Stressed out over my 2 yr. old...
@warriorsdaughter (791)
United States
June 1, 2007 12:45pm CST
The past few days have been awful here! This child is driving me nuts! I was doing the dishes yesterday and he snuck into the fridge and got a dozen eggs out. How I didn't hear him I am not sure, I must have been in la la land. Then I hear my 9 mth old whom was in the livingroom playing with toys start to whimper a little. I go in there and my 2 yr old had cracked about 4-5 eggs on his head and smeared it all over. What a mess! All over the baby which was easily washed off in the tub, but the carpet, oh yuck! My shampooer is broke, needs a new belt so I cleaned the mess up the best I could. Hope I don't start smelling rotten eggs!
Then when I was tending to the baby after the bath, my 2 yr old procedes to enter the bathroom and dumped all the baby wash in the tub. He has some jealousy in him over the baby cause anytime my hubby and I are tending to the baby he does something he isn't suppose to.
It doesn't stop there...then he ends up going to the utuility room and dumps all my hubbies tools into the litter box. I let hubby fish those
He can get to anything and everything he wants. It doesn't matter if you put it on the top shelf to where you can't reach it, he will climb the shelves to get it. Nothing stops this child!
Now today, he didn't come wake me up when he got up...instead he got into the fridge again and cracked 2 eggs in the babies room on the floor. Luckily this time not on the baby. He then got my camera printer and tried checking it out with plugging it in. Got my camera out of its case too...emptied my purse all over the floor, took a permanent marker and wrote all over important things I had in my purse. I have dealt with 2 yrs olds before as I have a 13 & 16 yr old, but they were never like this. I can't accomplish anything unless I have him by my side at all times!
Does anyone else have these 2 yr old problems? How do you handle yourself and the situations?
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12 responses
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Oh for what they call the terrible twos. When my second grandchild was two we had just re-carpeted our kitchen. While I was vacuuming the bedroom one day - she took a large box of laundry detergent from under the kitchen sink - dumped the lot in the floor and peed in it. That was a mess to lean up - I had bubbles forever it seemed like. My oldest grandson was like your son - constantly doing something. One day I was reading an article in a paper about ADD & ADHD. It listed 14 symptoms and said if a child had 7 of them they were more than likely either ADD or ADHD - well guess what - all 14 related to him. Now at age 20 he has been diagnosed as Bi-polar and he can still be a problem child at times. This past week he has been having one of his mean streaks and driving his mother to distraction. I hope you don't have to face anything like this and that your son eventually grows out of this stage. Good luck.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
2 Jun 07
My Grandson had all kinds of problems in school. We home schooled him for a while and it drove us crazy. We had him in private school and that was a total waste of time and money. He was in special classes. We have done the lot. Good luck with yours.
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
My son's was alot of petty stuff with the school. If he refused to do his work they suspended him. If he smarted off, they suspended him. There wasn't anything he could do there without being suspended. He spent the majority of the school year at home.
I am might as well try the homeschool thing and see if that will work. He will get to do all his work on the computer. He is actually looking forward to it, so it may work out!
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I bet your carpet smelled good for a quite some I am hoping it was the powder kind a little easier to clean up.
I have a 13 yr old with ADHD. I know all about it and he gives us he** all the time. He was expelled from school this past school year and has to retake the the whole year over. What tee'd me off about that was there was only 9 days of school left, but all of his grades were F's except for 1 A- in gym. He wouldn't of passed anyway. I am homeschooling him next year!
I call my 2 yr old a miniature Brandon, Jr (13 yr old). They just about act the same way at Thanks for your response! ;)
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@ellysmile_b (77)
• Philippines
5 Jun 07
My 2 year old son is very busy all the time too. One of his favorites is the DVD player, with his bunch of CDs of all sorts (barney, dora, little einsteins etc.) So what he loves doing all the time is operate the player, and place his CD, after a few minutes change again to another CD and so on, and on... No wonder all of his CDs are with scratches already. He also loves to open cabinets and check what's inside of them. He opens the fridge from time to time too, but mainly to look for his snacks and to drink water. I'm pretty glad he didn't discover the eggs yet. He used to open our clothes cabinet also to bring out piled clothes on the floor. But he stopped doing that already after a couple of scolding from me. Hang in there, I'm pretty sure they'll be over this stage soon and you'll wish they'll be young again :).
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I have no clothes folded due to him and empting out the dresser drawers all the time. I gave up refolding them over and over. He likes to climb on the counter in the kitchen and rearrange the cabinets...then you can't find anything.
He loves hot dogs and lunch meat. If the hot dogs are frozen he puts them in the microwave to thaw them out and cook them. Yes he knows how to use it. The 1st time we found he knew how to turn it on he had a hot wheel car in there....that was a pretty site with the metal and flames!
I hope your son don't discover the eggs...they are a mess to clean
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
2 Jun 07
*note to self, remove eggs from fridge before granddaughter visits again* Bless your heart. First, I'd quit buying eggs. Ha! Seriously, I feel for you. Those of us who are parents can remember well what you are going through. One of my four was much worse than the others. If it is any consolation, he ended up having a genious IQ and has been very successful!
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That's funny! I don't buy eggs at this time, I get them free from being on WIC. You can never pass up the free stuff!
I know he will grow out of it sometime, I hope. How much hair will I lose before he does? lol Thanks for your response! ;)
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
I so know what you are going through as my two year old is the same . I have five children and none of them were ever this bad until I had my last one . I used to tell my best friend that I would go crazy if I had a child like hers because her little one gets into everything as well . Well I now know what she goes through because I can't take my eyes off her for a second and even when I discipline her she cries so hysterically that I feel like I am going to go nuts . The only thing we have to hold on to is that they will grow out of this one daY ( hopefully soon ) lol .
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I sure hope it is sooner then He will be 3 in Oct. and will start preschool in Aug. I have a wonderful place that is taking him on before he turns 3 here! I am so looking forward to
When we discipline him he will go to his room and pout for a minute and then come out like nothing ever happened. We go through this all day long. At times, all we have to do is point and he will run to his room knowing he did something wrong. He even shuts his own door when in
Thanks for your response! ;)
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Your If I allow it then I wouldn't have a baby nor a house standing! You must not have kids yet...just wait, your time is ;)
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
2 Jun 07
poor thing I know you must be at your wits end!! Have you tried letting the older one go outside and play for a little while. Even if it is only 10 to 15 min. I would also hide the eggs. Good Luck I know it is hard but this as most stages will pass. Most moms just pray it passes before have a total melt down.
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Oh yes, we play outside all the time and it is usually for a couple of hours. Where do you hide eggs at? They need to be kept cold and there isn't much in our fridge to hide them behind or Thanks! ;)
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@amoreco (180)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I have a 19 month old boy and he is trouble too!everybody is telling me about the "terrible two" and i am already preparing myself..I am pregnant and the baby will be born when the oldest will turn two...
I am hoping it wont get worse than what it is right now.He breaks everything,does not like his toys ...I don't leave anything on the floor,or tables..lock the cabinets,toilet,doors..I don't have any markers on my house anymore!I can't even tell you how much money we wasted with the things he broke .
I just try to child proof the house and pray this fase will past..don't worry, it will get better!
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I feel sorry for you! I have a feeling it will get worse. We also have a 9 mth old and he goes through he** with his 2 yr old brother. Alot of it is jealousy because he is not the baby no more.
When my 2 yr old gets mad he lashes out at the baby...hitting him, pulling his hair, taking toys away, etc...he can open all doors in our house, any bottle with a lid. Its hard to keep markers and those sort of things up high when I also have 2 irresponsible teenage boys too.
He was 22 mths when the baby was born so I would prepare yourself when you do have your baby. I bet you will be ready to pull your hair out! I know I am...thanks for commenting!
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
lol! I am so sorry, but the egg on the baby thing made me laugh. I know it is probably not best, but as a mother, you know we need that sense of humor to get us by! =)..My son did the same thing! He was always into something, and still kind of is, although it is getting alittle netter. I would just put him some toys in the room I would be in doing something, and make him stay there with me, or try and get him involved with what I am doing, he loves to be a "big helper"... =)
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
lol! I had a bowl of spaghetti and I sat it down on the coffee table for a second & my daughter ( 9mo) was on the other side of the room, before I could grab it she had grabbed it spilled it all over her and the floor and was playing with it! Boy, was that a mess!! Kids are funny arent they?
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Believe me, I was laughing too, until I had to clean up the mess. I didn't even think to get the camera out to take a picture until after I cleaned up the baby. Kinda hoping he would do it again so I could get a Only if there daddy is here to clean the mess up this time!He's getting a little better and hasn't messed with the eggs since then. I do have an adorable picture of the baby though with chocolate pudding all over him from head to toe.
My hubby and me were talking one day in the diningroom and we had given our 2 yr old a little container of pudding to snack on, well, he put it down on the end table in the livingroom in reach of the baby of course and he got a hold of it. Hubby got to clean that mess
@happy2bmommy (305)
• United States
2 Jun 07
oh no!!! this sounds so scary! my son is 19 months and is starting to act out. we also have a 2 month old, and it seems like each day, our older son keeps testing his/our boundries. he tries to poke at the babys eyes, throwing things at him, and pulling his hair. after reading this, i fear what other things he is going to pull as he gets older and stronger. i always knew to expect some level of jealousy, but i hope we can put an end to it before he either hurts the baby or makes me lose my mind. more than picking on the baby, he throws tantrums. this is just wonderful...i cant wait for this "terrible 2" phase to be over with. it seems to have started early, so hopefully it will end early. do you think this is wishful thinking? haha.
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@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Oh the terribly 2's never end early! If anything they run I bet your gonna face alot of the same things I am and there is no safe place for our baby unless in my arms at all times. Your son actually has started...throwing things at the baby and pulling his hair. I wish you all the luck as you will need it like me!
My 2 yr old is starting to try and pick the baby up too...what's funny though they both are 21 lbs. and the baby is only about 3" shorter. Its cute watching it, but I am right there cause he never picks him up right. It is usually around the neck choking him. Good Luck!
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@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
11 Jun 07
I am single and happily free from a 2-yr onld toddler.
My niece is now 3, my 2 nephwes are now 4 and 7yrs old. They have been really active ever since. They drive me crazy when they are together. I can't seem to find my bed nice when they start to jump and to tumblings. LOL.
Good luck for more years to come, I know they'll mature soon and you'll retire very soon too. LOL. God bless!
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I know it is only a phase, but I never had it this bad with my other 2 boys. I just hope our 9 mth old isn't soaking it all in and does the same Thanks for your response! ;)
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@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
18 Jun 07
Yes its only for the meantime. I know in the coming years you will laugh at those hardships you've been. God bless!
@dalhousiesteve (568)
• Canada
1 Jun 07
you young one is going through what we call terrible twos and it is not fun
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Going on my 3rd time of going through the terrible 2's but this time is much worse then the other 2. Thanks for your comment!
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@pajmaz (134)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Wow maybe you need to set aside more one on one time with him. (i know theres not enough hours in the day) It sounds like he doesn't like not being the baby anymore. You had yours pretty close together. So did I. Mine are 11 mos apart 11mos and 22mos. If I spend too much time with the little one the big one finds trouble. If I spend time with the big one, the little one gets left out and i feel guilty. It's a tough balance. I've also noticed that when I just sit back and observe the two of them, th eolder on be can be quite a bully. For no reason, if she trips she smacks her sister, if she spills, she hits her sister, she coughs on some water, she hits her sister. It's sorta funny, but not. I tell her no and make her say sorry and shes no stranger to time out, but it still doesn't stop her sometimes. When my kids start getting into a lot of trouble, its usually cause I'm cleaning house and not paying attention to them. Sometimes I just leave the dishes and hang out and they chill out. Good luck
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
1 Jun 07
We do alot of one on one with him, but it never is enough! If you stop to do something else then he is doing something he shouldn't be. We even had an Early Ed Teacher come to our home to help us learn how to play with him also to help with his speech because he barely says anything. Our family are slow learners where speech is concerned. She really helped us in how to play with him that is more education like but fun for him. Now that summer is here she no longer comes. However, he does start a summer type pre-school on Wednesday but for only 45 min. and only on Wednesday and it runs til July. I am so looking forward to that 45 min. break! But then I feel guilty for saying that too...
You do have your hands full too! I would never of had my kids so close together, but it just happened! Our fault for not protecting I tend to leave the housework too until nap time just so I know the baby won't get hurt. Good luck with your little ones! Thanks for commenting!
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