Should I Stay??? Should I Go???

@cpclos (24)
United States
May 31, 2007 10:31pm CST
I've been in a relationship for 8 months now. Everything been great but it seems to be leading up to a final climax. Lately all we been ending up doing is fighting and arguing and to be truthful is getting annoying. It didn't use to be like this at all and it seems like we are both starting to change. Every little thing sparks an argument and the annoying part of it is that most of them are for no reason. I feel like we are starting to get under each others skins. I really do like this girl and i enjoy being with her and these last 8 months been amazing but what should i do?
3 responses
• United States
1 Jun 07
I think that whether you stay or go is entirely up to you, no one can really say what you should do, but do keep in mind that usually the front end of a relationship is the infatuation part, and that does (unfortunately) start to wane once the new has worn off. What is left is the real part...if it's real love then you realize that no one is perfect, we all have our differences and love each other unconditionally. If you aren't right for each other, only you can know that....Blessings!!
@smacksman (6053)
1 Jun 07
Sorry, but this is part of the agony of being 16. Been there, done that, swallowed the pill. All hell usually breaks out at that age! haha. Seriously though, have a good chat together and maybe see if you have a break for a while and see if 'absense makes the heart grow fonder' as the saying goes. If you both feel the same way after a break then great. Oh yes, and welcome to myLot. Good to see you here.
@burcun (504)
• Turkey
1 Jun 07
You are saying that last 8 months been amazing and you like this girl. So if you like her you must try harder, you must speak with her try the solition your problems. If you dont talk about it you cant be happy. I hope you will find a way out.