Don't tell me any secrets!
By Woodpigeon
@Woodpigeon (3710)
June 1, 2007 7:38am CST
Do you have to forbid those close to you to keep their mouths shut? I do, because I cannot keep a secret!
Just recently I was told that some relative have bought my kids a freestanding pool to use when we visit, but I can't "tell them." Yeah, right. I think that secret survived a full three minutes.
When I was little my dad used to lie to me about what he had gotten my mother for Christmas, because I would always spill the beans. I think it was 2 or 3 Christmases and birthdays in a row before we copped on that even though the gift was supposed to be a watch, strangely enough it was somthing totally different!
So, the gender of you child that you want to keep secret? DO NOT tell me!
The surprise party? Please, please, only include me at the last possible moment!
That you are having an affair, or looking for a job with another company or are thinking of divorce? For god's sake, don't confide in me if you don't want it getting out! If nothing else, my expression will give it away should the subject ever come up!
What about you? Are you a vault with information, or too open for your own good?
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22 responses
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I never say anything which really aggrevates people but I do know people who are blabbers.That 's why I don't tell anyone anything cause i don't trust them to keep their mouths shut. lol. I believe if you went something kept secret,don't say anything.People get so mad if they tell someone a secret and they blab but if you don't want anyone knowing anything,dont say anything and you won't have to worry about your secret being revealed.It's as easy as that.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
That is exactly what I try to tell them, please don't tell me anything because I have a BIG, BIG, BIG mouh!
I think the only secret I have kept successfully was when my son had a crush on someone and if thathad gotten out it would have been very akward for him. It bout killed me, though, and then he ended up letting the cat out of the bag, thank god, before I did so I was off the hook. Perilous stuff!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Hi Pat, I don't really mind too much with the stops mid way through because they really probably ought not to be telling me. It's for their own good :-)
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I have always been able to keep secrets. I sometimes even had fun when I was little because my siblings would ask me what they were getting as a present. I would tell them something whether it be the actually gift or not would be the question. It was always fun to have a little fun. These days I just keep my mouth shut.
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@dragonstar13 (1465)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I used to stink at keeping secrets, I was always forgetting who told me what and who I was supposed to keep it a secret from.
Now when someone says, promise you won't say anything, I remind them who they are talking to and that I won't promise to keep it a secret. Most of the time they tell me anyway.
My sister in law is so funny because after she tells me a secret, I usually find out she's already told five or six other people before me. Some secret, huh?
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
That is too funny. My kids can be a bit like that, they tell me somehting 'in confidence' and then I hear them telling thirty other people. Gee, I wonder where they got that bad habit from?
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I keep things pretty closed up, especially if I know its hurtful or would be detrimental to the person who had to unload on me. But I have a friend just like you,,,(God bless her). She means well but just can not help herself. We all love her, but we know what we can tell her and what we can't. She knows we do this and makes no excuses for herself, like you she says if you don't want it told don't tell me. On the other hand she is pretty neat in a situation you want to be totally fun and really get a surprise in. We have made up elaborate schemes, just to throw her and the person our joke was aimed at :)) its really to much fun. So Pigeon relax you still have a place
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
You are so right with the knowledge, 'we know what we can tell her and what we can't'. As soon as anyone says, 'between you, me and the fence post' I start backing away and making the sign of a cross to ward off evil. Don't tell me! LOL, because as soon as they do someone else will be right behind them wondering whihc of the new teachers might be retained, or why th so and sos are moving and demmit, I usually know and would rather not!
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@mummymo (23706)
1 Jun 07
Well honey at least you are honest! I laughed all the way through reading your post! I cannot keep a secret of my own - I will tell my friends and relatives not to say anything about X to a specific person as it is a secret but the first time I see them I tell them myself! When it comes to other peoples secrets though that is different. I just will not reveal their secrets to anyone - espescially if they have told me something in confidence! xxx
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
I swear I don't chase the gossip, it all comes to me. I think people like to hear my take on things and they sometims forget I have the loosest of lips. Give me a cup of coffee and she's off!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
That is what gets me into trouble. Blunt. Direct. Honesty, and squirmy and nervous looking when something comes up that I ought not to know about. I would rather be kept in the dark. I'm sure I am for the most part!
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I have found that if I can tell someone, anyone, that isn't directly involved with the secret or surprise I do good. Sometimes you just HAVE to tell someone and this is the best way lol.
If someone says "this is between you and me" I have to honor that but it sure is hard. Especially because I am a very honest person and when I am asked a direct question I have a very hard time lying about it. So I have to come up with ways to respect the person that asked me not to say anything but not lie at the same time. Sometimes that is so difficult!
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
1 Jun 07
I refuse to lie. That's the hard part. I had a very upset wife of a co-worker call me all upset because she believed her husband was having an affair. I knew that he had but that it was over. I had been confided in when I walked in on the couple in a gentle embrace (he was consoling her about something). But this woman was a friend and I didn't know what to say to her. I said, "What do you think?" I let her say the answer and then I could just confirm it. She really knew anyway, just needed some kind of confirmation I guess. That was the hardest secret I had to try and keep and sort of did, or maybe not. LOL!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Pat, tha is usually what I do too! I hate getting put in that awful position of knowing, and knowing the person should know, and knowing I'm not supposed to say anything. It used to be especially hard at work with company decisions that couldn't be passed on to staff. When it was something that was messing them about, or the CEO would be really nasty about certain individuals in private, and then go out in the full house meeting and be sweet as pie, it made me want to retch. CCoul;dn't trust the guy as far as you could throw him, but he SEEMED so trustworthy at face value. I am sure it showed in my face.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
That is a good solution! Although, it isn't so much that I have to tell, it is more like when the subject of whatever comes up I start squirming or have some other tell, and man, once they see there is something to uncover, they are off to the races and I am the fox. I'm like you, I hate it when they start asking, and at best I manage to get away with dropping hints or vagueties.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
That is apparently a very good cheat. Tell one person who would never know the person the secret is about. It relieves the 'Oh My God I Am Going to EXPLODE!" feeling, yet keeps it quiet at the same time. I will have to rey this. Although I don't thik it'll help with the Christmas present thing.

@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
LOL I am the opposite. If someone needs to let something out of their chest they always come to me because they know that I won't tell a soul. Even stuff that I would prefer not to know.. they still come and tell me!
Even if the person didn't ask me to keep it a secret I still don't talk about it.It's nice that people trust me but I always end up knowing more than what I really want to know.ANd sometimes things I don't agree with either and I so preferred I hadn't been told!
SO go ahead, tell me about your surprise party, the birthday present you got for your spouse, where you hid your secret diary... I won't tell hehe

@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Oh good! Next time I have to tell someone, I will try my new method of telling someone who couldn't possibly reveal the secret. I will be looking you up!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
4 Jun 07
Ok, here you go: along with the pool they got for the kids, they just finished hauling 360 pounds of sand for the horse shoe pits they installed. LOL. Let's see iff this little theory works!
@beccacoward (525)
3 Jun 07
I like to think I'm a trustworthy person, if my friends tell me their secrets I keep them. However, I gossip just as much as the next girl! I love it! x
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
3 Jun 07
It is difficult to keep secrets, and I don't think there is normally too much harm in the more harlmless variety of chatter.
@drakan291 (817)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
Piggey I cant keep a secret either. My friends are as bas as me though so I don't get in much trouble over it. As soon as the pints start flowing their are no more secrets.
@drakan291 (817)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
Sorry about the screenie. I don't know what I did to make that happen?!?
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
Well, drakan, we are in good company then, and hopefully our friends keep the big bads well under wraps. Nice picture, by the way. Is that your signature line?
@StrawberryInsanity (71)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I am going through a situation along these lines right now. I have two close friends who seem to get off on talking crap and telling everything they are not suppossed to. I will even specifically say do not tell anyone, and the next thing you know it is all but on the bathroom wall.
I am not a blabber. I don't even put intimate details in my journal if I think they might accidentally be read by another. I know how it feels to have my secrets revealed and it isn't fun.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
Why oh why do you tell them anything then? Everyone knows how bad I am, so they only tell me things that don't matter. I still end up with a hell of a lot of gossip, but it's all pretty harmless. Luckily. And since I hear so much from here there and the other, and am pretty honest, I get asked a lot and often put on the spot. I am glad people use an edit with anything too heavy duty, because it probably isn't my business anyway.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I'm pretty good at keeping secrets,so everyone tells me everything. It is hard to keep certain things secret, especially when it's about someone I really don't like.I don't even tell my husband or my best friend. I guess I've learned over the years to keep things to myself, and that's what I do, even though I might want to tell it all.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
You are very good to be able to keep secrets from your husband and best friend. Maybe I will learn in time, but I have a feeling I am going to be like Old Auntie Kitty, and know what is going on and being asked about it. She is no good at keeping secrets either, despite her age.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I learned by working in the healthcare field. We had to practice patient confidentiality, and I've heard and seen so much I had to keep quiet about, it just became a habit, and I guess that's a good thing, but it does weigh on me sometimes.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
I guess those would be the sort of secrets you would have to keep. I suppose I did manage to keep a few of those myself when I worked because there were some confidentiality issues. The old pigeon can't be feather brained all of the time ;-)
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
2 Jun 07
You make me laugh. That is hillarious. I love your honesty.
I am pretty good at keeping a secret from anyone but my husband. For some reason I just want to tell him everything. I don't like knowing secrets because I don't trust my expressions when I am around other people. I feel the need to walk away and not participate in conversations so people won't know I am prevy to the information..... I rather just not know.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
The expressions get me all the time. I look guilty even when I am not, so when something comes up I may as well be standing there waving a big red flag with a siren going off. They then go for the jugular!
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
1 Jun 07
So true. SOmetimes I stick my fingers inmy ears and sing, "Fingers in my ears, I can't hear you, la la la la la!". It doesn't seem to stop them, though.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Jun 07
There are certain things that I cannot keep a secret and I have to tell someone, usually my partner or mum.
I have been guilty of telling my kids their presents and it got to the stage where my mum would not tell me what she had bought them incase I went and told them.
But on serious matters I am very good and because I have kept it a secret I feel so proud of myself. These are secrets I start of believing I would never share with anyone, but then I still have to tell my partner as he is brilliant and never blubs!!
In all honesty I don't think I have a secret that I have not told at least one other person, so I am as bad as you Woodpigeon!!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!
My kids are a bad, they confide everything in their friends, and my youngest has a habit of shouting about whatever ltest juicy tidbit he has heard to whoever it was about, in front of the biggest crowd possible. It's ever so lovely!
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
1 Jun 07
hahaha, I feel you my friend,
i have a really hard time keeping things to myself, and like this one time, last christmas, my hubby kept going on and on about what he was getting, and i had to lie to him because he got it once, and damn did i cry, because i lied to him for one, and i can't handle that, and because of how hard it was to hold in the secret.
I'm an open person, i just don't see the sense in wasting energy trying to hide things, it's just not worth it to me, but in the case of gifts and stuff, that is worth it i guess, but it's sooooo hard, i find it easier to tell someone i don't know though, that way, i already told someone and don't have that itch hahha.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
It is terrible, especially Christams. I start off being hounded for hints, and then the frank guessing starts in, and they look for reactions on my face. They are ruthless! Luckily can tell everyone else what I have gotten them, and they don't say, so that relieves some of the pressure!
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
2 Jun 07
Hello woodpigeon. I better keep my bunny mouth zip whenever I'm responding to you. Did you know that bunny's favorite food is not really carrot, LOL!
I'm a certified secret keeper. I don't know why. But its not my nature to spill any beans since I was a little bunny. I don't normally share my secrets with others too. I'm a very private bunny and prefer to keep everything to myself. That's why most of my friends feel safe and confident enough to share theirs.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
I am sure they really appreciate having you to come to and unload their burdens. I think you have a very good policy.
@tianyecao (29)
• China
2 Jun 07
I am always open to my close friends.I can not keep a secret myself.I will go crazy if I don't tell it to somebody.It is hard to firbid other people to keep their mouths shut.Only your true friends will keep them for you.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
I am afraid we are in the same boat, my friend. I would rather not know and that way if something gets told, they won't be able to suspect me.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
I will leak your secrets. I will be a gushing font of information ;-)
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Right you are. Luckily, none of the secrets entrusted to me have been very grave so I don't think I've managed to upset world order, thankfully.