the lost ring...
By ufuk07
@ufuk07 (20)
June 3, 2007 9:48am CST
Many bad things happen in this life.
Everyday we read in the newspapers.
Sometimes they happen to us.
Then we think.
There are some bad people.
They are doing some bad things.
Rhen we get very angry.
If we are angry.
We are unhappy.
If we are unhappy.
We make other people unhappy.
Now you will bw read a real story.
It happened to me.
I was going to stay with a friend.
I went lalapasha station.
I wanted to buy something in a shop.
Big station have shops.
I went in to one of the shops.
And i went back the other side of the station.
I sat in the train.
I started to read the newspaper.
Just then i looked at my hand.
My gold ring was not there.
It sad me very much to lose the ring.
This ring was given to me by a dear friend.
I looked onthe floor of the train.
Then i looked in my coat and my handbag.
What shall i do". i thought.
Did i have in the shop.
I have lost it.
I can't go back to the shop .
if i do.
The train will go without me.
My friend will meet the train.
I went to the window of the train.
and looked out.
A man was putting some bags.
i got out the train.
And i looked on the ground.
But the ring was not there.
The man saw me.
And he came up to me.
"have you lost something" he said.
"yes" i said.
I ve lost my ring.
its not here.
i ve looked at everywhere.
i was in the shop on the other side of the station.
it must be there.
but i cant go back to look for it.
the train will go now.
"i"ll go the shop for you the man said.
i ll bring it you.
its very kind of you.i said but you have not time.
The train goes very soon now.
i thougt quickly.
if you find the ring.
will you telephone to me.
"yes" he answered.
I^ll telephone you.
He wrote the adress on a piece of paper.
What is your name i asked.
my name is Ibrahim. he said.
Cani find you again on this station.
When i come back to Istanbul.
Yes the man said.
I work on the trains.
just ask for ibrahim.
If you find the ring.
Plese take care of it.
please let me know.
if you find it.
Pople were getting in to train quickly.
and they were shutting the doors.
i got in to train,too.
Then i put my head out of the window.
you will remember to telephone.
i ll remember Ibrahim answered.
i called out to him.
The train went out of the station.
and i sat down.
and i thought about my ring.
it made we very sad.
i shall never see again i thought.
if that man ibrahim finds it.
He can take it a shop.
And he shall it fro a lot of money.
i shall never hear anything about my ring.
i was very sad.
I did not want to go away.
i wanted to go back the station.
And u wanted to look for me station.
and i wanted to look for my ring.
But the train went faster and faster.
about an hour later.
The train stopped.
and i got out.
My friend was there with her car.
we want to her house.
I told her my sad story.
And she was very sorry.
We got the house.
And my friend went to put the car.
i took off my coat.
and i put my bag in my room.
just then i heard the telephone.
I answered it.
and a man spoke.
This is Ibrahim speaking. he said..
oh mr ibrahim. a said.
Have you found my ring.
yes he said.
Its all right.
i've found it.
You left in the that shop.
someone found it.
And he gave to the woman in the shop.
i asked her about the ring.
it must be your ring.
im please i said.
atahank you very much.
i ll get it from you later..
Why will you wait so long.
I can send it you.
Where shall i send.
But that's a lot of trouble for you.
no trouble at all ibrahim said.
Im pleased.
i gave him my name.
I ll send it tomorrow he said.
then he went away.
two days later.
A letter came for me.
My ring was in the letter
I sent ibrahim's some money.
ans a letter of thanks.
But i could not thank people.
Who found the ring.
I shall never know their names.
They were not rich people.
They were good people.
and they were afraid for God...
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