Shopping pet-peeve
@dragonokiefly (862)
United States
June 1, 2007 8:57pm CST
So today I go to the place I hate more than any other store, Wal-Mart and found a great deal. Keep in mind, I have 6 people in my house, 4 of them are children. Toliet paper does not stay around long. Well for some reason they had a 4 roll pack of Soft and Gentle on sale for 85 cents each, a 24 roll pack costs $5.98, so I put 6 packs in my cart and saved 88 cents. When I was checking out the cashier made a comment to me, "Do you think you got enough toliet paper?". A million things went through my head to say and none of them were nice so I kept my mouth shut. I so hate it when you are checking out and the cashier feels the need to make comments on the stuff you buy.
Has this ever happened to you? What do you say back to them?
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17 responses
@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Oh yea I've had cashiers make comments to me especially when I stopped smoking I brought alot of sunflower seeds and the cshier made a comment & I couldn't and didn't keep my mouth shut. I kindly told her to shut up and do her job and ring my stuff up if I wanted her to do inventor I would have her file out an application w/ her resume attached. My hubby was a little upset but I didn't care(the only reason is because he work their) but I said to before I pd for my items, if you don't know what to say to people you need to keep your mouth shut.
Then I smiled and toldher to have a Nice Day!
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
LOL! I'll have to remember that one for next time because I'm sure there will be a next time. I could say something like, I'm sorry but I am not taking applications at this moment for an inventory assistant but when I need one it seems you are perfect for the job... LMAO!
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@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
2 Jun 07
PS I do have 6 people in my household too.
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Do you go through a lot of toliet paper too or is it just my children?
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@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That is true and then when you do go and get some more and after they ring it up you can say I'm no I just want 10 of them(bring like 20 to the register) LOL LMAO
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Good one.. I should have done that (because the sad thing is I will need more before the month is over) and held up the line longer but I hate waiting behind people that do that so I guess that would make me rude if I did it myself.
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@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Look I have to go to Walmart tomorrow and buy some and on top of that I have to purchase paper towels. And I dare to get someone like that because I'm so prepared for them its a shame. LOL
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@dragonstar13 (1465)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That's never happened to me, but if it did I think I would respond, "Probably don't have enough. Because my roommate is just like you...full of Sh1t."
What a rude and insensitive cashier. So typical of a WalMart employee.
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Very typical of Wal-Mart. I hate that store but go there because the prices are cheaper than any other store that is close to me.
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@lisagayle (393)
• United States
2 Jun 07
if anyone eve sad that t me, I would probably say, "no, but thanks for asking, do you have 6 people in your householod?" I am like you, looking for a bettr deal all the time, I too hate Wal-Mart. But for us, it isone grocery store where the prices are really up there or Wal-Mart, without having to drive 30 miles to go somewhere else. We live in a very small town, it sucks, but with the price of gas, it is more economical to stay in our area, we hae dollar general, family dollar and a dollar tree, but sometimes you can' get everything you need at one of those places, and sometimes, they are more expensive than the Wal-Mart prices for the same exact thing.
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That is the whole reason why i shop at Wal-Mart. Gas prices are just too high to be driving all over town. This is the only store that has decent prices on our side of town, it takes about 20 minutes to get to the other side and the super Wal-Mart over there is higher priced but everyone there is nicer. I just hate spending the extra money if I don't have to.
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I just tell them why I need so much - like - it was such a great deal I'd've bought them all if I could've.
Or, when they see me go thru with 3 14 lb bags of cat food they ask if I have cats - duh. Yep & proceed to tell them I have cats & would she like one.
If nothing else, information overload will stop them from asking again.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
It doesn't really happen, but I hate having to buy feminine products when I am with my sons, because THEY will, or worse start asking questions about the different properties of various items.
We are only allowed to buy one paracetemol product at a time, as there are cases of overdoses (it's similar o Tylenol). One day I was buying the tablets for myself and some Lemsip with paracetemol for one of the kids with an ear infection and totally forgot I was over the limit. It was a big production and the manager had to be called over, She was really apologetic, because I think the tills are set up to register and prevent the purchase. So, we had to remove one item, ring it up, and then run the other through at a nearby till. The clerks felt bad because the kid in question was there and it was obviously a liquid product for the child but we had to go through the whole lengthy rigamarole anyway.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 Jun 07
Holy hell, really? I am on my way there in 18 days. I have awful allergies. Is it just sudafed or all over the counter medications?
I guess there were a number of Parcetemol overdoses, the same way Tylenol causes liver damage. They don't take your id though, and you can literally buy a pack and get right back in line at the same till and buy another, or go to another shop or chemist. It's anuisance to legitimate purchasers and would never stop anyone who isn't. I guess taking your ID is all together different!
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@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I have actually left my stuff and walked out of a store before, when I had a cashier try and joke about my purchases, but I didn't find it funny or any business of theirs. Of course, I left the store after I went to the customer service desk and requested to speak with the manager.
Before becoming a work-at-home mom, I actually was the store manager of a local retail store. It was a small to medium sized one, so I had a little bit more control over my employees. But none of them would ever dream of saying something like what you had said to you.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I've never had a cashier say anything but I have had other people in line say things. We buy for the month when it comes to many things so we have a lot especially with cat food and dog food. We have 7 cats and 1 dog so our cart is pretty full with just their food. We just state we are buying for the month and that usually shuts them up.
The only time I've had a cashier say anything is when I'm buying cold medicine, kleenex and the like. Then it's usually things like "Oh no is it that time of year again?" or "I hope you feel better soon", type things. Nothing nasty or smart alecky like what you had.
@jessicamom24 (391)
• United States
2 Jun 07
yes it has epecially when myhusband has been with me and sometimes i just want to tell them its none of there busniess what i buy and if they have a porblem with me geeting it just to stuff it and and its my money and i can buy anything i want to
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@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I agree! First of all it is none of anyones business what you buy or why. Second of all the way I look at it is if you have something to say about what I buy then you should be paying for it. If you aren't going to pay for it then keep your mouth shut.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
Wow. How rude and insensitive! I think I would have said something back regardless of whether it was rude or not. Exactly what I would say remains to be seen. I tend to think on my feet in situations like that.
Cashiers shouldn't have attitudes like that, especially when they're working the tills.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Yes, this has happened to me, though it's been a few years since it happened last. My husband and I were really into juicing fresh vegetables and I bought 2 5lb bags of carrots along with some other vegetables. The cashier asked me the same question. I wanted to say "what's it to you?" but instead I mentioned that I'm into juicing for better health and that stemmed into a conversation. Go figure! LOL
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That sounds exactly like something that would happen at Wal-Mart. I hate that store and I refuse to go there. I know that the prices are lower there than other stores, but I will go to Target way before I will go to Wal-Mart. I don't even like to say the name of it.
I used to go there a lot, but I quit shopping there because of the rude people,long lines, rude employees, etc.
I would have told her that it was none of her business!!
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That is just one of the many reasons I hate shopping at Wal-Mart. I buy almost everything we get in large quantities. Almost every time we go to Wal-Mart the cashiers make some comment about how much of whatever I am buying. The last time it was a comment about how many cans of dog food I was buying, was I sure I had enough. I looked over at the cashier an said " I am not sure I have 3 dogs who eat 2 cans each a day. How many cans of dog food do you eat in a day?" Her jaw dropped. You know she wanted to say something else but she wouldn't speak to me again.
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
That is me, I try to do most of my shopping for the month at one time because I hate going there. So usually we will have 2 shopping carts filled to the max. I buy the industral size canister of ketchup, my kids a strange they eat it on everything, and I will get some pretty strange looks. I keep thinking to myself, if I am not suppose to buy this much than why is it here?
@rhinoboy (2129)
4 Jun 07
I hate it when you know a cashier is taking note of your items. I find it's usually the middle aged women, as the youngsters couldn't give a monkeys anyway.
One checkout hag in our supermarket lent over the conveyor thing and started to grope my wifes bump when she was pregnant, and that got us really peeved. No asking or even talking first, just a prod & squeeze and a glib comment like "Not long to go now eh?" Her face was a picture when I pointed out that what she did was actually common assault!
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I think I would rather have the comments instead of the man-handling. I hated it when I was pregnant and people would come up and touch my belly as if I was some kind of ripe melon. Some people are so rude!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
8 Jun 07
OMG, I can't belive someone would be that rude and intrusive! Wouldn't you have loved to say something crude and rude right back? Kudos to you for keeping your cool and being classy. I really think I might have made teh time to find teh manager and let he/she know how I felt about the cashier.
@lisaborders (6)
• United States
2 Jun 07
yes this kind of thing has happened to me before!!! i am very overweight! i have been most of my life. i found out about 6 years ago i have hypothyroidism and it has cause a lot of things to be wacky with my body! my hair falls out easily, complexion has changed, weight has increased, always tired....beyond tired really....anyway it is just a huge issue with my life!!! i can't tell you how many times i have gone out to eat and people look at me funny, like i shouldn't be eating!! i eat less than others i am with sometimes, but i still get that look! and at a fast food place one time i was ordering for myself, my husband, and 3 neices and 1 nephew. the guy behind the counter kept smirking and looking away as i gave him my order. i really didn't think to much about it...until i heard him tell his buddy behind the counter, off to the side "man, do you think she is HUNGRY???" i was sooo upset! i said "hey, do you see that table over there, with all the people? that is who all the food is for! yes i ordered food too! just because i am fat does not mean i don't get hungry! and besides all that IF all this food was for me, is that really any concern of yours? if it weren't for me and other's buying food here your sorry butt wouldn't have a job right now!" i talked to the manager and explained what had happened. he "assured" me things would be taken care of and how sorry he was. i told him that was fine but i wanted my money back, i would take my business somewhere where i wasn't made to feel stupid! he gave me my money back and the order free. i realize it wasn't his fault, but i was so upset i didn't even want to eat there after that!!! people are so rude sometimes...a lot of times actually!! sometimes i just want to look at them and tell them to kiss my huge a**!!!
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Some people are so rude! I am so sorry you had to go through that. I can't believe how stupid people are. Just because people are over weight it doesn't mean they eat to much! People need to keep their thoughts to themselves, they don't know if there is a medical contidion that causes it, like in your case, or not! Sorry, that is another of my pet-peeves. I have heard so many comments myself it just makes me so mad!