Was this punishment too harsh? What are your thoughts?
By crazynurse
@crazynurse (7482)
United States
May 30, 2007 6:18pm CST
My morning newspaper had a story from a highschool in a neighboring county. Seems some Seniors were having a foodfight that got out of hand. Apparently a substitute teacher and some policemen (who were called to the scene) were struck by flying food. The teens were jailed for two hours then suspended for two days. The 2-day suspension meant that the teens did not get to walk/participate in the graduation ceremony. What are your thoughts about this? Was this punishment too harsh?
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35 responses
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
31 May 07
I think that was maybe a little too harsh. Usually I am all for harsh punishments, but really you only graduate once and I think that maybe they could have been punished in a different way but still be let to participate in the graduation. I guess it would also have to depend on if the school had lots of problems with these kids. If so, then the punishment was okay. If this was a first time out of four years in high school, then I would say too harsh.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
31 May 07
I don't know about previous behavior problems, the article did say that one of the teens was the Valedictorian!
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
31 May 07
LOL wow, well then that is too harsh in my opinion
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
31 May 07
Now days that is considered simple assault.
As far as missing the graduation ceremony that's wrong totally.
I say give them community service at the best.

@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
31 May 07
Since I posted the orginal discussion, I have read more about the foodfight online. ( by a larger newspaper nearby) Apparently, the boys PLANNED the fight! There had been food fights before (not by them) and the usual punishment was afterschool detention and cleaning assignments. The parents and students are mad that their punishment was harsher. Of course, a substitute teacher was injured (I still have no details about that)
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 May 07
This is way to harsh. Their punishment should have been to clean it up and that is it.
Seems nowadays anyone who goes abit over the top is seen as wrong. To get the police involved just goes to prove this.
If I had been the sub teacher, I would have joined in!!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 May 07
No not at all. They have to be taught a lesson. Good for the authorities unruly kids get away with too much. Perhaps they will think twice before being so stupid. It may sounds funny but food on the floor could cause someone to slip and break their neck. Seniors should know better.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
31 May 07
I think the jail was a bit harsh but the 2 day suspension seems fine to me. I also think they should have been allowed to take part in the graduation ceremony..they woked hard to graduate and at the very least deserved to be part of the ceremony
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
31 May 07
Yes, since one of them was teh Valedictorian! Apparently, the injury to the substitute teacher was the part that really got them into trouble. I read a bit more from a larger newspaper online. I can't wait to see more details in the future.
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@Candid_Ishida (659)
• United States
31 May 07
I think that punishment sounds... ridiculous. Sending them to jail and suspending them over a foodfight? That's complete nonsense and it sounds to me like some cop was abusing his power. The worst thing a foodfight can do is ruin some people's clothes and make a huge mess. I think an afterschool detention and forcing the kids involved to clean up the room would have been punishment enough.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
31 May 07
Gee, I can see why they were upset, but I think that's far too harsh a punishment for the 'crime.' Every senior looks forwards to their graduation, and if they deserved it otherwise (grades, etc) then they should have got it because they earned it. For punishment I would think they'd have to help clean up the cafeteria, and maybe do some community service as a janitor (so they could see how hard it is to clean up after people.) Sounds like they got caught up in the moment more than being vindictive or something. It doesn't seem that the punishment fit for what they did...it's not like they called in a bomb threat or pulled the fire alarm. All they're going to learn from the suspension (and not graduating) is anger towards 'the system.'
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I would think that being put in jail would have been punishment enough. I do not think that they should have been excluded from graduation. They worked a long time to get there.
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@suscan (1955)
• United States
31 May 07
That seems too extreme. Kids do stupid things,that is the way of life. I think they should have had a punishment to teach them a lesson. Public service is always good. But jail time and depriving then of the graduation ceremony is way too much.
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
31 May 07
I think it's stupid!!! I wonder what the punishment would have been if there wasn't a cop involved, or even a teacher. What if it were just students? Would the punishment be different? Kids will be kids. Why not let them get the immature stuff out of their system while they're young, and learning instead of when they're older and should know better. They should have definitely been part of the graduation ceremony. Even the jail and suspension were too much, but to take away a once in a lifetime opportunity (graduating high school) away from kids is just not right. How would the teacher and cop feel if it were their own kid(s)? Betcha it would be a differenet outcome. People are so stupid.
Sorry!!! I'll shut up now. Having one of those days.....actually months. I've designated May as Moron Month, so I guess this shouldn't surprise me either!!! Full moon is coming too!!!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
31 May 07
I don't think it was too harsh. These people are seniors and by now should have learned that becoming an adult brings responsibilities and that their childish antics have consequences.
I'm sure they will still don cap and gown or whatever for photo taking in their homes.
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@RenaeT (681)
• United States
31 May 07
How stupid. That is way too harsh! That reminded me of when I took my son to Point Loma Nazarene College's orientation weekend. We were eating in the Caf and all of a sudden, someone started this chant. We all started looking around to see who it was and the next thing we knew, food was a flyin'!! Tomatoes, spaghetti, beans, salad, you name it, it was flyin all over the place... chairs were falling over because people started running and trying to get under tables. It was hilarous! And, I was a parent!! I wanted to join in!! My son told me later that when he ducked under the table, a cherry tomato landed on the chair in front of his face and he wanted SO bad to pick it up and throw it, but was afraid he'd get busted. This only lasted about 15 seconds, and the security had two young men by the colar, hauling them out....I think they should have been made to clean it up, but that is about all I think should happen to them.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
31 May 07
I personally think that is way to harsh for teens. They need to back off. It was only food. And to do that to seniors and not be able to walk during graduation.. Oh man.. I would have been so devestated over that. That is horrible news to hear. :(
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@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I think that jailing them might teach them a lessson.But as for them missing graduation I do think it is way to harsh.It is a shame because most kids these days don't even make it that far.And for them to graduate is an honor.It is also punishing the parents and the family.They should have just left them in jail overnight to see how real criminals live.Then let them continue to the graduation.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
31 May 07
yes, a little harsh, JAil for food fight? Thats just crazy! Also, seniors sometimes get this flood of excitement and wanting to do something memorable before school ends. I think maybe making them clean up the cafeteria afterward, may have worked.
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
31 May 07
I think that its just ridiculous, schools are pushing on too much power lately. Its like our kids are in prisons instead of a schooling enviornment, I can't believe some of the things that they're doing to our children.
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@arianasmum (223)
• New Zealand
31 May 07
way to harsh for a food fight they could of been made to clean the school all the walls or something like that so it helps the school and punishes them at the same time.
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@windchild (26)
• United States
31 May 07
I really think that they were wrong,for not letting them be in the graduation ceremony.
Because in my opion they already were punished when they sent to jail for two hours and suspened for 2 days.
Yes I think it was harsh
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@jowalker (52)
• United States
31 May 07
Todays kids are getting away with way too much in the schools and they do so by intimidation. As for the food fight, the proper punishment would have been to make them stay and clean up the lunch room, all of it...and allow their fellow classmates to stand and watch. Suspension, in my opinion is simply giving the kids what they want. I am old school and firmly believe in corporal punishment. A paddle to the backside is much more attention getting then 2 days suspension or two hours in a jail cell. They cost themselves the glory of walking the stage and showing the world that they had earned their graduation certificate, their loss. I do not mourn for them. But other kids should take note and remember that all action has an equal and opposite reaction. Personally, I think the teachers and admins should be given more control over their classrooms, and the children should be made to earn their place, and taught that respect is to be given to all teachers and adults. Too many think that they are owed something in this life, with no regard to the fact, that like us, they have to earn it.
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