Believers in choice, Do you consider yourselves pro-choice or pro abortion?
By cyntrow
@cyntrow (8523)
United States
June 3, 2007 4:56pm CST
I consider myself pro choice. I wish like hell that abortions didn't happen, but I understand why they do. I believe in a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. I believe that pregnancy is not something that all women want and accidents do happen. I don't necessarily agree with abortion. I couldn't do it myself. But I would never interfere or condemn a woman for choosing to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Many of the pro life people are calling pro choicers, "pro abortion." I guess there may be some, but I believe that the majority of us are like me. I have never walked in the shoes of a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant. It's not my situation. It's not my choice. And that choice should always be available.
So, are you pro-choice or pro abortion?
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29 responses
@mummymo (23706)
3 Jun 07
I am definitely pro choice cyntrow! Like you that does not mean I am pro abortion and I feel that some people (the vast minority) do use it as a form of contraception although most find themselves facing abortion through a route of heartache and self hatred but see no other way out! It is ok for people to say that they are killing a baby but in reality that baby is not properly formed and could not live outside of the mothers womb! I must admit that the upper limit for termination in the uk is 24 weeks and I do think that that should be lowered as babies can sometimes survive at that stage! Everyone is entitled to hold and express their own opinion but they should long and hard into themselves before they start judging others for the often heartbreaking decisions they have to make! xxx
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Those are some very good examples and cyntrow I thought that was a very good point you made about the miscarriage. That what was expelled didn't look like a baby. Until we are in anothers shoes we have no idea what we might do. no one can ever know exactly what they are going through because each person is different.

@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I am pro-choice, but I do not condone all abortions.. While I don't agree with the choice of all women that have abortions, I respect their right to choose.
I worked with a woman who seemingly used abortion as a form of birth control. She had 4 abortions before she was 21. To me, that seemed a bit dangerous, but she is happily married now and has 4 children.
At the time of her abortions, all of us at work were quite shocked she kept having them. It seemed like she had one a year.
I feel abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. In the matter of this woman, I thought it was a danger zone for future pregnancies if she decided to have children. Apparently, I was wrong, but as her friend, I was still concerned about the consequences.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I knew a woman like that once, it made me ill the way she would sleep around unprotected and then trot off to the clinic every 12 months. I was good friends with this woman's older sister, and I asked my friend once if it bothered her that her sister did this. Her reply? "Not nearly as much as the idea of that silly, selfish twit with four kids!"
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@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I am just like you. I am pro-choice. I don't think abortion is right BUT like you said "acidents do happen". It's life. Sh*t happens. So who are we to judge others who do?
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
I believe in using contraceptive methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The only time I am in favor of abortion is instances of rape or when the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy.
If the only reason is financial difficulty, there is always the option of adoption.

@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
4 Jun 07
In the states if you are pregnant you can almost always get Medicaid.
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@Galena (9110)
4 Jun 07
the way I see it, forcing a woman to carry a child to full term can be considered a form of rape. forcing a woman to undergo something happening to her body she doesn't want.
I've known people who've been in both positions, and the mental effect is similar.
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Jun 07
hi wisedragon - I respect your opinion but can I ask do you not think if a woman was forced to continue with an unwanted pregnancy that it could lead to mental health issues which would then lead her to contemplate ending her own life or trying dangerous ways to stop the baby continuing to develop? I know of at least one girl (yes here in the uk) who could not face seeing her gp (he was a family friend) and didn't know where to turn - she ended updrinking a large amount of bleach, which killed both of them. Now I dod not know this girl personally but I know someone who did. Wouldn't you say it is safer for women to have the right to abortion?
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I don't know how it is in singapore. In the US, women have a choice to have a baby or have an abortion. I agree that a woman should be legally allowed to choose abortion if she feels the need. As such, I am a pro-choice peron. People who don't believe in abortion at all are called Pro-life. I am just stating that Pro choice is not necessarily pro abortion. I don't like abortion, personally, but I wouldn't interfere with a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.
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@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 07
pro-choice. not only in abortion issue but in everything else.
it is like, either you are a communist or or facist; none in between. no democracy. its not that i am pro-abortion, i am not. i just believe that everyone makes their own path in life.
people should be responsible for what they do NOT for what OTHERS do. everyone should make the choice to what they want to do. period.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
4 Jun 07
just like you cyntrow, i can't see myself doing it, too. however, i respect other women's thoughts on this... whether they are pro abortion or not. they own their body and they should be the ones deciding for it.for sure, they have reasons if ever they wanna go on abortion and so, i respect those reasons whatever those are.
@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I'm neither of those things. I'm pro-life. While I believe that a woman's body is her's and her's alone, in the case of abortion, the woman's body is not the only one being affected. When does life begin? That's a question that seems to be at the heart of abortion debates. Well, in my opinion, life begins at the moment of conception. A woman who chooses to terminate a pregnancy is terminating a life and that's murder. Members of the pro-life camp, such as myself, speak for the babies who would be screaming "don't kill me!" if they could. I just don't think it is moral to kill a baby even if you don't want it or cannot care for it. There are other choices that don't involve murder that are available to mothers who don't want to be mothers. Someone's got to protect the children.
@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I realize now that I didn't exactly answer your question. So I will now. I think those that call themselves pro-choice, like you, are not all gung-ho about abortions. I can't imagine that someone who is pro-choice is pro-choice simply because they think killing babies in utero is cool. I understand and respect a person's opinion that we are all masters of our own bodies. But, a baby is a person with a body (fully formed or not) too and is a precious being that deserves to live.
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Jun 07
And if the mothers life would be then put at risk? What if she couldn't survive long enough to carry the baby til a time when it would be able to survive outside of the mothers womb? I respect your right to hold and express your opinion on this issue but most women have a very good reason if they have top undergo a termination of pregnancy! I did and I will not justify myself to anyone apart from God but I will say I was not going to take the chance of leaving my first child without a mother when the child I had conceived was a cluster of cells that was not a baby but a very early stage foetus with the potential to become a baby, and could have killed me before I even carried it to a stage it could survive! I really don't think we should judge women til they have walked in their shoes. As for me being a murderer - that is your opinion - I believe differently!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Jun 07
OH I'm Pro Choice without a doubt but NOT necesaarily Pro Abortion...There are some situations when the right to life over-rides or SHOULD over-ride a womans careless, stupidity...What many Pro Lifers dont understand I think is that some of us WERE PRO LIFE!! I was for the LONGEST time...but things changed when a friend of mine got ito a situation....after that I was on the fence...then yrs later I had to have one and I understand the need for yes I'm Pro Choice but not Pro Abortion
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@lynn3024 (198)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
I am pro life. i have read to much on abortion and the procedures that are done. it's terrible. i don't understand how people can say it's the womens body and she has a right to choose what to do with her own body. Abortion is the only thing a women can choose to do with her ow body. Example; A women can not choose whether she wants to have a natural birth or a c-section. Nor can she choose to get her tubes tied if she doesn't want to have kids. Even after 1 kid most doctors will not do it. I had a friend who had two kids and the doctor refused to tie her tubes because she was only 23. He said someday you might want more.
So how can you say a women has a right to choose
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Do you know that 20 years ago, a woman had to get her husband's permission to have her tubes tied? but that is really not the point. I respect your opinion. I do not agree. As I said in a response above, my miscarraige was not a baby.
But your resonse is very off topic. I want to know from people who are pro choice whether they believe they are pro choice or pro abortion. So I'll ask you, do you think that pro choice people are actually pro abortion, or do we jsut support the right to choose? I won't jump on you for your response. I am just intersted.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I don't know the laws in Canada, and this is off-topic; but I'll address those two questions if no one minds.
In the US, a woman under 30, without children, would have a hard time finding a doctor to tie her tubes. There are doctors who will do it. My mother had hers done at 24, as single mom of 1 child (in the 70s at that!) She had to look pretty hard to find a doctor who would agree & I believe she may have had her therapist help her convince the doctor it was best for her.
In so far as C-sections, in some ways it can be compared to unplanned pregnancies. There are steps women can take to minimize the chances they may need a c-section; just like there are ways a couple can reduce the chances that they'd become pregnant when they do not wish to be. Being in good health before becoming pregnant, staying active & following a healthy diet during pregnancy can greatly decrease the chances of having a section.But just as with birth control, sometimes things happen that are beyond our control and we have to make the best choices with what life has thrown at us.
Back to the original question. I am pro-choice and I do not find the term pro-abortion insulting. It's inaccurate; being pro-choice incorporates many of my beliefs & pro-abortion only covers one but I don't care if "anti-choice" people want to say I am pro-abortion.
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@takkea (393)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I would say that it depends on the circumstances that led up to the pregnancy.If she were raped let her go right ahead. There are so many emotional strains that this child would have to suffer. I agree with everything you are saying.
@gaminemadcap (160)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I am pro-life. The thing about pro-choice is that a woman isn't choosing what to do with her body--she's choosing what to do with someone else's. I also know that there are far too many people in the world and just in America who want children who are unable to have them. Adopting a baby is one of the hardest things to do in this country, yet women are having them killed left and right. I believe that pro-choice and pro-abortion are the same thing--because like I said, you're not giving the woman the choice to do something with her body, she's making the decision for someone else. Whether you believe that a fetus is a living being or not is irrelevent--the fact is that it will BECOME a person if given the chance. If a woman is pregnant and does not want to be, then she has the choice to carry the baby to term and then to give it up. That should be her choice, not whether or not she's going to end a life before it has the chance to live.
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@livewyre (2450)
5 Jun 07
is this a valid argument:
Adpoters are picky, so we should cull babies to keep the numbers down??
That's what your argument boils down to...
In my experience, there are a lot of desperate adopters out there who are prepared to give their love to unwanted children of all ages.
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@mummymo (23706)
4 Jun 07
Do you not think adoption is so hard because people are so picky over the children they want to adopt? I know of many children who have had to go through absolute torture in their first year of life and who end up in the care system for life because when they are able to be adopted everyone wants babies, newborn babies, not second hand ones - I have honestly heard this expression used! Surely we should get to grips with ensuring the safety and protection of those already born and alive before we start judging women! As I stated elsewhere if a pregnancy is terminated early there is no brain and without a brain , nothing lives or feels pain! xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Jun 07
I never have and never will say such a thing - I think that is a horrible and nasty thing to say! I asked a specific question from a specific response and for you to say that that is a basis for such a vicious comment is really not very appropriate! I realise this is an emotionally charged subject but nastiness gets you nowhere! Oh and just for the record if there are so many desperate adoptees out there can you tell me why so many abused, neglected and unloved children are being shunted from one foster or group care home to another every minute of every day? If this is getting nasty I will not respond , not because I cannot defend myself but because I will not have a person take one of many comments I have made throughout this discussion and be abusive towards me! Have a look my friend - I have been nasty to no one anywhere on this discussion whether or not they agree with me - perhaps you could pay me the same compliment and be civil?

@mulanmatu (68)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
It depends.
Pro-choice. Pro-choice before conception (use contraceptives, manage you reproductive life) but once the baby is conceived, you have no right to choose. You should let the pregnancy continue. It's like accepting the responsibilities of a behavior to which you were reponsible anyway.
Well, in cases of rape, there I would be more lenient. You can opt to not pursue the pregnancy. Im pro-choice here.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
5 Jun 07
What if the rubber breaks? I had two pill babies. I was in a position to handle it. The first one was when I was 17, but I had family support. the second was my last little girl, five years ago, but I am stable and married.
No method of birth control is full proof. And I would much rather see a fetus aborted early than to see a baby birthed and crying and put in a dumpster.

@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I am pro-choice but I do not in any way believe that people should get one just for convenience or birth control.
I personally could never do it no matter what. I would give the baby up for adoption first. Though I know some people are in really bad situations and understand.
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@samsonsorte50 (57)
• India
4 Jun 07
I fully support and agree to an Individuals' decision in abortions. I shall even support the decision on having a male/female baby.
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
Maybe I am a pro choice but not a pro abortion. I am a pro life and I am against in abortion. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.

@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
Sorry for the triple reply. I have some problem to my net. Its getting hang. Sorry.

@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I can't find this other thread I saw a few weeks ago, which sums it up perfectly: I'm pro-mind-your-own-business. I don't remember whose discussion it was, but I lmao when I saw it. She hit it right on the head.
Like so many of medicine's capabilities, abortion is sometimes abused. I detest the notion of abortion as primary birth control. I also detest the idea that any woman is no more than a vessel for the embryo inside. It is insane to suggest that we should compel someone to maintain a parasitic life form that they don't want. Abortion has to be kept safe and legally available. That IS the only distinction to be made here, abortion has been around as long as pregnancy and will always be sought by some women.
I read an a few paragraphs from a book published a few years back, called "Freakanomics". In it, the authors discussed the fact that the massive wave of crime predicted by experts back in the 80's to occur in the mid to late 90's never materialized, in fact, crime went down during that period. Their explanation? In three words, Roe vs Wade. Their contention is that readily available abortions were utilized by the people most likely to raise children in the distressed conditions that lead to criminality. Literally, the criminals were never born. I found that thought-provoking, definitely not something you hear in your average life vs choice debate!
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
Abortion concerns not just the unborn child, it concerns every one of us. Many women are emotionally traumatized after any abortion procedure, some to the point of severe depression. The baby inside of her body is another life. When we talk about abortion, we are talking about two lives, one being the life of the mother and the life of the unborn baby. If someone I knew was determined to have an abortion, I would provide them with other options. I really don't see that as interfering. I see it as saving a life. Would you not do everything you could to save a life? I have walked in the shoes of a woman who did not want to be pregnant and I chose life. Sadly, God had other plans and I loss the baby due to a tubal pregnancy. To answer your question. I'm pro-life.

@urbandekay (18278)
4 Jun 07
And of course none suffer the same after killing the unborn? Get real
all the best urban
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I am pro-choice, I don't like the idea of abortion but I respect a womans right to have it as an option. Who are we to tell a woman she has to keep a baby she doesn't want and give birth to it just to satify some sick need for justice in our eyes? I know what it is like to be a rape victim and a victim of abuse. Why in the hell would I tell someone in that situation to have a child by their attacker? I value life, both born and unborn. I worry about the life that is already here before the one thats not here yet.
I hate women who use abortion as a form of birth control because they can't keep their damn legs closed. I think children are a gift and are special and precious. I really don't know what I would have done had I become pregnant when I got raped, but I am glad that I had options available to me had I been in that situation. Thats all being pro-choice is. Being an advacte for women to have options available to them if they find themselves in a situation they don't like or can't handle. Not everyone wants to suffer emotional hell for 9 months just to give birth and give it to someone else, and they shouldn't be forced to either.
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@SereneDragon (188)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I consider myself pro-choice. You are right, until you walk in someone's shoes, you can't judge or make decisions for them. Now that I'm older, I can say that I would not consider an abortion for myself; however, when I was younger (like a lot of teenagers I knew)I considered it a viable option had I gotten pregnant. Everyone SHOULD have the right to do what's best for themselves.
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