Do you want to make your own body scrub?

June 1, 2007 3:46am CST
If you want to pamper with a home made salt scrub, try this. You need -10 drops of pure essential lavender oil -half a cup of cold pressed olive oil or aromatheraphy carrier oil -half a cup of fine sea salt. The coarse sea salt may be too harsh unless you want to use it on your heels and elbows Mix all 3 ingredients well in a clean jar and you have your home made lavender salt scrub. To use, right after a shower, after you rinsed off all the soap and are still dripping wet, take the scrub, scooping the salt and oil together and rub it all over your body. The oil mixes with the water droplets on your body, creating something like an instant moisturizing lotion. The salt exfoliates dead skin cells. When you are done, rinse it all off under the shower. The scrub would leave you with glowing skin that is soft and smooth.
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