How did your last relationship ended? Who had the final word?

United States
June 2, 2007 10:22pm CST
How did your last relationship ended? What was the final straw that you knew it was over? Who broke up with who?Was there an exchange of words that were hurtful and do you think it was benficial or not?
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8 responses
@chay2x (15)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
it was a day after christmas when i broke up with my ex... it was likewise a a decision of both of us..but ..because of something that he had caused me much pain.. to make it straight, third party is involved... which i can't tolerate that.. but anyways, it was a healthy scenario of my life, coz later on i discovered that he is not worth it after all.... thanks God..!!!
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• United States
3 Jun 07
Once a cheater is always a cheater.
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@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
it was a terrible relationship bf leave me when i'm still 3mos pregnant and it was so painful for me...i can't imagine what he done after all the love i gave to him..he's a coward cheater kind of person..knowing that he's already engage after a few months that he leaves me..he texted me that he has no love to me anymore, it's because he courted other girl..but it was 3yrs ago, and i already forgiven him and i'm happy with my new bf who is more loving, supportive to me and to my child, and very patient..
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• United States
3 Jun 07
Well, Im glad to hear that you found someone who is more loving and supporting than your ex.
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• Canada
3 Jun 07
My ex ended my last relationship . It was many years ago and was someone I was still seeing in school . We had went out for a couple of years and he felt he needed a little time away . The final straw for our relationship was when I started seeing someone else . He didn't want to go out with me but had figured that I would stay single until he figured out how he felt . I had told him that I wouldn't wait around for him forever and it was him who broke up with me . That was about eighteen years ago and we have just recently run into each other as he is back in the area that we grew up in and one of his children is the same age as one of mine . They go to playschool together . We have said hello and things like that but nothing major . I never really gave it much thought as we were very young at the time and I got with my husband shortly afterwards and we have been together ever since as we got together in school as well .
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• United States
3 Jun 07
Talk about small world in which your past comes back to you.
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• Sri Lanka
3 Jun 07
my last affair ended abt 3 weeks ago... and im the one who dumped her !! im realy glad dat i did it... coz ive big goin trough a lot of S*** coz of her ... i almost lost most of my friends...i did everything i cn for her bt she proved me dat she's nt worth of it so i had to let her go
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• United States
3 Jun 07
This is a twisted love story. Are you still having an affair or did this made you realize that an affair can lead you to trouble?
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• United States
4 Jun 07
Must be hard being in a love triangle. Seems like your in love with your affair lover becuase she got you so mad that it has broken your heart but you have love for the one your currently with.
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• Sri Lanka
4 Jun 07
actually im nt having an affair right nw... coz i waz realy broken down in the past few weeks... i realy loved her and thought dat we could have ended it in a better way... nt the way we finished !!.... still if she cant see the worthiness of ally the things i did for her its useless thinking about her right ??..... so i took that hard decision 2 stop it for once and for all !!
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• Philippines
10 Jun 07
I'm the one who broke up with him, because I just couldn't stand his "over possessive" attitude. ,,,
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• United States
10 Jun 07
Its ironic how most men become over possessive with thier women. I thought it was cute and flattering at first when my ex did it to me, but then it became very possessive and thats when I communicated to him that I didn't like that.
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@leonard0 (43)
• Portugal
7 Jul 07
my last relationship...i ended! I couldn't hang it anymore..!
• United States
11 Jul 07
Seems like your relieved lol.
• United States
10 Jul 07
My last relationship was OVER long before it was "officially" over. I think we both were holding on in hopes of things getting better when in reality we were making each other miserable. I ended our relationship because he pushed me to it. I don't regret it. It was actually the best thing that i've done in a long time. Yes, we had a hurtful exchange of words and much more but now we are TRYING to get along for the sake of our son.
@shemah (840)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 07
Hi there.. My last relationship ended because my ex wanted out. We were together for so long and that the pattern was, he wanted out and I would beg him to stay. But for me, that time was the final straw because he had trust issues with me that he never dealt with since day one. Even after I cut off my social life, friends and other activities to prove to him that I am true to him and to gain his trust. However, all of that meant nothing to him. So, by that 4th year, when he wanted out, I just threw in the towel. I was so sick of his insecurities and I know no matter what, it couldn't work out anyway. And the next few days when he knew I wasn't going to beg him back, there were scores of hate text messages spouting hurtful words that totally went over my head.. I didn't care and I never replied back. 3 months later, I married a wonderful man.. and 4 years later, we are now expecting our 2nd child. It seems like I had the last word after all. Although just for your info, I didn't marry my husband to spite my ex. He just came along at the right time in my life.. and after all that I went through with my ex.. they just seemed like hundreds of miles apart in personality..! I am happy with my choice.. and I hope my ex is happy with his. :)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Goes to show things happen for a reason.