Should a priest be allowed to marry ?

May 25, 2007 11:07am CST
I am a catholic and in our religion a priests is not allowed to marry as he is supposed to be married to the church but is this right to make a decision that in order to love God that you are not allowed to love someone else ? God teaches that we should all love each other and that we can have love for more then one person so would it not make sence that if we are expected to love all that a Priest should have to live celebate for the rest of his life because of the rules of the church ? Many other religions allow one to marry but not in the Catholic religion and over the years their has been a lot of bad associated with Catholic Priests , had they been able to marry do you believe this would not be so heard of today ? What are your beliefs ?
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24 responses
@toe_ster (770)
• United States
25 May 07
I am not familiar with the catholic religion and its beliefs. I am mormon. I am not too familiar with our beliefs either. But I do believe in free agency. That one should be aloud to choose anything in life and nobody else has that right totell them how to live, even god. I agree with what you said aboutloving all things and to be told you can't love just feels wrong. Would someone be less of a priest if their love was shared? I doubt it.
• United States
26 May 07
Absolutely!! I think this would "attract" a different type of man to the priesthood. I think it's a very good idea.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
26 May 07
Yes I think that a priest should be allowed to marry. I dont think anything would be wrong with it even if he is a catholic.
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@sithlord (167)
• India
26 May 07
you bring up a very good point...even i wonder why they dont allow catholic priests to marry.but i suppose they think that love with a woman would distract the priest from his primary duty for looking after the church..but then i totally agree with you..everyone should find someone they love..and live a happy life..but i think catholic priests are unlucky to not to be allowed to get married...
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 May 07
I believe priests should be allowed to marry if they so wish. I don't see why being married and having a family would interfere with the religion part of a priest's life. I actually believe it would enrich it. THe main problem I have seen with this celibacy thing throughout the years - and centuries:) - is that in most cases celibacy is not observed, just the marriage part.WHich turn the whole celibacy positive aspects - if any - into nothing. I find that the catholic religion clings to much to the way things have been done in the past without reviewing them or transferring them to the present reality and the results are often not the best. Some things might have been appropriate 900 years ago, but not apply to today's world and life. Everything evolves - regardless if for better or not - and being stagnant is the worse thing that can happen to a religion.
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
26 May 07
samtaylorskykierajen, i am sorry if i didn't spell your name very well, i think is the longest name in mylot community. to your question, for a priest not to marry should be a personal decision but catholics made it mandatory. their don't marry but counsel married women, how did they get the experience. two of my brothers are catholic priests, and i have seen most of them having afairs with women. rev. sisters also having affairs with rev. fathers. why such nonsense! i pray on the catholics to remove such babaric doctrine that has been tarnishing the image of christianity. most of them are now clamouring for gay marriage, is it bablical? God forbid.
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
26 May 07
I am Greek Orthodox and in our religion, priests are allowed to marry though the Archbishop (equivalent to the Catholic Pope, I guess) and monks are not. I think it's great they can marry because they are a source of advice for people in the community sometimes. It is easier to take advice from someone who has been through the same life experiences as those they preach to.
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@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
26 May 07
Priest is one of human. He has the right to enjoy life.. since all things in this earth for the welfare of human beings.. A priest has a right have a wife.. A priest has a right have a child.. ofcourse it is!
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• United States
26 May 07
I think this one little thing would make a huge difference in the Catholic faith. Why should a priest have to live their life alone. I was raised Catholic and still believe in some of what I learned, but some of it I think is archaic and for this reason I am nonpracticing. This is just my opinion..
• United States
26 May 07
Great idea for a discussion, Samtaylorskykierajen! Yes, I have always believed that priests should be allowed to marry. Coming from a Roman Catholic background myself, I am familiar with what makes a young man decide to be a Catholic priest today, and it's not funny. Many feel conflicted about their sexuality, cannot find partners, and believe that their only path out is to go into the priesthood. Those that do go in due to spiritual needs are often confronted with the same conflicting sexuality, especially while being trained, and sometimes after. I am saddened by the fact that a priest from the Arch Diocese where I grew up has been named in abuse suits related to children in his parish. I think that if priests were allowed to be married it would open up the priesthood to men who desire to have a full life rather than those who see it as a way out of their problems. Other forms of Christianity allow their priest/pastors to be married, have children, and lead a full family life. I think this is not only good for them, it is good for their parishioners, who would have a man who is experienced in the problems of home life to counsel them in their times of need, as a priest should.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
26 May 07
Definately Priests should marry and Soon..... then they might not be tempted to diddle little boys and girls. Also, there's absolutely no reason why Women shouldn't be Priests.... Women may not diddle little often anyway... God teaches Love, Yes, but He's never said anything about Diddling little kids.......I doubt if He would like it! I never go to church anymore Being Diddled by a Priest is just too scary for me!
@MJLami (1173)
• United States
26 May 07
Were you sleeping in Catechism all those years? Ok, I apologize for that. What about turning on EWTN once in a while and learning what being Catholic means? They have many different programs on throughout the day and evening and some very good discussions on what the different practices of our faith represent and why Priests and Nuns do not marry, why Catholics celebrate chastity, sacrifice and what more than just the 10 commandments being catholic means. A priest is married just not to a human being, The same with a nun. They take their vows and they wear wedding bands. Some of us don't have this vocational calling and still do not necessarily have spouse either. We want everyone to be married and we all want it to be normal. I get that. For way too many years I kept waiting to meet my spouse. I have and lost him without every marrying him. Sometimes we are just not called to marry, whether we have chosen the religious life or not. As for priests not being normal I disagree. I know there's been way too much negative publicity the last several years and the bad ones have caused deep wounds for all Catholics but this is not a reflection of the priesthood, it is a reflection of those sick individuals only.
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• United States
25 May 07
I have never understood this part of Catholicism. Jesus taught us that marriage was good and important, yet the priests, monks, and nuns are forbidden from marrying. I do not look down on the Catholic church for their beliefs, but this is just one of many that I do not understand.
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• Philippines
26 May 07
I dont think a priest should be allowed to marry. Because at first place he marry himself to GOd...
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@hometyme (288)
• United States
25 May 07
I believe I would read the Bible and I would ask God myself.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
25 May 07
i think they should...i never got that fact that roman catholics priests are the ONLY religious head figure not allowed to take on a wife which is something concidered sacred in religous terms. maybe if they did marry and get some they wouldn't have such a bad wrap i think it is unfair. i know they do that to keep them closer to god and make them more pure, but marriage is such an important part of life and it should be experienced by them as well, especially if they do religious marriage counseling...?!?! how can a priest councel you about marriage if they haven't experianced it themselves?? do they send them to school for that or what?!
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• United States
25 May 07
I was Catholic but no longer am. I won't go into why I changed my religion but I have always thought it unnatural for a man not to marry if he so desired. I think they should be allowed to get married. It doesn't take away from the dedication of a person who has a true calling. A wife can be a help mate to her husband in the ministoring to a church. I do think that a lot of the things that have come out in the press wouldn't have happened if they had been allowed to have a natural relationship with a women.
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• United States
25 May 07
I think priests should be allowed to marry. Jesus said that it would be good to be celibate and not marry IF THEY COULD -- but he never said it was a requirement to prove your love for God. At least as far as I know! Naturally, with women being banned from priesthood, a lot of twisted men are drawn to it. Where else could they generate such trust among potential victims simply by the clothes they wear? And how can they possibly give good advice about marriage if they never experience it themselves? I think this rule was created centuries ago to keep the church's money safely in the church -- no wives or children to claim support or inheritance from them. I think that the Catholic Church has a lot of rules that were created by men, for men, and most are aimed at keeping power and influence over the people -- all under the guise of saving souls. Now that all the sexually abusive priests are being "outed" and sued, the Catholic Church is losing all it's money and a lot of it's power, at least here in the USA. Maybe NOW they'll rethink the celibacy rule. If they're so attached to celibacy, they should keep it just for monks and nuns who are cloistered and don't mix with the general populace to begin with. Can you tell I was raised a Protestant?? ;- LOL! This is my opinion only.
• India
28 May 07
I am a Hindu and in our religion there is no restriction on marriage of priests. Most of the priests are householders like any other Hindu.
• India
25 May 07
I think in todays worl which boasts of being democratic a person should be given right to chose for himself.It is a question of personal decision whether a priest wants to get married or not?He must be a very nice person and hence being a priest an obvious choice of profession.But in that no rule should be imposed that alters his personal choices.Every profession has a set of rules but none of those should hurt one's personal interests.Even after being married he can be dedicated to the church and to God, that we all are being priests or common man!
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