Does your partner's family like you? Does it matter?

@breepeace (3014)
June 4, 2007 7:31pm CST
Do you ever get the feeling your significant other's nearest and dearest aren't your biggest fan? Do you, or did you in the past, take it personally and develop hurt feelings about it (Be Honest!) or did you just ignore them figuring if your sweetie loved you, that was all that mattered? I know myself and many of my close friends have in-laws (or prospective in-laws) that don't approve of us for whatever reason, and we all seem to cope differently. How do you cope if your in-laws or prospective in-laws don't like you? I do take it very personally, trying my hardest to get to the root of the problem and placate their bad feelings about me -- I usually make it worse, though (like hand painting a ceramic pig for his mom's kitchen, not realizing she got rid of her entire pig collection when they moved from the country – how was I supposed to know???? I was honestly trying to be nice!). My friend acts as though her in-laws don't exist, except when her husband's warns her of an impending visit. Another friend lets her boyfriend's parents walk all over her, hoping to gain their approval. Yet another becomes fiercely defensive and protective of her and her live-in boyfriend's kids around her 'in-laws', she won't take anything they dish out, without giving a like reaction back. She’s not become any more popular over time, not surprisingly.
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5 responses
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
6 Jun 07
My in-laws didn't like me at first, I wasn't good enough for their son, but we didn't care and still got married. It took a few years and then they finally accepted me.
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@cpclos (24)
• United States
5 Jun 07
i feel like they like me, they are always nice to me and talk to me so thats a good sign.
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@pilbara (1436)
• Australia
5 Jun 07
I'm lucky with my in-laws, they are wonderful people and have always made me feel like part of the family. My mother in law buys or makes most of my clothes for me. When my husband had an accident and couldn't work I took on a second job and they helped with household chores and things.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Hello breepeace..Im the exact same as your friend who acts like her in laws dont exist UNTIL we get the word their coming over LOL. Personally I just dont feel like dealing with them most of the time, my mother in law is very old fashioned so she expects me to cook her son a meal 7days a week 365 days a me thats crazy! She used to call almost everyday to see what I was cookin for her son and then if I told her I wasnt gonna cook that day she would try and make me feel guilty. She thinks he shouldnt even help me clean around the house (according to her thats "our" job) LUCKILY my man knows better than that and helps me alot. So thats why I just keep my distance from her because I always have to hold my tongue to keep the "peace" but Im not gonna do it anymore so he always warns me b4 she comes so I can put my game face on LOL
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• Philippines
5 Jun 07
I think it's not a big deal if my in-laws doesn't like me.. But I also admit that it would be much better if your in-laws like you or such.. And Im thankful, my in-laws, especially his mom likes me so much...