marriage and family

May 30, 2007 7:47am CST
i am just wondering if the 4 year itch and 7 year itch is observable in marriage? there are sayings that these stages are critical in a married life cause this will test whether marriage will survive or eventually not yet on that stage and afraid to be on that true is this?
1 response
• India
30 May 07
why do you have to be afraid if its 4yrs or 7yrs of your married life. you dont have to listen about all this, which may remain in your mind and create problem thou everything is fine. so far its fine right, hope its the same throughout life. If you are committed and know how to handle things, you understand your partner then i dont think any itch should bother you. you dont have to get afraid of any stage. take care.
• Philippines
31 May 07
thats a relief!!!!whew!!!! i appreciate your insight and advice....your true....why worry.....thanks....