Salary Increase, Will It Change Your Life Style?

@kancil (43)
June 3, 2007 9:11pm CST
Recently..some country..the goverment had increase a salary to the workers.. Do you think by increase the monthly income will effect their lifestyle...we can see that the goods and our daily stuff also...increase highly each every year.....
3 responses
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
As one's salary increases, so does his or her expenses. In college I remember it was one's marginal propensity to consume (wow sounds hifalluting huh) that goes up when income goes up too. In my case, it was true, because when I received a higher wage, I was able to move to a better residential area and my kids were able to afford studying in a private school. Other than that, I did not change most of my spending habits. I have been trying to save money and cut down costs on shopping, dining and entertainment. Thanks!
• India
4 Jun 07
I thinks there ll b no change in the lifestyle of the people
@kyutstudph (1263)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
I think their lifestyle would still be the same because their salary increses while the prices of commodities and services also increases, Its just the same.