Going Green anyone?

United States
May 30, 2007 12:52am CST
Lately there has been alot of talk about "going green" or being more energy effecient. I think that going green is a faboulus idea, In my household we have already started to do this, by getting those curly lightbulbs, ( lol im sorry i cant remember what they are called) All my appliances are within three years old, I got rid of my old washer and dryer, and bought a high effeciency Whirlpool duo sport. We dont have recycling, but we take these things i cant reuses for something else, to friends/family who have recycling. We are going to start building our new home this summer, that is all natural metrial even the roof. (well minus the rubber that needs to be under the dirt and grass seed) using wood, and cemement to build. The house is called a 'cord wood" or a "wood stack" home. When we build this we are planning on having solar panels, and wood heat. We will plant a huge garden and can or freeze what we can for the winter. I am super excited about being able to live off the earth, and be so close to nature. Im wondering how many people are wanting to go green, or who have started to already? oh btw if you want to see some pics or read any information on cord wood homes here are some links. www.motherearthnews.com/green-home-bulding/1995-04-01/Rob-Roys-Earthwood-Homes.aspx www.daycreek.com/dc/html/albummenue.htm
1 response
@Norstar (694)
• India
30 May 07
Well those curly bulbs are called, "Compact Fluorescence Lamps". They cosume much less power for a given light that they produce. It is heartening to know that you are going to take so many measures to avoid wastage of energy and make use of waste material to produce something useful from them.
• United States
30 May 07
Thank you. I think if many more people would take even half these measures, our planet would be much more happier.