Have you ever almost died?

United States
June 1, 2007 8:20am CST
Tell us about that experience and what happened.
2 responses
• Sri Lanka
1 Jun 07
ya i escaped 2 subside bombs... i narrowly missed both of them on of em i saw it go off from a distance.. i was waiting to take a bus on that direction... if i left ere in the previous bus i dnt knw wht would hv happened 2 me...the other time, the bomb went off after i passed dat place abt 5mins ago....
• United States
1 Jun 07
Where did this happen? What country?
• Sri Lanka
1 Jun 07
i hate 2 say this, bt im a sri lankan it happened in Colombo both of em...
• United States
1 Jun 07
One time, I took to much Codine ( I took a tablespoon instead of 2 teaspoons) and I passed out in the middle of the night and feel to the floor. (my mother and sister are both allergic to it) My husband couldn't get me woke up and when he did my eyes were rolling back in my head etc. It scared me and him so bad.
• United States
1 Jun 07
Honey that is totally freaky. Im so sorry that happend to you. Thank God you are fine now!!!