what's the biggest turn off do u find with your partner?
By zer0charly
@zer0charly (5614)
June 1, 2007 2:07am CST
i don't have a boyfriend right now..so i will just tell you the biggest turn off i've noticed on my ex boyfriend..well..,it's his attitude..he's a backstabber!as in!he has a bad attitude that if his infront of my family and my friends,he's good,he's kind..(he's showing a lot of good attitude..).he has a lot of pretensions!i am such a fool that eventhough i already know that attitude..i still love him.but of course..everything has its end..so when the time comes that i really can't take it anymore..i split up with him..for me..attitude matters alot..
how about you?what's the biggest turnoff that you think you can no longer take it?..can this thing change or will you still accept that thing even if it turns you off alot?..
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11 responses
@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
Well me my ex girl is a liar, two timer, a sl*t and a wh**e.she lied behind my back, cheated me for another more handsome and hot friend,She insulted me, said bad things behind my back, and cursed me, although i loved her very dearly, cared for her, did things for her even if im not supposed to, was loyal to her and did all good things to her...What a fool was i...damn, well it was always like that to all the girls i met.They always say im never good enough or woerthy for them since im too ugly, geekish, weird enrdy, a turn off and everything a girl hates ...so i think im not "worthy"(whateevr the ehll that meant)for anyone so for me....i dont really care about girls or anyone anymore..Ill just go up Mount Banahaw and do my own hermitage there hehehehehe

@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
I am not actually i woman hater b4...i was a womanizer but i never got anything good out of any trelationship...it always sucked and it it alwayas had bad endings where i am the one who always get screwed...so i give up on girls and now they seem to be an annoyance to me..
And about "god's" punishment.............sorry i dont believe in any of that crap.......it just doesnt work....it is as mythical as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.And about what i said...i know its true since i always see my dream for grils go down the drain so i think its hopless.......
And abt my "positive" side............most people who say that i do lie..........many people who say nice things about me mostly lie..this just proves the saying "Out of 15 who flatter.....14 lie".It would also take more than a miracle for me to get a girl
So ill stop dreaming and face truth
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
so..your a womanizer before?..that's it..karma got you..
I dont want to end up with an arguments with you..i respect your opinions,and so respect mine..
-about God..sorry but i believe in that "CRAP"..but like what ive wrote in there..i respect your views..i hope someday you'll find your happiness..(coz i know that you need that..)
--keep on responding!^__^
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
lol..seems like your a woman hater..not all girls are like your ex..i believe that there is also a good girl who loves more than what they received.
-for your x-girlfriend..well,dont worry..God has its own way to punish that girl!..I really dont know the real thing that happened so I really dont want to judge her.don't waste your feelings for that kind of girls..I know that there is someone who is better and deserve for your love..so what if your ugly,geek or weird?.I believe that there is a positive side with that characteristics..and of course..pls..love yourself first if you want others to love you also..
-"i really dont care about girls anymore!"...wag k mgsalita ng tapos..we can never tell..
-hai..dont waste your life being alone..
-keep on responding..

@eprado (1467)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
Sad to hear that about your ex-boyfriend, good I guess for you to have open your eyes and see his true colors. Like they say sometimes love is blind. Just charged it to your experienced :-)
"It's better to have loved and failed that to have never love at all"
The biggest turn-off for me would be disrespect. That the most important thing in a relationship I believed. If there's respect, there is trust, then each person would'nt do anything to hurt his/her partner's feeling.
There's is always room for forgiveness. If she changes why not and hope there's still love and its not too late. :-)
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
23 Aug 07
let me rephrase whay you've said.."love is not blind..the people involve are the one who get blinded because of love."
i agree with..i believe that love is life,and if you wouldnt feel love,you life is incomplete.but let me tell you that,isnt because you doesnt have any boyfriend or girlfriend,you'll be incomplete..i hope that you get my point in there.
-looks like you compile all the quotations in your cellphone huh?lol..
--thanks for responding!
@myliezl0903 (2726)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
i hate LIAR!!! for me "honesty is the best policy". and it should be that way., if you're saying something make sure that it is always true. don't make up stories or don't ever make up excuses on me.,i should know if your telling the truth or not.second, is i hate people not just for my partner who doesn't have good sense of humor.,im a good communicator and a good listener as well and i should say that when he's with me i wanted to have a good conversation.,don't just smile at me at have nothing to share...lol Ü i do have my third turn off for my partner but i'd rather keep my mouth shut coz i know i might get hurt someone and i just don't want to do that...lol Ü
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
I agree with you..after love,trust is the second essential ingridient of love..so how will you trust someone if he's not honest with you?right?
-"i know if he's telling the truth or not?"--some kind of a psychic ability.lol.i guess its a woman instinct..so guys!be careful.kuya alex!be careful!haha!
-me too.i also want someone who has a good sense of humor.its a good thing if you share something to each other..and learn from it..and you'll have a good conversation with that.
-i already know the third one..you dont have to write it in here.lol.
-for that answer,i'll give you a best response!^__^
@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
4 Jun 07
I guess the biggest turn off for me was, to know that my ex bf sleeps around with other girls...
I mean i was totally gross out and felt sick of the idea...
Yah, we didnt last...
N im glad i managed to find out before anything else...
It would have been silly of me...
I mean, yah, i was heart broken, cried for really long, took quite a while to get things over...
Im glad at least i didnt do anything wrong with him...
Would have regretted man...
But yah, hes such a jerk...
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
life is good..and dont waste your teardrops for that kind of guy...believe in karma..leave it all to God..
@cecillecarmela (3818)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
Hmmm... I really hate GUYS without ethics!
(guys spitting in sidewalks, ungentleman and the like...)
it really pisses me off! that makes me stay away from him!!
it also makes me turn off when my boyfriend stares on pretty girls especially when i'm around co'z that makes me think that he's desperate.. i don't know.. :D
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
yeah..that's a major turn off..!that's kadiri!hehe..
me too..ill give him a quick punch if he'll stare at girls even if im around..(d pde un!)
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
I hate it when he confidently gives unsolicited advices. He tends to "preach" to me sometimes what I should do because of this and that. There were numerous times that I got so irritated with what he has been doing, that I told him to look in the mirror first. Because he might need the advices that he "preaches" more than I do.
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
23 Jul 07
so..seems like your man is judging you?is that right..hhmm..talk to him..and tell him that you got hurt with the things that he's saying to you..me too..i hate unsolicited advice.especially if the one who's preaching me,was the one who's also doin the same thing that i am doin..
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
1 Jun 07
my bf is a 'complainer', he will complain over every single thing. and the worst thing was we depended very heavily on public transport, so whenever the bus driver or taxi driver do anything that he don't like, he will complain to the authority or tell them off straight in the face. it can be kinda awkward and embarassing at times. but i will have to accept it...what to do...i have to accept the whole 'package' :D
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
yeah..that's what i dont like too..it was a big turn off..i dont like that kind of attitude..
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
I'm totally down right now, my girlfriend just left me.. Without a word, not even responding at my messages to her cellphone and e-mails.
I guess that's one thing that pisses me off right now, to atleast explain to me what got to her mind. It's really hard just to understand her, it only makes matter worse.
I just hope that someday, she'll get to let me know her part of the story.
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
i already experienced that kind of stuff..my ex boyfriend left without a word..that's why i am always asking..is there something wrong that ive done with him?..that's very painful..what i did was to totally get rid him of my life..coz i dont want to waste my teardrops for that kind of person..leave it all to God..he'll do something with that girl!
@billabadmash (1011)
• Pakistan
1 Jun 07
I don't have any kind of experience such as having a girlfriend yet but the biggest turn off will not be her attitude but the intension i mean if she is loyal to me i don';t care about the attitude but if she is into something else then i think that will be time when i will say no way baby i cant make you what i wish to :) so take your way away from me :)
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
yeah..its a biggest turn off if she has someonelse other than you..that's a bad attitude!i hate those people!
@brandonmagsino (639)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
Hmm, well right now I am single too. Speaking from previous relationship, the biggest turn off would be jealousy and being a flirt to other guys. There is nothing wrong with having a lot of friends, both girls and boys. But there is certainly a limit on how to interact with the opposite side. Generally, I am a jealous type of guy before, but I am trying to change that attitude of mine. Having said that, I am quite the jealous type before when I see my partner talking with other good looking guys. I can't really control it at times acting that way. Since I am the jealous type before and seeing my former partners talking with other guys, there is always that feeling that something fishy can go on. As a matter of fact, I caught one of my former girlfriends cheating on me with another guy. You see, out of boredom I went to Gateway one time. I haven't told her about it. As I was walking there I saw a very familiar face. It was my ex-girlfriend holding hands with some other guy. With that, I tried to contact her through the phone just asking her where she is right now. She told me over the phone that she was at home watching tv. Wow, that is one big home she has. He he he. The following day, I broke up with her. I can't stand the fact that she cheated on me, was lying to me and she being jealous if I am with other girls (friends of course). Oh well, perhaps the right girl will come soon. =)
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
to much jealousy is not healthy on a relationship..we should always remember that love cannot live if there is not trust..but we should be careful not to brake it..like what your ex girlfriend did to you..coz once you brake your trust,you'll never put it back again,..and if ever,there will be a mark on it..
on my own points of view,theres nothing wrong if sometimes,you get attracted with some other guys'girls if you are already committed..like crush or something..for as long as you know who you really love..
for me,just enjoy being with each other..
i am also get jealous if my guy interacts with other girls..even if i know that it is only his friends..but i always put in my mind that i need to trust my man like the way he trust me..coz i do also have boy-friends..and my man knows that i am very sweet with my friends..i always explain with him that it was all an act of friendship..
and if there is something..for sure,guys will feel it..
and i have noticed..lagi kng wla sa mood mgrespond sa mga discussions ah..hehe..keep on responding!mwah!