Some idiot just left their 4 year old in a car and its hot
By brendalee
@brendalee (6082)
United States
June 2, 2007 4:00pm CST
Its just about 90 degrees here and some idiot left their 4 year old child in a car in the parking lot of a store. The put the windows up. I am sorry for the name calling but things like that really irk me. Some bystanders noticed the child and tried to get her out of the car. She was in there for at least 15 minutes. The got her out of the car and took her into the store and started cooling her down. The ambulance is there now. The child is awake and crying so hopefully the child will be okay. So would you do the same thing if you saw a child left in a car? Would you get involved or would you just keep on walking? I would have done everything I could to help this child. Some people just don't deserve to have children.
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35 responses
@babostwick (2036)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I'd get involved and probably the question as to why they would do such a thing with this heat. That's just wrong on so many levels. Why would someone abandon there child in this heat in the car I'll never understand. There should have been at least Air Conditioning on if you're going to have someone in the car. That's just ridiculous. I wonder if Child Services could take a child away from a parent who would do such a thing.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I believe that it is quite possibly that this child will be taken away from the parents. I am sure child services will be involved with this.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I sure would help the child any way possible, even if it involved breaking the dam window to get the child out. I hope they arrested the person that left the lil gal in the oven. I would do the same for any animal as well. I did bust out a side window of a car once when I was heading into the store in 100+ degree heat and noticed a small dog in the car that was laying on it's side with tongue hanging out. No response whatsoever from the poor thing when I knocked on the car window. I was so pissed of that I took my fist and punched out the window, opened the door, and brought the dog into the grocery store and dared the employees to say anything about it. Several ppl saw what I was doing and got a hold of a vet that came right away. Poor thing did end up dying despite the best efforts of the vet and I and some others to try and cool him down. I was still very angry when the owner came up and started in on me. I turned and the guy never saw the punch coming. Broke his nose and knocked 4 teeth out. Needless to say, I wasn't arrested but the guy was and did spend a year in jail for animal abuse. I would do anything I could possibly do to help child or animal in danger.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Thank you for the BR, brendalee. Just read the post again and got fired up all over again.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
5 Jun 07
That parent that did that doesn't deserve to have that child! Oooohhhhh I hate people that do things like that! Especially when it involves a child. I'm so glad that people were able to get her out of the car. There is no way that I would be able to pass by a situation like that. I would be calling 9-1-1 and then breaking windows if necessary to get the child out. I sincerely hope that little girl is ok. She was very lucky to have so many observant caring people that were looking out for her (parents NOT included).
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
4 Jun 07
How stupid can people be????? You never do that- if I take my dogs with me I always carry my spare key and leave the car running, and locked, while I run in the store for milk or where ever so that I cna leave the air on for them while I'm gone. And if it is a major food shopping day then I either leave them home with my husband or take them to my mothers. If I had children I would do the same. You're right some people do not deserve to have children, I have always said this an still do- you should have to go through some sort of tests to be allowed to have children- you have to go through a screening process just to adopt a dog why not for having children.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I would stand at the car and call 911 I may even have trid to break a car window. We are traveling in Idaho and some idoit left a dog in a hot car next to us. It was 92 degrees out side. Why are people so stupid?
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@brand4less (1061)
• Indonesia
5 Jun 07
i'm totally agree with u.parents who do that kind of things are not deserve to have children.maybe they think they only left for awhile but still they can't let the children alone in the car!if i see something like that i'll find the nearest security and report it.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I would do what ever it takes to get the child out of the car and then I would call the police and let them know what I had found. I have children and I will not sit back and let any one abuse a child like that for any reason.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Jun 07
Yes I would have done the same thing
What was this Person thinking of when they left the Child in the Car? Nobody in their right mind would leave a Person in a car when it is that hot never mind a Child
I hope they get into trouble for that I really do
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Well I'm glad the child is ok- I hope the person who did this is thrown in jail- what the hel!-- Leaving a child in a vehicle alone at any time is dangerous- and it has to be against the law-- but in a hot car- how friggin stupid! I agree-- some people just should not have kids- The person should have taken the child in with them- It is so dangerous to leave a child even for a minute- thankfully the kid is ok- I would have called the cops and opened the door for sure- to let the child have fresh air!
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Jun 07
Such irresponsible and negligent behavior on the part of the parents or whoever has shut the child in the needs to be punished . I wonder what makes these kind of people behave in such uncanny way, unmindful of their little ones .
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
3 Jun 07
Hello,brendalee,the parents were cruel,i did not know why they could not bring their child out of the car ,it was dangerous to leave a child alone in any situations.If i saw a child in the car like that,i would try to help him,if it was in a shopping center,i would call the ambulance first and at the same time tell the security guard and make a announcement by the broadcasters and ask the parents to go back to their cars as soon as possible.
@abrarr (1246)
• Pakistan
3 Jun 07
yeah u r rite!! i would have done teh same thing, i mean everything to help the child if i had to later pay teh damages. u r rite soem people really don't deserve soemthings to be theirs, its how God checs them out for theirs being worthy or not!!
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
3 Jun 07
Oh my goddness , the child might just die yea ... this is a horrible thing to do , to leave the child alone at times yea .....
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 07
people makes mistake sometimes,..
but there not connect to deserve children or not.
they just had. And God already gave them children. we, just have and never forget to keep them save.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
3 Jun 07
This is a terribly dangerous thing to do. Not only was it 90 degrees on the oputide, it would havce been well above that in the car. KIds can die within 10 minutes in that heat.
If I ever saw something like this, I wouldn't hesitate to become involved. If there were bystanders, I would call out for one to ring the police & ambulance. I would then break into the car. It is not difficult to do. If necessary, I would smash the window futherest from the child. This can be done using any heavish object, even it is was a rock or something heavy frtom your shopping basket. Wrap it in a cloth first, even your own jumper.
People who leave kids in cars are charged here, & I imagine it is the same where you live.
Poor kid.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
2 Jun 07
wow, I would never and let me say never leave my kid in the car under any circumstances. I have 2 a 3 year old and 8 month ol. If I even run into the gas station to pay for gas they go with me. I couldn't imagine what those parents were thinking. It is unfortuante people like this have children.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Its good that you wouldn't do something like that. Some people would feel like it was a hassle to bring all the kids in just for a quick stop. I had one friend who asked a person at the gas station to keep an eye on her kids who were sleeping, so she could run in and pay. She knew the guy. But she knew not to leave those kids unattended in the car.
@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
19 Jun 07
If it was me I probably would have gone into the store and told the manager to page the parents of the child. I would then call the police. I would not have tried to get the child out my self. You never know some people are vicious and they could say I was trying to kidnap the child instead of helping her. I see you posted this discussion 3 weeks ago and I hope everything turned out well for her.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
20 Jun 07
All I know is that the little girl was released from the hospital later that night and thats the last I heard about it.
@younglking (167)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Wow that is crazy and sad!
that person need to be put in jail for that.
Because they could had killed the child!!
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Yes, that could have killed the child. Its a good thing some people came along and did something about it.