Internet revenue that's International and doesn't need referrals to get money?

@vis3r3 (100)
May 26, 2007 12:56pm CST
Hello, I'm looking for some international online money making website, that doesn't need referrals in order to make any real money. Something like completing the surveys or something but that works good for non-US members aswell. Any idea?
2 responses
@MAX1966 (1029)
• Netherlands
26 May 07
try this You can use this cash generating webpage to make money, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You keep all 100% of the profits! It couldn't be any easier it's F R E E to join! To Your Success!
@jwfarrimond (4473)
26 May 07
Good luck. I know of no such opportunity. Let me know if you find one :-)