What Is Your Favorite Cheese??

@buenavida (9984)
May 30, 2007 10:25pm CST
I like strong cheeses, they have often a great after taste. What do you prefer to eat and drink with the cheese??
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10 responses
@xreesex (114)
• United States
3 Dec 07
I would have to say that Feta is my favorite cheese. I love really strong, salty cheeses, though there aren't too many kinds of cheese I dislike! I am also a fan of extra sharp chedder, montery jack, and goat cheese (the soft, spreadable kind). Oh, and blue cheeses. Mmmm
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
4 Jan 08
It is difficult to say what our favorite cheese is, there are so many great sorts in the shops. I like cheese with strong taste too.
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@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
16 Dec 07
I love mozzerella cheese. It melts so quickly and wow it tastes amazingly better then chedder and it is heathier then cheddar. SO I am glad that is the only cheese I buy.
@jerryn (819)
• United States
31 May 07
I like mozzerella and provolone cheese on my sandwiches. I drink either water of juice to wash it down.
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@jerryn (819)
• United States
31 May 07
I like mozzerella and provolone cheese on my sandwiches. I drink either water of juice to wash it down.
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@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
4 Jun 07
i like mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese.
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@tizraa (10)
• Sweden
9 Jan 08
i like cheese with sandwiches and in foods..like in pizza.i like cheddar cheese.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Jan 08
I like cheddar too and I bought a big piece last month, so maybe I will serve it with bread and tea next time you visit me..!:)
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 07
I love cheese, but if I eat too much it gives me a terrible headache. My favourites include cheddar, stilton, camembert, emmenthal, dolcelatte, brie etc. Effectively I like all cheeses except cottage cheese which I loathe.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
19 Dec 07
mozzaralla (sp?, a eat on sandwiches, especially roast beef or pottabello mushrooms.
• United States
3 Jan 08
My favorite is pepper jack. I love to put it on and in just about everything.
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@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
4 Jan 08
You are right. I usually buy mild cheese. But I love old emmental cheese with the strong flavor. For Christmas I bought a cheese that was called " old Swede". Took it home, opened the pack and it was smelly. But it tasted great! So I will buy it again. I eat the cheese on rye bread with butter and drink grain coffee. Happy mylotting!
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
10 Jan 08
When I go to Finland, I often buy their great Emmental cheese, especially the old one. Gives great taste to foods and on bread.