Would you ever donate your eggs to a friend so she could have a baby?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
June 1, 2007 6:30pm CST
I just heard a story of this woman who donated her eggs to a woman so the couple could have a baby.
Honestly, I don't think I could do it, cause everytime I saw the kid, I would feel like she or he were my child.
And, I guess in a way it would be, biologically.
That would be difficult to deal with.
Have you done something like that for a friend?
Or, would you donate eggs so an infertile friend so she could have children.
Would you do it, if you were able to donate anonymously and never saw the child?
Would that make a difference.
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21 responses
@gaminemadcap (160)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Wow, what a loaded question. I guess it wouldn't be as hard as being a surrogate mother and having the bonding experience while carrying the child. I think that if my sister or close friend were infertile, and they truly wanted children, then I would do it. As long as I knew that the child was being taken care of, I think I could handle it. Plus, I would be able to let them know about health problems that run in my family. I know that family is formed from more than just blood, so I think that I would be okay even having some part in the child's life. I would be grateful that God had allowed me to help them create a beautiful child to love and to make a difference in the world.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
2 Jun 07
I would do it if given the opportunity, yes I would have to think long and hard about it. But I think the greatest gift is life so if I could help I think I really would. I know the pride in being a parent and if I could make someone else feel that way that cant have children, well it would be just the greatest uplifting feeling.
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
2 Jun 07
You know, i most DEFINITELY would donate my eggs. i wouldn't feel that her child was mine. i would feel it is hers and she had my help. i would love to donate my eggs if i knew they were safe. i was in the hospital for 2 years and for most of that, i got 2 to 3 x-rays a day. Sometimes more. They usually covered my lower half withthe shield, but sometimes they forgot. my main doctor wanted my eggs protected. i don't know if that worked or not.
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@321633wy (1795)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Wow! i have never done this before,it really takes a lot courage to do that.Somehow,it's such a nice thing to if you look at another perspective.It helps those couple who desprately want a child to fuullfill their dreams.I'm sure they will very much appreciate the kindness of the eggs donater.
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@witchysoul (186)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I couldn't do it. I would feel really terrible everytime I would see the baby. I would not be able to accept the fact that a part of me would be just given easily like that.
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@jamie11982 (1658)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Ok i know how you feel on this topic. My husband's cousin asked me to do this for her when i got pragnant for my third child. At the time i was speech less. Now i do like to help those out that are in need and so there for i did give it a few months thought. Almost 9 months to be percise. I finialy came to the conclusion that if anyone is going to raise one of my children it would be mine. I understand that it would be hers as well because she would be carring it and giving birth but that child will still have my blood in it as well. It would still be my egg that would give her the child. I felt bad when i told her that i could not do it. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if i did this. Even if my mother-in-law has 10 grandchildren and her sister has none. I do feel bad but it's just something that i feel i wouldn't be able to do and i would never be able to see the child. She would be living about 4 or 5 states away from me but that's not the point. it still would be hard for me knowing that there is a nother child out there that i can't touch or see or hold or hug. I would be able to watch grow into a wonderful adult or take the most important breath of his/her life. I couldn't do it.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
It would take a very special person to be able to do something like this . As much as I would like to think I could do something like this to help a friend , I don't believe I would be able to . Like you said , everytime I looked at the child I would feel the child belonged to me . I had such a hard time having all the children that I did and I have suffered from four miscarriages and realize how much one would want a baby and not be able to have one but even knowing this , I don't think I could part with something so precious . If I could donate anonymously it would be a little different because you would never see the child but at the same time you would always know that there was a part of you out there somewhere and I don't think I would be able to deal with this either .
Like I said , it would take a very special person to this this and I admire anyone who can do this for someone else because there is no greater gift in life then the gift of life itself .
@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I would if the person was a good enough friend. I don't know if I would think of that child as my own. I probably wouldn't because I specifically gave up the eggs for her. I would think it would be nicer to donate to a friend because I would be able to see the child as it grows up. But I would donate to either strangers or friends if really necessary.
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@gwenmari1029 (1481)
• Philippines
2 Jun 07
if it is the only way that my friend can have a child of her own, i'd help her. no questions asked, no conditions, no nothing. for a friend's sake, i'd do it. i know how it feels to badly have a child of my own and i will do anything just to have one. it will not only make my friend fulfilled but it can only deepen out friendship. any one of my friend's child is like my child so i think it will be fine with me seeing her with 'my' child. i know that the child wll be taken cared and will be loved as much as i could do it to her/him.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
I probably would because heavens knows I'm not going to use them (I've never wanted children in my life), so if it would give her a shot at being happier then probably. It would likely hurt watching a baby that, in essence, I helped create, grow up into a young adult, but I think the pros would outweigh the cons.
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
I forgot to add, if I could do them anonymously, I definitely would. It's for a good cause, and men donate their sperm to sperm banks to help women with infertile husbands concieve.
I figure if a woman is desperate enough to go through fertility treatments, batteries of tests and bloodwork and to have someone else's egg implanted into their uterus, they're really dedicated to being a mother, so I think they should have a shot at it.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I could probably donate my eggs if my sister would need me to donate eggs for her to be able to have a child. I am close to all of my nieces and nephews so I feel that I would just be close to that child as well. I don't think that I would be able to donate my eggs to a friend though. I wouldn't feel comfortable with the situation.
@butterflys0506 (3)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Hi all, this is my first time posting a message, i lust joind. I saw this topic and i had to add. My friend had a misscarige, 4 months ago, and now she is recently 5 weeks pregnant again. She is now having complacations with not being able to see the baby, she has a cyst on her ovary, they told her there is an issue with her and her boyfriends blood type, they described it as there blood type is so similer it would be like "siblings" trying to have a baby (please excuse inproper terms)so therefor there is a possibility of birth defects, but she is sooo willing to take care of he baby nomater how this baby comes out, to her this baby is her flesh and blood. As it stands she is not going through a thretend misscarige so far this baby seems to be holding on. I pray everyting works out for her, however if the situation came up where she ended up losing this child also, i would, in a heart beat, donate my eggs for her we have actually talked about it after the loss of her first. I would give her the time needed to recover from the loss, and if she brought up me donating my eggs to her, without her being able to finish her sentence, i would say YESSS!! But i also agree with you other ladies who would not agree to donate to friends, we all have our personal reason for wanting to and not wanting to, so i just want you guys to know i support your point too.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Jun 07
It would depend a lot on the friend and what type of parents I think they would be. If i really didn't think they should be parents then I wouldn't. However if I thought they'd be wonderful parents I wouldn't have a problem with it. It's not like I'm using them. Someone else might as well have the benefit of them.
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
2 Jun 07
Neither can I do it. First of all, biologically the child is yours. I cannot bear looking at the child and he/she might resemble you. I'd rather have my own kids than donate my eggs to others. I am not being selfish, it's just a matter of principles. There are a lot of orphans out there who are in need of adoption. I'd prefer these kids being adopted by people who cannot conceive naturally. Sorry, even if in anonymous circumstances, I cannot bear to part with eggs.... It's just me!!
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I agree with you beautyqueen26. I wouldn't either because I would be jealous. I know it's not nice but these are human feelings.
The woman who did it was courageous if she really did it to help and not in exchange of money. I know that some women do it for money.
Now if I were able to donate an egg and I know there will be no way for me to know for whom it is, then maybe I would consider it as I will never see the child. But I don't know if I will be haunted by the thoughts of the child even though I know there is no chance to find out. This is a tough discussion heh?
@thegoodkitty (77)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I'm inclined to say I'd only be able to donate my eggs if it were entirely anonymous and I would never see the child. Otherwise, it would be far too difficult. I want to take home every child I see already =P Knowing that a child came from /my/ egg and that I couldn't be the one to raise him/her, would be too painful for me.
If it were my friend, I'd be torn. I would want to help my friend, but that's.. a lot of help. That's a huge sacrifice to make, if you'd be that attached to the child, or if you think you'd be. I can't imagine what I'd say if I were ever asked.
@becca29 (40)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I am a mother of 2 after I had my daughter I had my tubes tied, that was almost 8 years ago and I have thought about going and reversing it cause I would like to have another child (but with the way the world is today I am not sure it is such a great idea). But as I see it my eggs are just going to waste as it is, so knowing that someone was wanting to have a child and could not for some reason, yes I would gladly give some of my eggs for their cause. I know a lot of people do or can not understand that, but that is what is wrong with people today they only think of themselves and immediate family that's it. If I could allow someone the precious joy of having a child I would do my best to help in whatever way.