Worried and Don't know what to do?

United States
May 29, 2007 7:54pm CST
Ok so I'm like 32 weeks pregnant, this is my third baby and I've already dialated. I have had several signs of premature labor but my doctor won't listen to me. He just keeps telling my I'm paranoid and that everything is fine. Things do not seem fine though. I have a constant pain radiating up and down my back, I'm dialated to 2 cm already, my legs constantly hurt and get charlie horses in them and my vision is starting to become more and more blurry. I also feel very light-headed and dizzy all the time. I just don't know what to do, The other day my baby did not move at all for over 8 hours and my doctor seen me and pushed and pushed trying to get the baby to make even one movement. Nothing works! The baby finally starting moving occassionally but nothing like it should be~ Im really scared and afraid that I'm causing the baby more damage. My doctor has already told me that this baby is going to be bigger then my other two which were both over 8 lbs. They can't make up their minds on how far along I really am though because my uterus is measuring higher then it should. Anyone have any advice for me besides just telling me that Im paranoid and just to wait it out. I don't want to cause any harm to my child but I truely feel in my heart that by listening to this doctor that Im only doing more damage and setting myself up for a very difficult labor whenever it does come!
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14 responses
@mama4kids (690)
• United States
30 May 07
well most of what you said in the beginning of the post sounds normal. i was dialate 4 cm for almost a full two weeks with my fourth baby. but the baby not moving around the same amount isnt totally normal. it is normal for the end of pregnancy for the baby to move a little less but not for a whole 8 hours. i would just keep calling and get into the office for an nst to make sure. if for no other reason, just to put your mind at ease. i dont think you are being paranoid. this is your third baby so it isnt as if you have no idea. you should always follow your heart. you are usually right. call that dr and have an nst. demand it if need be. if he wont give you one, go to the hospital and tell them that you have been cramping and havent felt the baby move in a while. they will immediately check you out. i wish you the best and dont stress. it will all be just fine!!!!
• United States
30 May 07
I have been going into the hospital for the nst but they always send me home because Im not contracting so its only more frustrating plus they always call my doctor and ask him what he wants them to do! so nothing is really getting thoroughly checked the way I feel it should. But thanks for the advice
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• United States
30 May 07
well if you have been getting nst's and it is all good, then i would stop worrying. if something was wrong with the baby, because you dont feel the baby moving, it would show up on the nst. stop stressing then, but still follow your heart and dont feel bad bothering that dr. that is his job, he chose it. try to enjoy the end of pregnancy. i miss pregnancy. it goes so fast. good luck to you!!
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• United States
30 May 07
well I wouldnt say that things are normal because they really aren't my doctor just keeps saying that IF I delivered now the baby would be put in a neonatal unit for an unlimited amount of time being "early" according to my due date and that he thinks that the problems I'm having aren't anything serious enough to worry too much about.
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@toyhamarz (124)
• United States
30 May 07
I would suggest going to the hospital that you are going to have the baby at. When you get there some one other than your doctor will examine you and they might be more concerned with the fact that the baby is not moving as often as it should and your vision is blurry. Also the constant back pain might mean that your having back labor. This is your 3rd baby, you pretty much know what is normal and what should concern you. There is no such thing as being paranoid when you think some think is wrong. Due dates are pretty much a gussing game anyway, you might actually be closer to your due date than 32 weeks especially if you're measuring high and having these kinds of pains.
• United States
30 May 07
Unfortunately I live in a really small town so they don't have anyone but the doctor you see regularly check you out. Sometimes I kind of wish my husband was still in the military because I seen a different doc and someone else checked me out with my first son. Thanks for the advice
• United States
30 May 07
Oops, I just read that you already went to the hospital. Maybe if you went to a different hospital, they might not call your doctor so quickly? But definatley see another doctor to get a second opinion.
• United States
30 May 07
the closest hospital around here is about an hour away which I very seriously though about going to because they have a children's hospital there that my doctor told me that if I delievered now the baby would be sent to anyways, I just don't know if I should go and if they'd really see me since I don't have a doctor there.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
31 May 07
first, congrats on your upcoming birth. I was dialted to four centimeters with my second one for about 3 weeks before he actually came (we induced because the first was 10 pounds 14 ounces, and we didn't want a HUGE baby). I had a lot of the same symptoms, as far as back pain etc. My measurements, the first time around were much further along then my weeks, BY the time I had my first baby, my measurements were 3-4 weeks ahead, but the due date was right, because we planned the pregnancy, and weren't preggers before we started trying. SO, those things in of themselves, really don't mean anything. BUt, having said that, I believe God blesses us women with intuition for a reason, yes it may just be you being nervous and worried, but it could actually be something. So, I would suggest you try to find someone to give you a second opinion. I read in your other post that that may not be possible, Is there any way you can go to the hospital and have them take a look? IF not, I would ask around, and see if anyone would be willing to take a look, the last thing I would be worried about right now would be my doctor's feelings, so if he/she gets offended, that's fine, let them be. I remember when I was pregnant, I went in, whenever I felt I needed to, I always say, it's better to pay the co-payment and get that peace of mind, then to save the money, but worry and maybe miss something that is wrong. BUt, like I said, you could just be worried, because you are having so many different symptoms than you did with the other two? A lot of the things you described, remind me of when I was pregnant with both of my boys, maybe your baby is just going to be larger than normal? Well, I hope I offered some help. Good luck and congrats again!
• United States
31 May 07
Thank you very much
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
31 May 07
Even if I were in your shoes, I would be extremely worried. After all, this is MY baby - and not of the doctor's! I believe you should take a second opinion with an ob-gyn. Tell him / her all the symptoms you are experiencing - the constant pain on your back, blurred vision, dizziness, and of the baby not moving in your womb. The ob-gyn can then check your pregnancy if this is really normal. This way, you can be sure you are making the right move for your baby's wellness. Take care & God bless.
• United States
31 May 07
Thanks for the advice
30 May 07
Oh my god!!!! Your doctor wont do anythink for you that is bad if i was you and feeling like that i would take myself too hospital they cant turn you away they would have to link you up to machines check the baby, dont listen to your doctor there not always right if your feeling like that go to hospital.... your a mother of two already you know what your feeling is not right, im a mother of four 5th on the way and if i was feeling the way you are feeling no way would my doctor turn me away. Hope all is ok with your baby dont leave it sort it out.
• United States
30 May 07
Thanks for the advice
• South Africa
31 May 07
Now I am becoming alarmed for you. I wish you lots of strength and calmness, you must be undergoing a lot of stress right now. I shed a tear for you, with your other two kids to keep you busy, you must be totally overloaded and scared right now. I am sending out a prayer from my heart to yours, just a prayer of love. I hope you get this all sorted out. JesseTheCat
• United States
31 May 07
Thanks so much. Yes I need all the praying I can get right now! Thanks again
@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
30 May 07
Are you staying hydrated? Try drinking gatorade, it may help some of your muscles relax, and get rid of the charlie horses and back pains, and it will not hurt the baby. The only problem would be if you were diabetic, or were retaining fluids.
• United States
30 May 07
Yes I am staying very well hydrated because they told me that I was dehydrated at one point and needed to start drinking more fluids. I have started drinking more gatorade and water to keep myself hydrated
@wasim989 (2298)
• India
30 May 07
Well I don't know much about pregnancy but if you are unsure then you can go to any other experienced doctor.
• United States
30 May 07
thank you for the advice
• Philippines
30 May 07
I have felt that kind of pain when I was also 32 weeks pregnant with my first born son. But my situation was different, though. I was already dilated 2 cm and the doctor forced it to 4 cm, to which I bled. And then she told me I'd have to stay in the hospital because I might give birth any time. But after a few hours, I no longer feel the pain, in fact, I felt alright. I did not go into labor so I was pretty sure it was a false alarm. But the doctor had me taken to the delivery room, and took my baby through ceasarian. At that time, I didn't really feel the baby was due, I just felt the doctor just wanted to have the job with me finished. And I hated what she did. I never want to go back to that hospital again.
• United States
30 May 07
wow see that's the other concern I have is that perhaps this doctor is just blowing me off because I'm coming to him and calling him for advice or out of concern all the time.
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
30 May 07
Well, first off, you are not a first time mother. You have been there & done that. Remember that you know your body best and that doctors make mistakes all the time. Best thing for you to do is relax because stress can hurt the baby but you want to check out your symptoms. Doctors are humans and the make mistakes. When I went into labor with my second child, I was in the hospital bed and was just checked for how far along I was. After checking me they told me it would be at least another 4 hours. Well, within 5 minutes of them leaving the room I knew I was ready to push. It came on so sudden. I sent my mother out to look for someone to help as my room was right in front of the nurses station. I heard my mother tell them I was ready to push but they didn't believe her.They said it was impossible because the doctor just checked me. It wasn't until I screamed from my bed for help that they slowly came walking in, rolling their eyes, probably thinking I was being overdramtic. They checked me again and their faces went white. Yep, I was ready. They rushed around and barely got everything ready in time. He was coming and there was no stopping him. Remember, you know best!!
• United States
30 May 07
wow that's crazy thanks for the advice! I'll definately call tomorrow to see another doctor or get a second opinion
• India
30 May 07
congratulation s for your new baby. do not get worried and listen to the doctor as he said.Medical things can be understood better by a doctor and not us. i also had a baby and my wife use to tell these thing very often and the doctor use to say that the things are ok. do not disturb your self by thinbking so. tell the doctor all your problems and let him deside.
• United States
30 May 07
I dont really think a male doctor can truely understand the whole pregnancy experience because men CANT actually have babies! But I've tried listening to the doctor over and over trying all the things he's suggested and it only seems to be getting worse! Thanks for the advice
@JoyannG (18)
• Barbados
30 May 07
go to the hospital
• United States
30 May 07
I've gone to the hospital several times and all they do is call my doctor and he says that they should just send me home if Im not contracting on the monitor! I am afraid to go bad to the hospital for fear that it will just be the same thing that happens all the time! Thank you for the advice
@tonixxx (358)
30 May 07
If you are worrying this much then get a second opinion, you are the childs mother, you know what happens to your body better then anyone else and this worry can not be doing either of you any good, i definately think that you need to get some reassurance and a second opinion should be just the trick. Don't foget that there is the chance that the doctor waws mistaken when he told you how far along you were at the start and there is a chance that you are further into your pregnancy then you think. Spend time relaxing and speaking to your bump you might find that baby reacts also play soothing music in the background.
• United States
30 May 07
I have tried so many relaxation techniques and the baby doesn't seem to respond to anything. I just don't know where to look for a second opinion I mean do I look for another doctor that's an ob-gyn or do I go to a midwife? I think I'm further along too but my doctor says I don't know what I'm talking about and that the signs and symptoms I've had are something I'm making up because the baby's heart rate is fine although I honestly think its kind of high being that my other two had heart rates in the 120-130 range and this baby has a heart rate that is in the 150-160 range! Thanks for the advice I will definately look into having a second opinion.
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• South Africa
30 May 07
For heavens sake, you have had 2 kids already, so there is only one solution for your problem. If you feel afraid or have questions that your doctor is not answering, go to another doctor. Simple, do not faff about, wondering what is going to happen, if you are scared, get another g.p, gynae, obstetrician, whatever.....NONE of them are perfect or have all the answers, you own your body so do what it tells you. Fear equals 'get a new opinion, a fresh aspect'. Never stop listening to your own feelings and intuition. A new doctor can be the very best thing, a fresh view on whats happening... so do not hesitate, your baby is lying within you,helpless... needing you to care for it. jesse
• United States
30 May 07
I did try to get a second opinion today and no one would see me without first okaying it with my original doctor. I did go see the doctor today....they found protein and sugar in my urine. Now I have to do a 24 hour urine test to determine how much protein is really in my urine. They think it may be pre-eclampsia. I just don't have "high" blood pressure like they say is the other symptom. Is it possible to still have pre-eclampsia without the high blood pressure?