What is your opinionabout bosing?

Boxing - Is it worth?
By Bala
@balasri (26537)
June 1, 2007 7:22pm CST
Isn't it brutal and violent?
1 response
@Coolgeth (1215)
• India
2 Jun 07
Boxing is also a game to show how powerfull one is but sometimes it turns into brutal and violent ..This is because some of them wont follow the ethics in game..
• Greece
5 Jun 07
and what are the ethics of the game? This is not chess or something like this. This is about you defeating somebody else. That's why box trainings are not for everybody.
@balasri (26537)
• India
5 Jun 07
Said it right.Ethics doesn't fit here.It is the rules that coolgeth was trying to say I guess.The rule of the game is deg=feating the opponent.So punching and knocking him down is the rule.