By DaleJrRlz08
@DaleJrRlz08 (47)
United States
May 30, 2007 12:33pm CST
My 12 year old son has ADD/ADHD. The meds have always done a really good job for him till this year, they just stopped working and they just dont seem to be able to find anything that works, they tell me its his age and that he is going threw puberty and to WAIT IT OUT. Its driving me crazy.
We are now having issues with him being impulsive and not knowing when to keep his mouth. He is sexually harrising girls, such as telling them he wants to grab them and asking the personal question that he should really be asking. My question is, does it have anything to do with the ADHD or is he just wanting to get in trouble. We have tried so much to help him and nothing is working, he doesnt seem to care that this could get him in major trouble:( I need help
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8 responses
@thegoodkitty (77)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I have ADD - I'm not hyperactive, just.. all over the place mentally. I was diagnosed a year ago. More than any medication, the most helpful thing for me has been one-on-one counseling with a psychologist. I get my meds from someone else. My psychologist really just figures out what I'm doing to myself, emotionally and mentally, and why I'm doing it, when I can't figure it out myself.
I recommend counseling for your son. It may not help him the same way it's helped me, but it is definitely worth a shot. Also, the behavior may /not/ have anything to do with the disorder, but chances are, it does. I'm hesitant to give you an absolute answer, because so much about these disorders is unsure, and far from definite. But still, I would find a good counselor. It was really helpful for me =]
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@DaleJrRlz08 (47)
• United States
19 Jun 07
He is in counselling now. It helps a bit but she is unable to give him meds. I might have to find someone who can give him meds other then his dr.
@AngelNicki (412)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Could he possibly get hooked up with an adult male mentor who could spend time with him 1 on 1 and teach/model appropriate social skills for him? Sometimes kids just tune out their parents, teachers, counselors, etc, but will listen to a mentor because its just a different sort of relationship.
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@DaleJrRlz08 (47)
• United States
19 Jun 07
My brother is starting to spend more time with him. Hopefully that helps.
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
17 Jun 07
I am so sorry to hear how ADD/ADHD has forsaken a huge impact in your son's life...My son also has a mood disorder and ADD that causes him self injury and also injury towards me. It is a real stuggle at times to cope with, but we always have to keep in mind and remember that it is their condition that causing the unwanted behaviors. The only thing that I can offer you is my prayers. I will add your family into my daily prayers and hope that the lord will soon provide the help that you seek.
@DaleJrRlz08 (47)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Thank you for you prayers. I will also keep you in mine.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
12 Jun 07
It seems to me that he is having trouble to understand him self. That he has a disorder. Thats the main thing for you to get him understand. My son has ADHD. He had problems with him self before he had an diagnose. My son was dignosed for two years ago. He have never been interested in girls and that sort of things. His main problem have been working in school. He started in medication at the same time. The medication have workd effectly and still does. Mabe I was lucky that my son hade gone in to pubarty already and never considerd and have the interest of it, since his main thing to interest him was why HE did´nt worked like the other children i school, why he seemed to be different. My son talked abot why he should live and that sort of things instead. That worried me and the people in school. Now he knowes more about his disorder, and that he´s not crazy becouse there have been such suport from home and in school. We have made everything to help and support him. But of course, it has been a lot of effort and work to come so far. My advice to you is that keep the good work up. Never stop talk to him. Tell hem i clear words whats good and whats not. Keep tell him, every day if you have to. Make shore that he understand that he is not the problem, the disorder is. You must help teach him what he can do and cant do, what things that can get him in trouble and al that sorts of things.
The main thing is do never underestimate him. He is smarter than you and you have to be one step further al the time. Learn how he works, thinks, like, do not like every thing that can get him in trouble you must know about to teach him not to end up in.
Keep up the good work, Good luck.
@DaleJrRlz08 (47)
• United States
19 Jun 07
He has always gotten really good grades in school but it seems this year they have fallen a bit. He doesnt turn stuff in because he is to busy talking to his friends and he doesnt want to go to his locker to get is assignment, he would rather turn it in late or not at all. This has cost him dearly from getting a B to dropping to a D because they both hve been final projects. I know a D is still passing but he has always gotten Bs in everything and from what the teachers say from very little effort on his part. If he were to put effort into things he could get straight As he just doesn want to do it.
He has been in councling for over a year and he knows the differnce between right and wrong. He know some of the thigs he does is very wrong and can land him a group home but he just keeps it up. We have taken steps to get him out of the situations that cause him the most trouble. Most of it is riding home on the bus with his friends. Thank heavens the end of the school year is here and we can now work on all of that at home.
Thanks so much
@meholl (510)
• United States
15 Sep 07
Your doctor is full of it. My son is on the highest recommended dosage of Adderall. The Adderall controls the symptoms, but not completely, so we will increase the dosage as per doctors instructions. As with all medications for this disorder, you have a lag point during the day, where behaviors become worse and less controlled. If your son is on a dosage that requires him to take 2 pills, give him one before he gets started for the day and one about an hour later, or right before he leaves for school. I think this might help with the lag time.
It doesn't have anything to do with age, it is called "The symptoms aren't being controlled by the medicaiton anymore". I bet a dime a dozen that with puberty comes changes with metabolism and height and weight. Sounds like your son may need a slight increase, regardless of what your doctor says.
Is it a general doctor or a psychiatrist
@redneckmom (9)
• United States
14 Sep 07
It is his age. I have been dealing with ADHD for many years. And my Children had it and still have it. My oldest Daughter was ADD. My two youngest are ADHD and ODD. When my Children were small their adhd meds worked to. But when they got to be around 12 years old. Hormoans kicked in. Nothing worked. Give him a little bit and then put him on Concerta My Son did this and this helped him. 56 mg. of Concerta. I know its a high dose but it worked.