Life rolling down the hill

June 1, 2007 3:58pm CST
When I was growing up, I always tried to be nice to others. I got in trouble a lot but usually it was the result of my sister doing something or starting something; she would get away with it because she looked like such a little angel whereas I always looked like a little devil, and I guess as time went on, I began to fit the title. Later, I became a teacher and I had great empathy for the children who were always getting in trouble, especially the ones who had the rep and were just naturally suspected of doing the crime before there was any proof. These children, were, in fact, always given to me because I had so much success with them; I would stand up for them when no one else would, including their parents. And knowing that I believed in them made a difference to these kids. So, I think I have always tried to help people during my lifetime. But Karma obviously doesn't agree. Over the last few months, my luck has been so bad that I keep on thinking that nothing else can possibly go wrong...but I am so life just keeps getting worse. I won't bore you with everything...there are sooooooooooo many things...but here are a few of the highlights. First, I have a brain aneurysm which was accidentally discovered a couple of years ago. The doctor thinks it was probably caused by a brutal assault I suffered at the hands of two men a few years ago, which left me partially handicapped. I've learned to live with these things. And I have a good team of doctors watching the aneurysm. Ok, so two months ago we were about to get a 3 year renewal on our mortgage and at a lower rate. Suddenly, that person no longer works there and we are told we cannot have any mortgage and we will need to sell our house and move or lose it. After two months of haggling with them, we now have a 6 month mortgage and have 6 months to find a buyer...or/but the company might possibly renew with a 3 year mortgage at the end of the 6 month term. Whoopee! Canada always has a long weekend in May on the Monday preceding the 24th. Well, our Rottie who is 12 and very, very friendly started limping with his right front leg on the Saturday of that weekend. By the Monday, his leg was swollen to twice its size. (He is on special meds for his back legs since he lost total use of them last year.) We went to see the vet on the Tuesday, but they fixed us up with a brand new vet who had never worked with a rottie before. (Even a little boy in the waiting room had patted our dog's head.) Anyway, she swiped past his bad leg and then his head and he snapped at her. Immediately, she's teling everyone that our dog had bitten blood, no bandaid...and she wrote vicious dog on his chart. As she handled his leg, it was really obvious that she had no idea of what to do. She was too new to be working alone. Later, I told the office girl that I didn't want my dog to be seen by that vet again. My dog was kept overnight so that x-rays could be taken and we picked up our dog the next day. Due to what was writtn, the next vet, who had not handled our dog before, was nervous about even going near him even though he had on a muzzle. That night at 10 p.m., the main vet called, whom my dog has seen for years, and said "I hear you had problems with Dr. ***" I replied, "Yes, but I want to discuss the x-rays." He said, "I personally hired her so I'm dumping your dog from my client list." Just like that. So much for love of animals. On top of that, even though we had paid for x-rays, etc., they wouldn't release them, saying that the x-rays were their property. We had to pay almost $500 to go to another vet to have new x-rays, etc. done so that treatment could be started. With everything that is going on, I have been acting really horrible and weird. Personally, I thought I was going crazy with some of the things I was doing and I am pretty certain my husband shared my opinion. He missed a few days of work to stay home because he was so concernd about me and what I might do. Anyway, we go to the doctor and find out that I am suffering from severe depression. I honestly can't believe that depression has made me do some of the things that I have done. I would have thought that I would be depressed but I have gone beyond that...I asked my husband for a divorce, told him I hated him... At this point, I should also mention that there had been someone on here who had been stalking me and this was the reason I was staying away ao much from the chat sites. The abuse from this person led to a lot of my depression but I believe the problem has been solved. The sad part is that I lost my best friend in the process and due to what she was saying and doing, I betrayed her trust a thousand times worse than what she could ever do to me. Well, speaking of my husband, with all that has been going on, he now has an ulcer. I feel just horrible. I feel as though it is all my fault. And it is.... And, finally, last night, our pump went and we don't have any money right now to get a plumber. We need our toilets, our shower... Can life get worse? Of course and I'm just waiting to see what will happen next.
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4 responses
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I am so sorry that you are having a very hard time in your life as it almost soundsed like what I went through there is always something going on one thing to another and we lost our home several years ago I had 31 mini strokes and my hubby had gallbladder surgry everything went haywire. I lost my dog and a cat from old age at the same time we were going through this mess. How's your dog dong now? I am praying for you and your hubby for your health and everything that is going on around you.Take care.
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• Canada
2 Jun 07
Oh, you poor, poor dear. You really had it hard, didn't you. My heart goes out to you. At this point, my dog is still limping. The vet phoned today and said that the bone at the elbow is thicker than it should be. He has said to switch back to some meds we were on for the back legs and let him know how our baby is doing by Tuesday. He thinks that he will probably have to send the x-ray on to the vet college in Ontario to see if they have any further insights. We also have a cat; she is 16 years old but still rules the roost. My mother turns 97 tomorrow but, due to the plumbing issues, we won't be able to get down to see her. I will phone her, though. Her time really was two years ago, however, which saddens me to say. She is no longer able to do anything on her own and I don't know if she really even recognizes us anymore. When I phone, her caregiver puts the phone to her ear. Thank you for your prayers...right now I seem to need some extra help.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Oh, Bluebird, I am so sorry. I do not know where to start. I am sure you were a real blessing to the kids you taught. Hang on to that knowledge and do not let go of it for a minute. I had the priveledge of having a teacher do as much for me, and it did make a huge difference in my school life. As far as depression making you do unusual things, for several years, my first husband would, almost seasonally like Christmas, tell me he was going to divorce me. I learned a tactic that helped me cope, and eventually he got past that problem. Later, he would just tell me he wanted to die. I always assured him that I loved him, but I would keep the life insurance paid up. That made him feel better. I suppose the only other thing I can say right now is that I am here for you. By the way, ulcers are actually caused by a bacterial infection, and the most successful methods of treating them involve antibiotics, as well as antacids. Things are going to have to level out for you and hubby, friend.
• Canada
2 Jun 07
Considering that I have always been so very predictable, my acting weird is just plain...well, weird. I am glad to know that it is just depression though...I was afraid that I was either going crazy or had become senile at an "early" age. Thank you for the information about the ulcer. I had thought it was my fault. I will have to look up more information about it. I am so sorry to hear that you had to experience the same sort of thing with your first husband. My heart goes out to you because I know that some of the stuff I have said I can't believe I am actually saying. It feels as though someone else is saying it...hard to explain...which is why I thought I was going crazy. Thanks for understanding and for being here for me while I roll down this hill. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to stand up and start climbing up again!
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
3 Jun 07
My personal opinion and coping mechanism was to philosophize that Larry was in so much mental pain, and hated himself so much, that he wanted to see if he could drive all the goodness out of his life, including me, and I am a stubborn, bullheaded so and so, and I was not going to let him do it, I was going to choose to continue to love him. Depression runs in his family, as well as ALS, evidently. A frined once told me that depression is anger turned inwards, but it is also chemical, and like diabetes, sometimes requires life long management.
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• Canada
3 Jun 07
GardenGerty, thank you for sharing so much of your life in order to help me...and others...learn more about depression. I have to admit that it has been a scary journey for me but the ride is getting easier as I learn more about it. I sincerely hope that your search into your memories has not caused you any distress.
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@mummymo (23706)
3 Jun 07
Bluebird My Dear - I just typed out a rather long and heartfelt response to your post and it was wiped as I lost my connection! Never mind though that is nothing compared to what you have been going through! I cannot begin to express how badly I feel for you just now sweetheart but believe me that depression can make you do some really weird things and believe me I have been there and done that! Depression is an illness and not something you chose to be or went looking for, Depression came looking for you! If you had diabetes or asthma would you blame yourself for the symptoms you showed? I bet you wouldn't and I also believe you would be amongst the first to support any of your friends or family in a similar situation! I can imagine any child warming to you and blossoming in your care sweety - you have such warmth - I noticed that the very first time we met! I do pray that things are getting better for you as we speak! I will hold you in my heart and prayers bluebird and just pm if there is anything I can do - even if it is just to listen sweetheart! Take care xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
3 Jun 07
I am more worried about you than me just now tou silly so and so! lol But since you asked I am progressing, slowly and gently as I have been told but that is better than too quickly and back to square one! I KNOW things are gonna start getting better for you sweets - and I'm keeping you protected in my heart and prayers honey! xxx
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• Canada
3 Jun 07
Awww, mummymo, thank you for being your usual terrific self. I know I will get through this with friends like you but I just wish it would end...NOW! We had a plumber in on Saturday and the new pump will be $1600 but he can't get it until Monday. Meanwhile, my husband is borrowing water from the neighbours so that we can flush our toilets at about roughing it. Don't know how we are going to pay for it but in Scarlette O'Hara's words "I'll worry about that tomorrow." We have hand sanitizer to wash our hands and our pets are loving the bottled water to which they are now being treated for drinking water rather than the usual well water. Thank you for your kind words and comments...they mean so much! But I am so very sorry that you lost everything you had typed...I have done that on here and I know how frustrating it is. Meanwhile, how are you progressing? I think about you often and pray that you are continuing to improve. (((hugs)))
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• Canada
3 Jun 07
Well, we're even then...because I am more worried about you. You are young and I do so want you to be able to enjoy your beautiful family to the best of your ability. Slow and steady is good so just continue to follow all orders as given. When my leg was so badly damaged, I was told it could never be fixed and that I would be in a brace forever. The first surgeon totally wrote me off. The second surgeon said my leg was way too damaged and complicated to operate on but he sent me to a third surgeon who could...and did...operate. I was in the hospital for a long time but I faithfully did my exercises...they hurt so much that I would cry while doing them...and I never gave up. Today, I walk with a cane, no brace. I beat the people who said I couldn't do it. Never give up, can do it! (((hugs)))
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@Melody1 (967)
• India
3 Jun 07
A prolonged dark phase is what you are facing.My heart reaches out to you my friend.All I can say is that don't lose faith in Him and your Karma.As they say,"Truth is stranger than fiction," and life is its pages.No one's life is a bed of roses,but the kind of bad chain of events in your life at present fails any explanation,no doubt.I have found and felt that a bad incident is like a magnet which attracts similar ones one after the other.Like in the game of Tennis,solution lies in warding off each ball of negative events one after the other and ultimately you will defeat this bad phase and come out as a winner.Keep your eyes on winning,which symbolises brighter future and Karma will ultimately fall in place.Meanwhile,never even once let your faith in God waver.Good Luck.
• Canada
3 Jun 07
Thank you for your advice, Melody. I try to remain positive but it is difficult under the cicumstances. I honestly do try to look ahead to when our luck will change to good and our future will once again seem bright but it is hard to hold on to that vision when each day brings a new difficulty. I am curious by what you mean when you say I am facing a prolonged dark phase. How long is prolonged because I really do need to see the sun rising again soon.
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