets done by me.