Anyone know how I can become a SAHM and still pay my bills?

United States
June 2, 2007 6:26pm CST
I am in need. I work 3rd shift...overnights...come home...get 3 hours of sleep. Awake the rest of the day and then back to work. I feel like Im losing my children. When I want to spend time with them I am too tired to do anything with them. I also would like to homeschool. Can anyone out there please help me. I at least need to rake in $1000 a month permently. I have bills to pay mortgage, electric, gas, ect. I hope there is someone out there who can help me. Please
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6 responses
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
3 Jun 07
well, I don't have an easy money trick no. I work online and make about 100-150 dollars a month, so I can't help you make that much. (sorry) But I do have a site that may help you. It's, they have some great resources, that help you manage your money and cut corners. Also, they have a mom calculator, to see if it's really worth you going to work, or if you should stay home. I know when we decided I should stay home, we had to make a lot of sacrifices, as far as our comfort level, (No more cable t.v. etc) but I would rather sacrifice that then what I want for my children. I hope you find a solution that works for you, one thing someone told me that has helped me, 20 years from now, you won't regret that your children didn't always have nike shoes, or that you didn't have brand name food, or highspeed internet, you may however regret that you sacrificed time with your children, just so you can have those things. I'm not saying that to make you feel guilty, because some people don't have a choice, they have to work, and when it comes down to it, it's more important that there children have food, then a mom who stays home all the time, but you would be surprised at what you can cut from your budget if you have to. Good luck, it's not an easy choice to make, and there's no right answer for everyone.
• United States
3 Jun 07
If you dont mind me asking. How DO you make that extra 100-150 a month?
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun 07
Have you tried selling on Ebay? You can easily recycle your children's gently worn older clothing and toys into a second income that might pay some bills. Check the local thrift shops for one and two dollar clothes, then bundle them together into a big lot and resell the entire thing for double what you paid on Ebay. The buyer pays all shipping, so you're not out of pocket on that. A good friend of mine that lives in Canada makes a nice living selling big boxxes of brand new baby clothes on Ebay. If you don't have money to start with that, you could sell ebooks on Ebay. Recipe ebooks are really popular and sell well, too. And, you can usually pick up ebooks for free online. Maybe it won't be enough to quit all your jobs, but it might let you cut back on your hours to spend more time with your kids. Best of luck for you and your children.
• United States
3 Jun 07
Could you please explain theese e-books to me please? Thanks
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Have you ever thought about opening your own daycare? I did it for awhile and it worked out pretty good. I had to go to training and get certified but it wasn't that bad. It would also be helpful to your kids because they would be around other kids and have someone else to play with. I know there are other SAHM here so hopefully they will have more suggestions for you.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
since you are posting and writing here ,i would suggest that you start making your own blogs and do afiliate this while you are working until your blog is earnign then you can let go of your shifts and stay at home.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
3 Jun 07
You might consider running your own business, which could be child care, a craft that you enjoy making, cooking for somebody else, pet sitter, or selling items on line. When I was a young mother, I quit my 3rd shift job, and started working with children, who needed extra help studying for exams.
• United States
3 Jun 07
I would have to agree with the other 2 above me. A daycare would be the answer to staying home and making decent money and being with your kids at the same time. If you run a flexible daycare your likely to get more kids. Any hours that sort of stuff. Here most of our daycares run 5-6am to 5pm and that is it. It is hard to find them for evening shift or 3rd shift workers. Good Luck! ;)