Can you read people?
@silver_shaddow (1204)
May 26, 2007 7:59am CST
We all know the saying "read you like an open book". I have always wondered how to do that. I might be mistaken, but what are the pages of a human being? what are the letters that when put 2+2 together it =3?
I have always "observed" little details people like to give out about themselves and most of the times, I end up making the wrong "judgment". Some signs and "give aways" CAN be decieving... Is it OKAY to go judging people?
Do you know how to read people? What exactly DO YOU read? What can you tell about ME or anyone else?
and have always been right? Tips appreciated.
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16 responses
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
26 May 07
I think "reading" people is different from "judging" people. There's a very fine line between the two but if done carefully one can read another person without judgement. Here's the most extreme example I can think of...I might meet a person and based on the words he uses, his attitude, body language, and the way he treats those around him, I may "read" him as being arrogant, controlling, self centered, etc. I think things like that show up fairly easily in a person's attitude. "Judging" him would be if I assumed he was a bad person. Yes, most people with that type of personality are hard to label as good people but that's no excuse to judge. I heard once that if you must judge, you should make sure you know all of the "Why's?" first, meaning why does this person act that way? why IS he that way? why does he treats others in that manner? why do I have a problem with that? etc...
I do read people usually but for the most part I can't explain WHAT I'm reading. It is partly what I said before but a lot of it is just a feeling. That "gut instinct" kind of thing.
I can't really read you from only reading this one discussion so I can't comment there. It's always easier to read someone when you can actually meet face-to-face.
Here's a tip I would like to share. Read people all you like if it's something you enjoy doing but please don't use it to tell the person (and everyone else around them)who they are. I knew someone once who insisted he could read people. I would guess he was right half the time at best. What was very annoying about him is that if he was wrong he would insist that he really was right and that the person just wasn't willing to face their issues. Like with me, he said some things that weren't right about me and when I corrected them he dismissed my opinion and continued to say that was how I was whether I realized it or not. What then became hurtful was when he then shared his "insights" with mutual friends as if they were actual facts. The whole thing ended up being a huge mess and I rarely associate with any of them anymore.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 May 07
"I think "reading" people is different from "judging" people. There's a very fine line between the two but if done carefully one can read another person without judgement. "
that is so very very true!! I'm glad you mentioned that cause I never even thought to..
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
28 May 07
You're both quite right, "reading" someone is more about finding the things that may connect you, as well as the rare thing to be absolutely avoided (manipulators, liars, criminals, things like that) It's also about being sensitive to things that can hurt or upset another person. Best example I can give there, I'm a white American, so when I meet a black person, I try to read whether they want to exchange a greeting, or if they prefer not to interact with a stranger like me. It is safe for me to assume that any black American I meet has been hurt or betrayed or insulted or held back, many times, by someone who looks like me, so the reading is important in order to offer civility and respect to another person.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 May 07
i must admit i do this. I tend to tune in to a person and read them very soon after meeting them. I dont know if its just me but i get an insight in to a person by reading them and im very rarely wrong
blessed be
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@silver_shaddow (1204)
26 May 07
hey, hello there :)
but What is it that you do? how do you read them? how do you describe this "tuning in"?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 May 07
its almost like a trance. I can describe it in no better words i just seem to get insight to other thoughts
blessed be
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@silver_shaddow (1204)
26 May 07
If this is the case, then you are blessed & gifted. It takes a fairly long time for me to read people. People die for a gift like yours.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 May 07
I read ppl very very well...and have only gotten better at it over the past few yrs...I just need to meet a person once and spend a short amount of time with them to be able to tell you a good deal about their character/personality..Have I always been right..oddly enough, the point that ppl bring ppl to me or set up time for me to spend time with them and a potential friend or lover etc to see what I feel about husband always, when stuck with making a desicion on something/someone/some situation, comes to me for my opinion ("cause I've learned that goin with YOUR gut is the best way" LOL)
Its not just about "signs" and "give aways" its a whole package deal...listening to how they talk and sometimes what they say as well as how they say it, body language, the electric vibe they give off, the look in their eyes and so on and so on....its not just one or two things you pick up on or look for its a combination of numerous things...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 May 07
one thing I want to add too is taht I HAD TO learn how to do this LONG was a self preservation/safety thing for me....being a street kid you NEED to learn every trick in the book to stay alive and out of harms way ya know....
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@silver_shaddow (1204)
27 May 07
Maybe I should give you my Ex's address and arrange meeting with her and really TELL me what she is really about!!
and not just her, a bunch of other people too!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
27 May 07 takes practice. And even though I pride myself at observations, being aware..I'm not even the best at it either.
It's harder to read a person for the person, but the surface details?? They're a teensy bit easier..
Okay, you can't judge on a single piece of their appearance for one. You need to take it all in, whether they're wearing any jewelry..a watch, and if so, what kind. Their clothes..the different types, the brands, and then you'd have to have a fairly good knowledge of prices. If they have make-up, how they applied it..their hair, how they styled it. If they're carrying anything, what those things are..their shoes, their facial expressions..
When I say take it all in, I mean it all. As I takes practice. And after you've mastered that? Then you have to start figuring out how that information puts together.
I CAN do it, and it's a skill I rely on at times..but I'm not awesome at I said, or else I'd get more from my 'reading' of them..more important stuff which'd hook into their personalities a little.
Also, you might want to invest in learning body language..since that delves in a bit deeper. You coulld be able to nearly always tell how the person feels about whatever you figure out from their appearance. Or if they're lying..learning tells.'s a whole science lol. And one which is very handy, at times..very fun. And its not's actually taking a few moments to learn about a complete stranger.
Just remember, individual details may mean nothing without the rest of them. You can't solve a case from a single clue right? You gotta collect them all, and then go from there.
Good luck, hun!

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
28 May 07
I know, and aw..well I'm glad my response was helpful ^_^
As the great Gregory House occasionally says..(lol): everybody lies. And I've found that the best liars will lie through both their body language AND appearance. So, if you get even an inkling of a doubt of correct-ness on something you're sure you couldn't have gotten wrong (after you've got the skill down pat), then you probably have one of those master liars on your hands.
In a way, they're the most fascinating part of the whole business. A challenge of sorts, because we know that since we're all human even a master liar will slip up sometime..and that slipup however small could be a key bit or at least an interesting bit of info. I guess they're mostly an opportunity to put your skills to the test.
Anyway, I hope you have fun ^_^
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@silver_shaddow (1204)
27 May 07
Inspiring post!
To tell you the truth, I have read people's "axessories" and OH BOY have I been devieved by them. What people wear is certainly NOT what they ARE!! I tell you that as a fact.
Body language is a good thing. I will stop by the books store and dig up a few books on that! You have my kisses!!
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@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
27 May 07
Hi my friend, good 2 see you again...
Where have you been? you completely went quiet i don't see you anymore in my discussion. Anyway look regarding this post of yours believe me the capability to read people is divided into two parts.:
1) Gifted part: I mean the person has this talent to see, analyze and eventually make the closest thing to 'right' judgment. This part is built-in with the person.
2) Acquired part: This comes with age, life experience, when you pass thru' many and several situations and meet different kinds of people. That can not be acquired within a year or two, it takes decades sometimes. This second part is dependant on two factors:First: Number of experiences you've passed thru'
Second: How deep is each experience.
Well you can't write down tips like that but my advice is:
Try to look 4 a pattern of the person's character but be careful, patters are tricky sometimes and may mislead you if you don't know the person very well and also if you don't have the experience. You must know a person ( or a pattern of that person) long and deep enough 2 be able to reach not a judgment but sorta conclusion.
Never Never Never be hasty in your judgment no matter what.
Note: it is not always 2+2=4.
Thank you
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@silver_shaddow (1204)
27 May 07
Sorry for not being around much of late. I am around, but myLot is the only channel of contact between you and I. I've been trying hard not to sink too much in to my own depression.
Anyway, I appreciate your response, always. The reason for this discussion, is that I thought I can read people quite well, but I have been had so many times in my life that I am so damn sick of it! Thought I was doing someoehting wrong. From most of the posts I see I have been doing things correctly, yet I must have been reading the wrong pages. YIEKS!
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@oogie_boogie (362)
26 May 07
I can only read people by meeting them and getting to know people. Like I can tell when any of my friends are lying. I try not to look into people until I know them because first looks are deciving. Reading peop,e is all about looking for changes in actions. Like an obvious one, if someone is usually a loud person then one day they are quiet it means they may be upset about something. Each peson gives of diffeent signals when they are lying. I know that on eof my friedns is a big lier and sometimes its hard to tell if he is telling the truth. The way i know hes lying most of the time is that he slips up on things and changes the story as he tells different people. Which i suppose isnt reading him. But i mean eyes give alot away aswell. its hard to describe but if you look into peoples eyes you can sometimes see the way they really feel. Eyes can give off more than we want them to.
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@silver_shaddow (1204)
26 May 07
Good response. Spotting a liar is one of the easiest thing to do. Sometimes, the liar is so GOOD you can't catch'em. Dare I say it is the most important thing to catch in a person.
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@Phlamingho (7823)
• Denmark
26 May 07
Yes I do that a lot, I notice they way a person moves talks and act. That's sort of the way I find out if I want to get to know the person better.
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
30 May 07
Hey Silver shaddow.. Nice topic..
I really like reading all about the body language and personality tests.. I find it very interesting and helpful...
For me I think I can read people, but to do that I have to meet them because the most important for me to know the personality are the eyes and the moves..
It really says a lot... of course I was wrong in some occasions but I'm generally right...
I wont say anything about you because I haven't meet you ;)

@silver_shaddow (1204)
31 May 07
Welcome BACK! Well in this case you don't have to meet me to know. I am "waht you see is what you get" :P

@navtech (1773)
• India
27 May 07
It is my inborn ability or say God gift that I can assess a person whether he/she is a good or bad people by looking at them. In my family they value my suggestion on the people. In 99% cases my assessment of the people came true. Basically while talking with a person, if a person fails to provide me the natural answer to a particular situation then I get suspicision from there I start assessing the person and come to a conclusion whether this person is good and bad.
@missladycc (154)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I don't think you made the wrong judgment, you just chose to ignore the signs and deal with the situation. I do it all the time. You may have a feeling about a person but you doubt yourself. never doubt yourself...ever.....
@silver_shaddow (1204)
15 Jun 07
Denial is a killer. and yet, reading people wrong is bad killer too. As they say NEVER judge a book by it's cover. But you know what the real deal is, some books tell lies too.
@liana_pescarus (1168)
28 May 07
i usually have a sense about people... if i don't like them from the beginning there is defenetly something wrong with them. or if i like them very much. but that's not judeging. it's only likeing or disliking people, about having an oppinion. and i don't think it's ok to judge others, but let's get real. you do that willingly or not.
@alpine_007 (1469)
• Pakistan
26 May 07
i sometimes try to read the people but there is no guarantee that the judgement which i have made from just seeing them once or twice is right, i try to read them by their expressions, their way of talk, the words which they mostly use to talk, by their dressing sense and many other things.
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@Dan_ul (858)
• Romania
30 May 07
I don't know how somebody can read peoples... I just know that I can see when somebody that I know isn't well, and a can make people to talk to me about theirs problems...
it's not brain surgery or rocket science... but it takes patience...
And no, it's not ok to judge people. That's a conscious thing and it's done voluntary. Like saying "he is fat" that is judging somebody... even if you aren't saying loud...
willingly or not? lets see... you see o workman on the street without his hammer. What's his excuse? "willingly or not you would have dropped yourself?" Now doesn't work? Right?
@meiyi_iceworld (112)
• Singapore
26 May 07
I do know how to read people. Readin people is important because it can tell you what sort of person he or she is and also in the process of it make a judement out of it.
@sultan3468 (65)
• Philippines
27 May 07
it simple. just read the pages peoples gave who they are. and if they don't give a clear pages to read, its not your problem anymore. so if you want people read you right let them turn all your pages from cover to cover. you dont have to think any more. tc