How do u know if some one realy loves you ??

Sri Lanka
May 31, 2007 3:38am CST
how can you figure out if some one really loves you ???
8 responses
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
31 May 07
i think if a person is happy seeing you, happy being given attention by you, or just the mere presence of you makes that person's heart jump a bit... then that is love.
• Sri Lanka
31 May 07
thanks ... bt how can you figure out if that person feel that way about you ??? what if you hv misunderstood her/him ?? and she/he is just trying to be friendly with you...
• Malaysia
31 May 07
hmm..this is tough. sometimes u think someone loves you but they don't. love's complicated yet wonderful and amazing:P i guess when someone knows your faults and flaws, yet loves you for what you are, that's one of the ways to know how someone really loves you. love is also about how a person makes you feel or what he/she does for you without expecting anything in return. also if that person sticks with you through thick and thin, that's also probably one way to know if someone really loves you..
• Sri Lanka
31 May 07
its a realy good thought ... thanks
@mani123 (354)
• India
31 May 07
hi! in world all guys are love with any one..some guys are like money ,girls,boys,food,books,work etc.. BUT LOVE IS TRUE..if some one loves me, their activity will give that responsipility...
@mymytri (2030)
• India
31 May 07
by their guy started loving who is younger than me and he didnt tell me about that.he was short temper get angry for each and everything.he become so cool and started talking to me often.i wonder there will be nothing in our talkings and he was started taking care of me .i noticed and warned him and told him not to do so.he said ok..but dont know what is in his mind now
• India
31 May 07
there was a guy who use to secretly loved for 3 yrs.he never said this .we were in same college.whenever my class use to get over he use to wait for me so that we could go together.initially i wasnt friends use to tease me with his name n many of them thought that i was going around with that person.he use never get angry on me.
• India
31 May 07
this is a very simple thing u can find out.he or she will always find a reason to talk to u n would always give u more than enough attention
• China
31 May 07
I will try to love him as he love me, and I will assist him to develop his bussiness hard. Also, I will force myself to learn more knowledges. Let us life better in future.
• China
31 May 07
let she love me ,but i would not love she . i will lead my ordinary life by myself.