Are you tired of Black People Paying the Race Card???
By AcousticSoul
@AcousticSoul (1309)
United States
May 29, 2007 12:24pm CST
I herd a man saying he was tired of Black people paying the race card... for every time something goes wrong, or a black person is mistreated its always do to race...
I personally think the system was made to fail... but why are we failing within the system...
Yes I beleive that the race card is being played to much and we as a people need to step up to responsablitiy and take controll of our actions... and fight like they did in 1964 for our rights instead of playing victim... it seems we lost the will to fight and our pride has deminished... yet we as a people still haven't been compustated for our lost as other races has received their reperations.... yet we need to show improve...
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3 responses
@lesnan (537)
• United States
29 May 07
I work for a government agency in Los Angeles and I don't play the race card. Yet, as I mind my own business at work, there are WHITE employees calling me horrible names like MONKEY and WILD ANIMAL and NASTY and SMELLY, etc. I am an educated, docile, hygienic and classy Black woman. I was recently assaulted by a White employee, and now my employer is trying to fire me because I refused to fight back, and instead reported the incident against my NON-BLACK supervisor's wishes.
So, am I playing the race card here, when I hire a lawyer? Before you accuse people of doing so, you need to get all the facts. Chances are that you are only hearing one side of the story.

@lesnan (537)
• United States
29 May 07
One thing I meant to add. There were two white men at work who got ticked off because a black man was given a promotion over them. There was no affirmative action involved. He clearly did better in the interview. The two white men filed a reverse discrimination complaint, saying that they didn't get the job because they were white. They were promoted as a result.
I guess the race card can be played by anyone these days.
@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
29 May 07
yes and I understand where you are coming from... there are victims in every case, never once did I doubt that...
I for one know what you are going through and I have a friend who is going through it right now( she is the reason for my disscusion) ...but for those who use racism as a means of being lazy.. then I have a problem... for those who use racism as an excuse, then yes I have a problem...
in your situation I feel FIGHT by all means if you see a situation where it is unjustable then fight as I stated before we seem to have lost the pride to fight for our rights (and that goes for all races) my disscusion is for those who choose to blam others becaue of their circumstances of being... instead of looking for ways to over come they find ways to blame and stay in there un becoming circumstances...
@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
29 May 07
it sounds like your area of work is very corrupted... I'm not sure of the justice system you have there but it sounds like it is very un-becoming... I don't know your circumstances to a teee so taking sides would be abnormal for me but I do know how the system can be un-fair... and if those two white men felt it was racist and they put in a discrimnation letter and won the case someone else must of felt the same way... again its unfortuanate... and just like I told my best friend either your going to Fight or leave the choice is yours but I will not sick around to hear her cry about being mistreated take a stance for what you feel is right... I was willing to write the NAACP and other organizations for her to help her but she choose to leave...
I hope you find justice in the future thanks for your insightfull disscusion
@dej2202 (27)
29 May 07
asians are doin this very well at the moment here in britain at school i mean my gf goes to school and one keeps callin her white trash and when she says somethin back she gets oh ur just pickin on my coz im asian this is out of order i think u dont see white ppl sayin it im sorry but i no alot of black ppl and i no they dont play the race card ethier do i but they seem to get away with it
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
29 May 07
I don't think any race should play the race card or even use historical events to justify their mistreatment of other people. Just because you were the victim once in history, it sure as hell does not mean that you have the right to abuse other people. If anything, being a victim of abuse should make you even more insistent on not wanting the same thing to happen to other people.
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@killahclaire (3665)
29 May 07
No wonder you are called acousticsoul.
You have came up with some pretty meaningful stuff there.
I hate hearing people playing the race card no matter what race they are but I also hate the fact that people just generalise on a whole race feeling mistreated when there are only a few playing the race card. I know that here in the UK if one person makes a big enough fuss it makes their whole race look as though they don't want to be part of the community.
Race is such a complicated thing that can cause so much aggro in the community and it is a shame that it is something used in a bad way in confrotation.
@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
29 May 07
Exactly... its sad that people are still playing the role of being victims in stead of rising above the matter...and your right its not just my race, but for so long my race has been in the lime light... and ten times out of 10 our problems will be televised and over extended because we make it such a big issue (not saying so isn't) but its just getting played out...I wish people could look past the race... and start looking at the humanistic said that we all of the human race and we should treat each other the same regardless of skin...
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