Why do people cheat?

@olyngurl (149)
June 1, 2007 3:02pm CST
Committing yourself to someone youu love involves honesty, sincerity and faithfulness but why is it other people still commit cheating.. they lie to their partners..
2 responses
• India
3 Jun 07
i believe mistakes do happen when udont come to know the diffrence between love and attraction.since they love u they dont want to hurt u by their actions or else they are scared as how u deal with the situation.
• United States
2 Jun 07
The cheating happens because often people confuse love with infatution. And then are over taken by habit. Committing to someone that you think you are inlove with always ends up in a break-up. Often people prolong this break up because they are so use to this person the fear of change holds them down. It is human nature to not like change. Sometimes its even hard to explain it. But none knows what goes on in someone's head only they do.