How do you keep your motivation?

United States
May 29, 2007 9:52pm CST
I have just started excercising again. I am trying something new this time, but in the past after about 2 weeks of working out I get lazy or distracted and just kind of loose my motivation. I really want to keep it up this time! How do you keep yourself motivated enough to keep it up in the stages before you start to notice results?
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2 responses
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
30 May 07
It is hard to keep motivated sometimes. I think that one thing that keeps me motivated is the little reminders of the weight I want to lose. I keep doing little things like keeping a pair of the jeans I bought a size too small hanging in plain site in my bedroom. I keep an exercise diary in plain view on my desk as a reminder. It doesn't mean that I will do the exercise, but it does at least provide me with a bit of encouragement. The best motivation though, is to get a friend to join you. If you can get someone else involved and do it together, that is the best motivation in the world, and you are the most likely to stick with it.
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• United States
31 May 07
Actually my husband is away right now so I have my bathing suit hanging right next to my refridgerator! I think it's helping hehe. I also have a friend who keeps saying she wants to loose weight. I keep trying to drag her to go on walks with me, but she never seems to want to. I think I should try to find another buddy!
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
31 May 07
Your bathing suit is probably one of the best motivators you can get, and yes, you should probably find a new weight loss buddy if she won't go walking with you. It is not much encouragement if you end up going it alone!
@h_gaurd9 (986)
• United States
31 May 07
Sometimes I find it hard staying motivated here at Mylot. Even though I like to see my earnings go up, it doesn't always making posting easier. I am here to earn, but at the same time I want to enjoy my leisure time here. That's why I stick to my interests and make responses there. I know there will always be others who share my interests and that's the fun in it. Of course I will take the challenge to respond to other interests as well. I also get distracted here as well too.