Problems with church.
By eyewitness
@eyewitness (1575)
May 27, 2007 9:40am CST
I see a lot christians changing churches.At first i didn't understand why,but looking at my own church i do imagine.Every church has it's good and it's bad things.So does mine.If you wanna grow more in religion it's also good to visit other churches.There are more reasons why people change churches.I've thought about it too because sometimes i wonder if the church i'm going is a good church,but it has more to do with some people who are going to that church too.
Have you ever thought about changing churches or have you did it already?
Please let me know what your reasons are/were.
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10 responses
@maimai_cute (39)
• Philippines
28 May 07
i have no plans of changing my church...i respect those who do...but for me what really matters is your personal relationship with god, its not really how many churches your gone through or which church is better..what really important is how you know god in your own heart, how you value him in your life...
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
It's also important what you do in your life.Serving God besides going to church.
You can go to church because everyone says so but your actions outside the church matters a lot.Church is a place to learn from God,but you also learn from other christians or catholics.We can learn from eachother.
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
27 May 07
If you believe in Bible, there are two types of churches, one universal church, and local church.The churches you have mentioned are mere religious groups and cannot be called church in its true sense.First of all individual should be reformed, then progress can be made.Going from one church to another will not solve problems.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
I think you're right.Luckily i've never changed churches,but i do like to visit other churches sometimes too.
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@012401 (200)
• Philippines
29 May 07
Hello there. I believed in the Bible.I just want a precise statement. Because the Bible tell us that there is only one body,in Ephesian 4:4 and body is the church, in Col. 1:18. Would you mind to give a citation from the Bible about the two types of churches, universal and local church as you mentioned. In 1Cor.4:6, taught us not to think above what is written.
just need a clarification.
@Graymsqtech (496)
• United States
29 May 07
Church is not the building nor a specific group. It is a general group of believers who worship God. Thus the statement of catholic Church.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
28 May 07
There's no reason to be locked in to going to just one church. I know... they call it "church hoppers" disparagingly, but don't let that stop you from looking for something that you feel a lack of.
Only listening to one preacher is something like only reading one book, over and over and over... there's so much more to read and learn.
Remember, also, that YOU are the church. A local church is only a group of people who are part of the real church. Which group you worship or fellowship is insignificant in comparison.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
I think it's good to visit other churches too,but i also have learned that being a part of a community is good too,because you can always count on them.
But you're right you don't have to be a prisoner because of a church.We're free to go to an other church.I'm glad at my church that it's not always the same pastor preaching but also from over the world pastors come over.
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@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
28 May 07
I saw other churces offering salvation as if my church do not, but this word alone kept me in my faith.
my reason was, my parents have introduced this church to me, i love my parents and thought me how pray, if ever that we belong to a wrong church it doest matter anymore for i will not opt to be save and have my parents perish. i love my parents and holding hands shall we all perish if that is the case maybe.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
That's beautiful said and that's true what you say here.
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@dpauli (407)
• Indonesia
28 May 07
For me, even though there are a lot of disappointing matters but i'm sure it's matter of 'point of view' and it's the person, not the church. If we want to make the church better, let's start from ourselves. If there's different opinions, all can be discussed, instead of changing church or even 'make a new church'. When the time come for us to meet Him face to face, He'll never say: so uhm, you're from X church so you can enter the heaven, but you from Z church, you cannot. The judgement is on our personality and what we've done during our life. So I'm personally not gonna change my church.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
I've seen this in my church.The church isn't the big thing but it's some people indeed,including ourselves.It's just like all religions it's not the religion which is bad but it's the people who are giving religion a bad name.Some people even hate religious people because of the way they handle things or they way the act.We shouldn't judge that much because God will do that.God will not look at how many people you have told about him if you can serve God by saving one he's already happy.I like going to church and if something happens in church we can talk it through and forgive eachother.There's no need to immediately change church only when things get out of hand.
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@012401 (200)
• Philippines
28 May 07
Hi there. You know, church is sacred,and was redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. It was paid in price. Well in your question about if your church you are going is a good church. No good or best church other than built by GOD,and whose the head is JESUS CHRIST, Col. 1:18. simply you will know if the church is church mentioned in the Bible is about their doctrines. In Mark 7:7 stated that men worshipped in vain because their doctrines they follow is doctrines of men. I remember sometime ago, I was attended a religious group and t'was so happend that time the rain comes and Pastor said turn upside down your umbrella and pour in the rain. And you may ask yourself, is that in accordance of the Bible? In fact in 1John 4:1 we are commanded to try the spirits whether if they are of GOD.
Hope this may give a little help to you.
Good day.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
Thanks for your response.It's of good help.I luckily see that our church is not of men.But everyone is focussed on God and that's great to see.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 May 07
About seven years ago we changed churches. Well really we weren’t going to church very much. We were listening to a radio station that had a lot of sermons based on the bible and about health issues. The more we listened the more we became convinced that we needed to get back to church. We decided that we needed to join a bible based doctrine church. we found that for us the Seventh day Adventists followed the closest to the bible. We will not be changing churches again for any reason unless we find that the Adventist doctrine does not follow the bible. We have decided that even changing to another church of the same doctrine will just find that they have the same problems. No mater where you go there will be those that are self-righteous, arrogant, finger pointers. The doers and those that don’t. But God loves them any way and we should work on loving them too.
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@012401 (200)
• Philippines
31 May 07
Hello there my friend. I see your gladness in your heart that you really wanted to follow God's commandment. I would like to invite you to expand your understanding of truth in religion. Especially the question of " Is it necessary to follow the Ten Commandments in the Christian era based on the Bible?" Just follow or enter the link below...
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
27 May 07
About seven years ago we changed churches. Well really we weren’t going to church very much. We were listening to a radio station that had a lot of sermons based on the bible and about health issues. The more we listened the more we became convinced that we needed to get back to church. We decided that we needed to join a bible based doctrine church. we found that for us the Seventh day Adventists followed the closest to the bible. We will not be changing churches again for any reason unless we find that the Adventist doctrine does not follow the bible. We have decided that even changing to another church of the same doctrine will just find that they have the same problems. No mater where you go there will be those that are self-righteous, arrogant, finger pointers. The doers and those that don’t But God loves them any way and we should work on loving them too.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
It's really important to go to a church which fits most with the bible.It's great to hear you are attending one.Sometimes when i don't feel like going to church because i'm tired or other reasons i sometimes follow it on tv.I think it's called the hour of power.
Sometimes i visit other churches just to learn from that church too.But you're right.There are always some who point their fingers to others who are arrogant,but they also have good things in them.And i'm glad God shows me that people have their good and their bad things.
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@012401 (200)
• Philippines
30 May 07
Hello there! If we noticed, there's so many pastors are gone out into this world for so many reasons. And same of churches which are actually built by men. Why do I say this? Because there is church pointed out in the Bible, the CHURCH OF GOD in 1Tim.3:15. We may ask ourself, Are we in the CHURCH OF GOD? Also we are living in the time of Christianity where Jesus Christ is the ONLY Pastor to be heard by his flock.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
30 May 07
yes i have noticed it.But you're actually saying that the only Church of God is the one with Jesus as his pastor?So if there are pastors they should tell what Jesus told us and not making their own versions of it.It's quite confusing me,because all the responses are making sense to me.
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@cliff19id (306)
• Indonesia
28 May 07
i don't care about church, i like to change my self more than change my church, i think if i change my self so church will follow us to be change, i think that if we have good influence to the church so automatically the church will change.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
yes that's true.Since i turned into believe i changed and i could see that my family changed with me too.We have a new pastor and i've seen some really good changes in our church.A lot of things and changings start with yourself.
@Graymsqtech (496)
• United States
29 May 07
Every group of humans has problems. I know people that change groups because of dissatisfaction with the people in that group. I think God calls each of us to determine how to follow, I think our discipleship is the life we lead. If we show good living and following the rules of God then we don't need the church ourselves but I believe that many need the church to learn the precepts and beliefs in the bible and formulate their own ideas. No one should come to God depending on anothers interpretation of beliefs.
I follow my interpretation as best as humanly attainable but, I like all humans am a sinner.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
29 May 07
You're right.I know it's good to read the bible yourself than only listening to someone else and take everything they say.It's more important to live by the rules than attending a church,because church is a building it's not God.