girls V/S boys
By roshan08
@roshan08 (11)
October 23, 2006 5:25am CST
A MaTcH BeTwEeN BoYz & GiRlZ
Ok ... now how it goes ... i'll start this game with the number "100" ... now everyone shud post replies to it ... if a girl posts a reply then she will add "2" to the previous total and if a guy posts a reply then he will subtract "2" from the previous total and write it down ... if the grand total reaches 200 then it means that the girlz have won ... if it becomes Zero then it means the guyz won ... which they don't ...
Plz no rona dhona
A person cannot post his consecutive reply to the topic until two people have posted after his/her previous post ...
I hope the rules are clear to you all ...
lets start wid 100...
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