keep your opinions to yourself!
By cheryl2783
@cheryl2783 (229)
United States
June 1, 2007 11:52am CST
As a new monther, I noticed how many people feel the need to voice their opinion about YOUR child. This past week was the topper. I was in the airport with my five month old. A woman came up and asked how old my son is. I told her he was five months. Her responce, "Oh, he's chubby." I was furious. He is not at all chubby, and if he was, it's none of her business. My reply to her was, "Oh, so are you."
My husband thinks I overreacted, but I don't. I think she had no right to say that to me. The only thing chubby on him is his cheeks. All babies have a little extra weight on them. It shows they are healthy, not fat.
Do you think I overreacted? What would you have done?
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31 responses
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I can't say I would have replied with what you said as I normally keep my comments to myself in person to person contact unless I was so fuming that I couldn't control myself. Very seldom do I get that tee'd off though. That lady gave her opinion so you gave yours back. Nothing wrong with that!
Who cares what other people think! People are cruel in today's society and they don't care if they hurt another person's feelings or not.
I looked at your babies picture and he is adorable and not one bit chubby. If he was, who cares, they tend to wear it off when they start walking anyway. I do have a chubby 9 mth old, I think he is chubby anyway. That's him in my avatar. He is 21 lbs right now and his 2 yr old brother is 21 lbs.
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I know exactly how you feel. While I was about 8 mo. pregrant my husband took me out to eat mexican food (which was all I ate while pregant) a women out of no where comes up to our table and tells me I should have my baby taken away from me as soon as it is born because I was already abusing the child. She then turned to my hubby and said dont you know spicy foods can make an unborn child blind. I totally lost it on the women and ended up getting kicked out of the restraunt. Not Her; Me when she was the one who had nerve to go up to my table. As you can see I am still a little upset by this. Oh and by the way my baby has perfect vision.
@fairly4458 (842)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Yeah, you notice all the blind South Americans & all other countries where pepper type spice is the choice! That woman had her head up her butt!
At the very most, it may cause you some digestive discomfort if only because of where the baby is! I couldn't eat spicy the later it got!
But, if you enjoyed it, & the doc didn't tell you to lay off, you had as much right to be there as anyone else!
@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I hope you got kicked out for throwing food all over her, and nothing less. I love Mexican food and ate it all the time too. No one ever came up to me about that one. I did have people tell me I shouldn't eat m&ms, though. So I took the whole bag and ate it as fast as I could. I admit I get a little too mad when it comes to people telling me what to do or not to do. Good for you!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
2 Jun 07
lol that is SO funny! What was her reaction when you said that to her? I'm sure she didn't mean it in a mean way when she said it, but I don't think that it was appropriate to say. All babies are chubby when they are little. Both my girls were and now they are both pretty skinny. My nephew is now, he's 3 months old and weighs 15lbs. We calm him chubbers and he is cute as can be. His dad was chubby like that when he was little too. I couldn't say for sure if you over reacted because I don't know what the ladies tone was. I wouldn't have the guts to say it, so good for you :)
@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I agree. Its all about the tone. And she was very snooty.. Hense, my reaction
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
1 Jun 07
i guess it would not be an insult if it had been said to a person who is big enough to understand it and defend himself. but since it was a baby carried by his mother, the mother would really feel insulted. wish people could think first before spitting out words.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I totally understand how you feel. However, most people feel that it's their God-given right to tell you stuff about you and your children that you never asked to hear in the first place. I can't tell you how many times people thought my son was a girl or that my daughter was a boy. You think the fact that they were dressed in blue and pink respectively would have tipped them off, but no. I don't think you overreacted if it gave you a chance to laugh a little about it. When you think about it, babies bring out the stupidity in other people.

@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
1 Jun 07
My son also had long, beautiful eyelashes. In fact, at age 43, he still does. What I wouldn't give to have them myself...LOL.
@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
1 Jun 07
That is so true. I've had that happen before. My son wears all blue and has a blue blanket, and someone said his eye lashes made him look like a girl.
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@3superkids (446)
• Philippines
2 Jun 07
no you have not overreacted. i think that's a normal reaction. if it's involve our children we tend to react strongly because they're still young and cannot defend for themselves. and especially if the person who's commenting is some stranger who have nothing to do with us.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Jun 07
i think i would also have reacted in this way to such blatent rudeness
blessed be
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
2 Jun 07
No, that is a normal reaction for any mother. Honestly, people can go to far on matters of weight. See, that is the problem with us Americans, we can be too narrow-minded and judgemental. I know that people have gripes about being fat, but taking it out on others because they are not happy with themselves is pointless. Your child looks normal to me. Many babies are like that, and it does mean that they are healthy. I would have told that woman that she should take a look at herself in the mirror and go see a psychologist.
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@jamie11982 (1658)
• United States
2 Jun 07
No i feel like you do. I my self will call my 7 month old my little ox because he is big compaired to when he was first born. I agree with you though that babies are soposted to have those great chubby cheeks. It does make them look very cute and healthy and happy. So when some one looks at me and says that my son is chubby i look at them and say no he's just my little ox. See when he was born he was only 5 pounds and 8 onces. He was the size of a foot ball. now he's over 16 pounds. I took him to the doctors for his 6 month check up and he was at that time 16 pounds 1 once. So he's eatting good and is healthy and is very mobile for his size. He is now starting to rock on his hands and knees. I'm waiting for him to start crawling. Don't worrie about what other's say about your child when they say he's chubby say no he's just my little man and he's happy and healthy. What do they know about your baby's feeding habbit or life style??? Nothing so they can mind their own bisness and if they don't then say what's on your mind. That how i always feel and trust me my mouth gets me in a lot of trouble some times for saying whats on my mind. Good luck and he's a cute i've looked at his picture.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Jun 07
i have never understood this but have witnessed it. All my experience seems to sugest it is behaviour perculior to women over the age of the menopause, could it be that they are trying to re live their youth?
i think it is down to psychological problems myself.
blessed be
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
1 Jun 07
ALthough I'm sure she didn't mean it as an insult, and she prob. meant no harm, your comment made me laugh. (: I would never say anything like that to someone, I'm just a lot more shy than that I suppose. It was maybe a little rude, but she was being a little rude, so whatever. (:
I wouldn't worry about it, there's nothing you can do about it now. Just be prepared, the whole unsoliceted comments/opinions don't stop at the baby stage. when they are a toddler, screaming bloody murder at the local walmart, you will get plenty of "advice" from complete strangers! (: I dont know why, but they always like to try to tell you how to raise your child, and then they always say something dumb, but equally insulting like, is that a boy or is it a girl? (when they have pigtales and a pink dress). (:
Good luck to you!
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@Qcorianne (26)
• United States
2 Jun 07
The only thing I say about babies I'm not familiar with before to their parents is how cute/adorable they are. Even then, I keep the proper distance and only make a comment if other conversation has been made beforehand.
To be honest, I think I would have said about the same thing. You child looks very healthy and not the least bit chubby in the adult sense. I hope you are forced to endure fewer comments of that nature in the future.
@hiteshrawat (194)
1 Jun 07
i think you did overreacted but women and mothers are natural at it.
the lady just want be good to you and the cute baby of your's. you should correct the perception of looking at people and don't be over protective about your child.
be good with people at least with those who are good with you.
i know i'm a young guy and don't have as much experience and knowledge and may have not read the book "how to take care of your child" but believe me i know what right perception is.
so make your self comfortable and happy.
sorry if i hurt your feelings.
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@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
1 Jun 07
you didn't hurt my feelings. and i am very good to people that are good to me. But to the people that aren't good to me, I won't hold back on those people.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Heck no you didn't over react! I used to get something like that with my oldest. People would ask me his age and thenm because he was so tall, they would ask me, "Are you sure?" And look at me like I was too dumb to know how old my child was.
Your baby isn't even chubby for heaven's sake. I would have told that foolish, rude woman to shut her pie hole!
@pajmaz (134)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Okay so you might have overreacted just a wee bit lol but I understand. People said my first baby was scrawny and they said my second was chubby. I don't care what people say, or at least I try not to. I saw your son's pic and he's beautiful. Anyone who knows you knows that, and anyone who doesn't know you, doesn't matter. Thats how you should look at it.
@Mwanza1 (345)
• Kenya
5 Jun 07
I think it's good to know that people will always have their own opinions on issues weather good or bad and it's up to us to control our reactions.I came to learn that the only opinion that really counts is mine, the negative comments of others merely reflect their limitations and not mine. So take it easy !!!

@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I agree, but its very hard to not pay attention to what someone else says when it comes to your children. They are your creation, your miracle, your perfection. Then someone else comes along and tells he's not good enough.

@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
1 Jun 07
I think if any comment, she could have said ;he has chubby cheeks! Perhaps she compared him to another 5 month old who she sees as being quite smaller! You have me thinking about saying something what other people might hear as being rude! I can't understand why it offended you, and why you responded in a rude way!
@cheryl2783 (229)
• United States
1 Jun 07
It was rude for a woman I don't know to tell me my child is chubby. My responce was not any rudder than hers to me. And she should expect a rude remark if she is going to start telling people what she thinks about their children
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I kind of think you overreacted, but I bet with your response, that lady will think twice before she makes another comment like that again. :) She probably didn't mean any harm by the comment, he might have just been a different age than she expected by the way he looked. I probably would have said something like, "He's perfectly healthy, thank you" or "We'll keep him just as he is, thank you."
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@bkfuels (1603)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
Maybe the person just was not thinking when they said this I sure they were not trying to insult your baby it may have just came out the wrong way. All babies re cute and yes they all seem to have chubby faces this just adds to the cuteness of them.I know as a parent we are more sensitive to anything that sounds negative, but if she tool the time to comment on your baby it was probably not meant as an insult.
@windchild (26)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Being a grand mother of 3 I remember the days when I was a young mother, and peopl would make comments about my sone when he was litle, I really never took it to heart because I know and knew then that people are always people, and sometimes like in your case, that lady probably meant no harm, and I would not get all bent out of shape nor would I let her push my buttons.
@jowalker (52)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Your key word here is NEW have a gorgeous baby boy and you should be very proud. I tink your reaction was a little overreactive. I have five children and a folks have made many comments over the years. My oldest is now 28 and youngest is 15. Sometimes people want to compliment, but don't know the right words, so to safe your sanity and to keep yourself from insulting a well meaning individual, simply smile and say "Thank you! he's very healthy and I am very proud" then walk away. If they are mean spirited people they will say something more that shows their disregard for others feelings. It is so much easier to just smile and walk away then it is to fret over insensitive people. Hug that beautiful baby boy and keep him close, they grow up soooooooo fast. One minute your holding and rocking them and the next minute they are asking for the car keys....god Bless you and that beautiful boy!9and your husband too)
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