do you agree, misery finds company while happiness seeks solitude?

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
June 1, 2007 5:08am CST
Today I find people are much happier discussing things that upset them rather than things that make us happy. So do we ever suffer alone and in silence or is there an inbuilt need to spread it around?
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7 responses
@derek_a (10874)
1 Jun 07
Yes, I do. In fact that seems to be quite a wise saying. It always seems to be in meditation (which is a solitary activity) that people find peace and nirvana. If we are to listen to people around us, there always seems to be a lot of "Oh... isn't that terrible" etc. Or "Mrs Jones down the road.. well her husband ran off with...." Do people feel superior listening to the tales of woe of others? It seems to be that way - What a world we live in! LOL.. Sorry,, shouldn't laugh.. ;-)
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
1 Jun 07
it just astounds me sometimes that we seem much happier re living all the negative things in our lives than sharing the positive blessed be
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@derek_a (10874)
2 Jun 07
What would happen if we were to have a "happy discussion week" no complaining allowed at all, no criticism etc. But let's make it a little more difficult. What if we add a rule that is has to be absolute truth! Would it mean that many people would be struck dumb for that week?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Jun 07
hahaha what a great idea. Better sill what if mylot only paid for positive discussions, i bet the purveyers of missery would be out of here then blessed be
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• United States
3 Jun 07
I think it rings true all too often. You hear groups of people that love to spend their time complaining. If they put nearly the effort into FIXING what they don't like or at least trying to make a difference... imagine what our world would be like!?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Jun 07
exactly right my friend. It appears to me that we have become a world of problem diagnosers, happy to point out all that is wrong with the world, both on an individual level and in the world in general. Such finger pointers however, would much prefer some anonymous other to carry out any action, then they move on to the next problem blessed be
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
1 Jun 07
It sounds logically. We need support when we are in trouble, but we dont like to share our happiness with the others too much.But for many people it`s easier and better to show their happiness and to hide their problems. This depends of the individual.
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3 Jun 07
I think that people who are feeling upset need to share their feelings, so that other people can validate them, if you see what I mean? For instance, if someone is mad at their mother they will tell people about it so that they can support them. If you are happy, you do not have an emotional need for people to validate your happiness! You are just contented being happy! x
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
1 Jun 07
I agree with you that people do like bringing up the things that are bothering them. I do it myself but this is something that I am trying to change in my behavior. Misery does not only seek misery but it also breeds it and I think that if we share happiness it will breed happiness.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I think the reason people like to discuss what's going wrong in their lives is the old saying of misery loves company---perhaps we want to know that we're not alone in our problems...everyone has there is a kind of reassurance--I think some people might keep their problems bottled up and not say anything but that tends to make the situation worse..sometimes its good to get things off ones chest and talk things out--as for when we have our happy moments...nope...I share that too..I've been on the phone all day, telling my friends my good and great news...
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
1 Jun 07
well im pleased to hear it my friend may your good fortune continue blessed be
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@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
1 Jun 07
There was a time that I would pine in my own misery alone. I have found, however, I get past those down feelings faster if I seek others who support me. I don't see the "misery loves company" to mean the I need to be surrounded by depressed people when I'm depressed, instead, I see this to mean that in order to "get over" the misery, one needs support. As for my happiness, well, when I'm like that I want to share it so I will go for a walk or something and "pass it on" to the people I meet along the way. Admittedly, though, I bask in silence....silence calms me so sometimes, I just like to sit quietly and experience the calmness and serinity.