What Kind of Shopper Are You?

May 27, 2007 6:19pm CST
When shopping for groceries, or clothing or whatever.... Do you make a list and only get what is on your list? Or do you have a list and then add things to the cart that aren't on the list? Do you just go with a general idea of what you need and end up buying that and a bunch of other things? Do you like to browse and or window shop? Do you feel obligated to buy something if you go into a store? Do you clip coupons or buy thiings that you don't really need because they are "on sale" or "clearance"? I don't clip coupons but I do prefer to shop at stores that will allow me to collect member points. For example I like to shop at Zellers because not only is it Canadian but I get Club Zed points which I can then convert to Air Miles. I don't create a list but I have a mental list of what I need and I always get what I need. Occasionally and only occasionally will I buy extras. I am good at not getting something that is "on sale" because I generally don't need it. Sometimes I like to browse and window shop but I usually just like to get what I need and leave.
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7 responses
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
when i shop for groceries i dont make a list i just get what we need that is what we call the usual. the usual thngs we need and eat. i also prefers to shop on stores that will allow me to collect points. sometimes i also buy some extra but make it sure that i need it or we need it around the house. for clothing i dont window shop.... it always breaks my heart to see something i want when i dont have the enough money to buy and when i have the money its not there anymore, or somebody had purchased it already. i go to sale and clearance to look around and if there is nothing i like then i get out of the store not feeling obligated to but anything. shoping is really fun but sometimes i feel mentally drained thinking what is best to buy and is it right for the budget.
• Canada
4 Jun 07
Yes, I agree shopping can be very draining!
• United States
1 Jun 07
I usually make a list and then end up leaving it at home :) When I do bring my list with me I will look at it maybe once and then stick it in my pocket. It makes me wonder why I even bother, but it is a compulsion with me that I have to make a list. I generally do stick to the list even if I don't consult it. Weird huh?
1 person likes this
• Canada
3 Jun 07
Well I suppose if you know what you need you would remember it right? Maybe you just think you need to write a list "just in case" lol
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
28 May 07
I do make a list but I usually forget to take it with me,I try to use coupons as they do help some,but sometimes it makes you buy things you really dont need. we do use grocery store that give us so much off a gallon of gasoline. Now window shopping is something I dont do well it just makes me want something I dont need,anymore I try to get in and out as people now days are pushy ,rude and loud.
1 person likes this
• Canada
30 May 07
That is quite the incentive plan money off gas, seriously especially now a days with gas being the price it is and continuing to increase!
@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
5 Jun 07
when i do my groceries i make a lisdt of everything so i wont forget. when i shop for clothes i tend to windows shop first and wait for a sale then i buy it.
• Canada
6 Jun 07
That makes sense, that way you can see what styles are out there and then get them at decent prices!
• United States
7 Jun 07
yep thats right...that way i wont regret finding another one thats the same as the style i chose to a cheaper price. i hate when that happens....grrrr!
• China
28 May 07
I often go to a supermarket near my home ,but i never make a list for what i want to buy ,because i often go shopping with my mom ,she decide what to buy ,she makes a list ,what i can do is go with her,and if i want to buy something that is not in the list ,i tell her ,she will buy for me ! haha ,have a nice day !
1 person likes this
• Canada
29 May 07
Can i go shopping with your mom? heehee (just joking)!
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
28 May 07
I make a list and always forget it. I cut coupons and forget them also...lol...I'm old what can I say! I definitely am a window shopper especially when I'm looking for clothes which I love to shop for.
• Canada
28 May 07
When I had no money I used to love to window shop and say when I get a better pay cheque I'm gonna buy this this this ohhhh and that! Now that I have a decent job with a good pay I don't window shop because I keep thinking, I've worked for this money and I really don't need that that that or that. LOL I know I'm silly!
• United States
4 Jun 07
When I go shopping, I do have somewhat of a list in my head. Particularly with grocery shopping, I start from the side of the supermarket that's farthest away from the cold & frozen sections (I save that last for a reason.) & walk up one aisle & down the next aisle, grabbing what I need, & then some if it's something good on sale. The walk is good exercise. I get points towards a free turkey for Thanksgiving (USA holiday that falls on the last THursday in November), & either a fresh ham or a chunk of beef for roasting for Christmas at the supermaeket. Then at some of those member stores, I end up buying things "bulk" & it lasts me for a good while, & at a much cheaper proce too. I also don't park closest to the place like everyone else. I usually park sort of close to the exit out of the parking lot so that I can pull out & get out instead of having to dodge people that like to step in front of your driving path. The best thing is, in my favorite parking area, I have a nice selection of parking spaces.
• Canada
5 Jun 07
Sounds a lot like the way my mom goes shopping. Except she never really made a list. We would just go and start at one end and go up and down til we reached the other side. Then of course we parked quite a way from the store front so as to avoid traffic. People always used to give us funny looks because often times we would fill 2 shopping carts. What people didn't understand was that there were 12 children of various ages and then my parents in the houselhold (we fostered 5 children and had 3 of my cousins live in with us). Here in Canada our Thanksgiving is in October (geanerally around the 11th or 14th)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Well - walking is healthy. Also, even if it may only be a few drops, it does save a bit of gas instead of driving around & around trying to find a spot close to the entrance. Also, by being close to the exit out of the parking lot, it does save a bit of driving time & a drop or two of gasoline. The walk between the store entrance to the car is relatively healthy too. Also, in my favorite areas, where it is two parking spaces back to back, I can also just go in & stop the car. No need to maneuver backwards in or out of the parking space.