Wow, tornados too close to home today!
By craftcatcher
@craftcatcher (3699)
United States
June 1, 2007 5:02pm CST
We had some horrible storms and tornados in our area around noon today. I've been watching the local news and someone got footage of the tornado that hit a couple of towns just south west of us. Lots of damage, homes completely destroyed, businesses too. They had a picture of the Toyota dealership down the street from where I used to live and there were cars sitting on top of cars in the lot. A train was knocked completely off it's tracks, semi trucks knocked off the highway. Very scary indeed. Our drummer lives in that town and I haven't been able to get ahold of him yet so I'm a little nervous but I understand there were no serious injuries there.
We were fairly lucky, just got a lot of lightning, wind and very heavy rain but no damage in our neighborhood, just a little street flooding, thank goodness.
The only injury I've heard of so far was an 87 yr old woman who was sitting in her reclining chair in her livingroom. Her house was completely demolished and she was picked up, chair and all then slammed into the ground. She had head injuries but sounds like she's going to be ok.
Very scary day. I've added a picture below of the tornado that hit earler today.
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10 responses
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Oh that is SCARY! I would have been terrified and dropped a log in my pants! I'm absolutely terrified of tornadoes! Anytime it storms bad I'm on edge.
It's so bad that I don't go to work. Mostly because I work at Wal-Mart which is basically a huge warehouse and as you know not the safest places to be in a tornado. Plus there is no cable in the building so I can't even see what's going on. I work on third shift too. Luckily the worst happens during the day time usually.
It's good to hear that the injuries were minor! And I am thankful you didn't have to experience any for yourself.
Did you get a hold of your drummer? Did he suffer damage?
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Yes, thanks for asking, he got ahold of us late that same night. He said he heard the sirens and ran outside to see... of course he smacked himself in the head for being an idiot later... he said it got within 6 blocks of his house and dropped some debris in the yard but didn't do any damage to their house. Too close for comfort!
His son walked down to the damaged area and took some pictures and sent them to us. What a mess, cars on top of cars, semi's knocked off the road, a freight train got knocked clear off the tracks. They had a helicopter fly over the area and took some footage for the local news and it was worse just southwest of them. Whole neighborhoods were destroyed. Nothing left of some houses but the foundations.
It's funny that you mentioned Wal-Mart because one of the pictures he sent us was from their Wal-Mart. The tornado ripped an air conditioning unit off the roof and threw it into the parking lot hitting a truck which was pushed in to several cars. There was a semi truck in the parking lot that was completely knocked over on it's side too. But that was it, they just got grazed.
The local news crew was at a farm that was completely destroyed talking to the owners and there was a dog in the background running around barking. The reporter was standing in front of this huge tree that had been snapped in half, he had the cameraman take footage of the dog and he said "See that little dog, his name is Lukey. Though everyone is calling him Lucky now because during the tornado, he was tied up to this tree!" Even with all the destruction around everyone kind of chuckled.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Oh wow! You should post some of those pictures! I am so glad your friends family and home where okay. They got lucky! Oh and he sounds like my Dad - walking out to see it. I'd be in the floor from fainting! I wonder if I'd even make it to my basement - LOL.
And that's a really cute story about that dog! Isn't it odd that animals tend to survive in a situation where most humans wouldn't have?
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@smacksman (6053)
3 Jun 07
How frightening for you!
If we get a tornado in the UK it hits headlines on the national press! We get about 20 or 30 a year and most cause a bit of damage to roofs but not in the same league as your monsters!
I did get caught on the edge of one in my sailing boat once and that was frightening. A 75mph line squall came through and gave us a hard time for a few minutes and then it was gone and the sun came out. We eventually got to the pub and walked in like drowned rats in our foul weather gear with everyone there basking in the sun and looking at us as though we were off another planet. haha
That particular squall/tornado had ripped off a few roofs in the local towns of Woodbridge and Felixstowe so we were lucky to have seen it coming and get prepared and get through it.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I remember hearing about that storm on CNN, they showed video of the damage in Woodbridge and I was surprised. You don't hear about tornados over there too often.
Thanks! :D
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Wow, I am glad you are okay. Were those storms anywhere near Maquoketa? My boyfriends sister lives there. He usually keeps an eye on the weather here and where she lives. He has just been so busy.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Maquoketa is a bit north of us and they got hit with the storm too. The tornado hit just south of us. It was moving almost due south southwest to north northeast so every town along that line got hit with high winds, hail, heavy rain and but just the one tornado south of us thank goodness. From what I understand there were no fatalities and only a few injuries during the tornado. But lots of property damage. I haven't heard anything about damage in Maquoketa other than trees and branches down.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I'm so glad that you weren't affected by the bad weather. I just don't know why it seems like these things are happening more often and more disasterous.
I hope you hear from your drummer soon.
Wishing you all the best.
Take care.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Hi Lloyd, Yes fortunately he e-mailed us late last night. He said the tornado passed within 6 blocks of his house and dropped some debris in his yard but no damage was done and he and his family are fine. His son walked down and took some pictures of the Toyota dealership about 7 blocks up his street and found one car had been picked up and thrown across the lot and landing on top of another car. Some 123 cars were damaged by debris. Then he walked over to the Walmart around the corner and found a semi overturned. Quite a blow!
Thanks :D
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
2 Jun 07
You were lucky that it didn't hit your home as I know I have been through so many tornadoes in my life. That poor woman hope she's ok wondered if she knew what hit her? That has to be really scary for her. Thanks for the update on the tornado as I heard it on the news.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Yep we're both kind of on the edge of tornado alley. We don't usually get big ones but lots of F0 or F1 around the area. This one was big, they estimate it was an F3. Sure took out a lot of houses, some are just gone, nothing but sticks left.
I've seen a lot of tornados in my time too and more funnel clouds than I can count but when a big one hits that close to home when friends are involved ... I got the heebeejeebees.. LOL. Our drummer said he watched the tornado hit 6 blocks from his house and they got debris in their yard but no damage. His son walked down the street and took a bunch of pictures and he sent me some... wow is all I could say.
Thanks :D
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Tornados are very scary. I used to live in Oklahoma in a town that was destroyed twice by a tornado. Thankfully, I have never seen one. I have been in some pretty bad storms and under tornado watches and warnings. We were under one today with Barry blowing through, but he turned out to be pretty mild. Not even much wind and certainly not as much rain as we hoped to get. I'm glad the tornado did not damage your house.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I'm happy it didn't get too bad down there! Boy oh boy susieq, you went from tornado alley to hurricane alley! LOL!
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Teeny storm here today, but nothing else,it's sunny again.We had tonado warnings a couple weeks ago, though.Glad you're ok,and I'm glad the woman will be as well.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
I am fortunate that where I live we don't experience extreme weather that often. We have had tornadoes but not as often as people in the states. It must be terrifying knowing its coming but not knowing exactly where it is going to hit.
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@conceptman (15)
• India
21 Jun 07
hay the situation looks horrible though it would have been very thrilling and adventurous if i would have been around that place any way hopefull you dint harm your self taking pictures of the tornado take care bye
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@conceptman (15)
• India
17 Jun 07
well why dont you ppl give us some links so that i can watch the movie of the tornado
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