Why is that some people think Harry Potter series teaches WITCHCRAFT to kids
By AnoChaudhary
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
May 28, 2007 12:43pm CST
i have read so many posts here and some reports as well saying Harry Potter teaches witchcraft to children and the book is against religion! Do you think thats true? please share your opinion. The sad part is people who say that have not even read the books!
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15 responses
@rockerwitch (538)
• Philippines
30 May 07
That is an age-long accusation, and it's really really STUPID of people to say that without reading the book first. If they read the books and still though that it teaches witchcraft, then they do have the right to hate it. But people who haven't read it are just being closed-minded. It's not like just by opening the book that they'd get sucked into some sort of evil black hole or something. It's infuriating.
I've been reading Harry Potter since I was 13. True, I was already a teen, but I was still very young. Never have I gotten the idea of doing witchcraft from reading HP. I mean, fine, if kids follow what the characters in HP are doing, what will happen? Unless the kid is really magical or something, nothing will happen if he waves a stick around and says Latin words. It's crazy. The HP series is not a manual for witchcraft. It tells the story of a wizard who survived because of the love of his mother. The book emphasizes loyalty, friendship, and love. It's about good winning over evil. Without all those things, the HP series would be nothing. I don't read HP just to get tips on how to cast spells. The fact that the characters are witches and wizards is only a unique spin. It makes the story more exciting and interesting.
As for against religion. WHAT??? There isn't even any mention of religion in the books because it's for ALL religions. J.K.Rowling doesn't want to alienate any child who wants to read her book just because they're of a different religion from hers. I'm a Catholic. It's true that doing witchcraft is against a rule in our religion. But still I adore the HP series because it doesn't teach me to do witchcraft. It teaches me to do good and to love the people around me. One of the 10 Commandments is Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Harry Potter books teaches me just the same thing. And look at Dumbledore. Fine, he's a wizard. But look what he does. He is compassionate and forgiving and trusting and loved by everybody. He fights for the right of the marginalized and treats everybody equally. He is one of my heroes. And if I've got friends like Ron and Hermione, I would be the luckiest person in the world. I mean, they know there's like a 100% chance they're going to die, but they know it's for the good of all, so they stuck with Harry.
The characters in the book are very good examples. I'm not saying that everything they do is great, because J.K.Rowling wrote them as humans. They're just like us. The only thing that differentiates them from us is that they're magical (and fictional). If only those people took the time to read the books, they wouldn't be so easy to judge.
Sorry for the long post. I really feel strongly about this.
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
30 May 07
thank you rockerwitch for your wonderful reply dont woryy its not long! i can read real fast LOL anyway i feel strongly about this prejudice as well thats why i started it! people saying the books are about a 'abused' boy and others saying iam evil for reading it etc etc simply makes me laugh with frustration!!
@rockerwitch (538)
• Philippines
31 May 07
I had the same experience as you. I usually have really awful nightmares. But I've had them since before I read Harry Potter. I usually tell my dreams to my friends because well, I just want to. They seem creepily exciting and it makes for good conversation sometimes. So then I was talking to my best friend one time about a scary dream I had, and she said that I'm having these bad dreams because I'm reading Harry Potter. We really fought that day. But we did make up soon. At least now she's more open minded about HP. It's not like we're practicing witchcraft and worshiping Dumbledore or anything, right? We just love to read the book. I don't think that's against any religion.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
28 May 07
There have already been some great posts on this. No I don't think it teaches witchcraft in any sense. It doesn't mention anything pagan in it. It does not go into the pagan faith at all that is with the craft. They do not mention the rituals, the gods, or any of that. In fact the only two holidays they mention in there are Halloween and Christmas. Christmas as we all know is not a pagan holiday.
Now it does bring up magic and the like however it is something extra some have, sort of like how the Jedi's have the force, the witches/wizards in Harry Potter have magic while muggles do not. It shows how power of any sort, whether it's magic or money, needs to be controled. That without control it can cause great damage. There are many lessons within the books about friendship, loyalty, bigotry, good vs. evil, respect, perseverance and so on. They teach some very good morals. The magic mentioned in it is not what makes the stories so great, it's the characters and the story plots that make it great.
I have to wonder if these same people who rant about Harry Potter rant about other fantasy books or movies. Ones like Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings, Narnia (which I'd like to note the Catholic Church near me is going to be showing to those who want to come and see it), Sleeping Beauty, Snow white and so many others that have magic in them and not all of them show it as being evil.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 May 07
That's for sure, they will think that. Worst part is they won't even read the books before condemning them, at least most that I have seen won't. If they read it and then condemned I could respect their position a bit more but when they won't and just make general assumptions on it I can't.
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
Hi emeraldisle thank you! i love Narnia a lot and i like Lord of Rings as well! thank you for mentioning the two important holidays in Harry Potter :) but i guess who want to belive its evil will beleive it no matter how much we discuss about it :)
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@anc350 (326)
• India
28 May 07
This is the kind of religious ognorance which led to "witch-burning" in the dark ages in Europe. Witchcraft is a purely fictional theory and has no scientific reason whatsoever. I also read somewhere as quoted in the first reply to the discussion, and thats true.
So do not get affected by these statements because these people seem to have judged the book with a religiously prejudiced mind.
Once they read it, I think their fears will be laid to rest.
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
28 May 07
i agree but the problem is they are not even ready to read the books in the first place! but THAT wont stop them from saying its pure evil :)
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@wickedstepma (940)
• United States
28 May 07
I think that the ones who believe that these books are bad don't know how to teach their children to differentiate between reality and fantasy.
I have heard parents who won't allow kids to read Harry Potter, yet will sing 'Rock a-bye Baby' to little ones. Me, I think that song should scare them! I mean, who puts their kid in a tree top anyway,lol. And down will come baby, cradle and all. I would much rather let kids read a great piece of fiction than have the vision of falling babies planted in their heads before they go to sleep!
I find that the biggest arguments against things are usually made by people who have no idea what they are talking about. Such is life! Can't let it bother you, tho. I think the greatest thing of all out of the Harry Potter series is that it got so many kids into reading again. That alone is a great feat!
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
28 May 07
wickedstepma you made laugh so much and think as well! atleast they should be happy kids are reading instead of staring at the TV ! thank you for replying :)
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@chrmdarcher (276)
• Philippines
28 May 07
I don't think Harry Potter is against religion since it a fiction novel, meaning it ain't real. And how could it teach real witchcraft when almost everything they use in Hogwarts aren't even real. And just take the wands for example, who in their right mind would even think that such wands exist?! I just don't know why people sometimes take fiction novels too seriously like the Da Vinci Code book. They wouldn't be called fiction if they're true. And for those who haven't even read the book, they should try reading them first before giving out their opinions, which are purely based on nothing but hearsay.
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
Hi chrmdarcher o yes i remember the Da Vinci hype as well and it so funny b'cos the people who were protesting here had NOT read a single book in their leife leave alone Da Vinci :) it made me laugh but the reason i started this was b'cos someone close to me said in person i was being evil in reading the books that really freaked me out :)
@slaveeva (213)
• United States
29 May 07
Not at all, Harry Potter is a delightful book for most age groups. And of course it is always those that have no clue what they are talking about (in that case those that haven't even read the books) that mouth of the loudest.
As for teaching Witchcraft, eh I wish there was a hogwards and that some of those spells would work. I would love to say a couple of words and the food is cooked, but since I am a Witch and strangely it has never yet worked for me, well I guess as a source for teaching it kind of sucks.
However, everything that is fun and takes your mind of problems for a little while is normally against religion. So I guess there they are right. Now the question arises, just how grown up are you really to be able to figure out the difference between reality and a kids story.
I personally love Harry Potter and to h*ll with the closed minded people. They are the once that loose out, but then I guess I won't read some of their fictional books (hint hint) either, so we are square. No harm done.
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
Hi Slavveva thank you for replying LOL i agree i wish i could just say Alomohara and doors open! yep reading the books really opens up your mind so much and takes you to a different world and if iam going to h*ll for that - i dont mind! b'cos thats what someone said reading books on witchcraft and 'practising' them is a one way ticket to h*ll well all i can say is even otherwise i have no hope of making to heaven! and i agree the biggest 'best seller' of all times was not faxed directly from up there it was written by humans and bound to have errors just like every other work by man! :) i really had fun reading your reply :)
@urbandekay (18278)
29 May 07
Because they are madder than Mad Jack McMad, winner of last years Mr Mad competition, on a particularly mad day.
all the best urban
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
31 May 07
yep! but we can learn so much about love, friendship, loyality etc thanks for your response
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@Melody1 (967)
• India
28 May 07
Hi Ano,
I"m afraid I'm not a Harry Potter fan at all.So reading the book is out of question.I have full regards for J K Rowlings for writing such a blockbuster.My daughters once insisted me to watch the first or the second one,'Harry potter and the Sorcerer's stone' or was it 'Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban"? See i can't follow the name even.My kids were very disappointed to see me totally unexcited about the film.I just can't relate to the weird things happening and the weird creatures.I rarely find myself not liking something,but sorry to say that it fails my understanding.:-)

@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
Hi Melody! good to see you :) LOL thats ok you dont seem to like Harry Potter iam not going to judge you based on THAT! its just that people seem to have so many wrong notions of the book you dont like it thats simple - like how i simply cant get too excited about a John Grisham novel but all my friends will go ooo aahh about it but atleast i dont go around saying reading Grisham's novels makes them crimnals and they end up breaking laws! just b'cos i only know all his books a 'legal thrillers'! :)
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
28 May 07
I don't think it teaches witchcraft at all! Why don't you try to do a spell from it, it prob. won't work =P lol. No harm comes from reading a Harry Potter book, I don't see how it's against religion!
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@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
28 May 07
i know! the spells are all fun things and the funny part is EVERY kid i spoke to know they are not for real and wont work its the adults who cook up these stories :)
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@Slayer2004C (154)
31 May 07
Of course it teaches witcraft.
Because everybody knows that if you say the right magic words, you can hover items and transfigure them and more...
Note the sarcasm...
@arsonizta (944)
• Philippines
29 May 07
Actually I don't have any religion. But I'm not into witchcraftry either. But I love the book. It keeps my mind working on imaginations and I like it. I guess it's up to the person to what or whom will he believe in.
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
hi arsonizta thank you for replying yep and the books are supposed to do exactly that - make you imagine! but that does not make us bad people! nor does it turn us into witches and wizards! actually i hope it could!
@Candid_Ishida (659)
• United States
29 May 07
Well, witchcraft is a religion first of all (Wicca is, anyway). And besides, it's an entirely different kind of magic! The people who say that are obviously just stupid Muggles who have no idea what is going on and freak out over this and that because they have nothing better to do. A Muggle kid can't learn witchcraft from books anyway w

@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
hi Candid thank you for replying i wish it was easy for muggles to learn some witchcraft poor muggles got to come up with so many indiegenious ways to get around LOL

@shailu1988 (4)
• India
29 May 07
well i consider it witchcraft!
but u gotta define witch craft properly
its not something like black magic n all tht is it??
its something to do with magic n how to use it in the right spirit
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
29 May 07
hi Shailu yes its about witchcraft b'cos the characters are all witches and wizards but you cant learn witchcraft or turn into a witch or wizard just by reading Harry pOtter books!