Have you ever been inlove with your friend's special someone?

United States
June 5, 2007 5:31am CST
We can't control who to love but what if she's the lady love of your friend? Would you have the guts to tell your friend about the truth or just keep it? :D
1 response
@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
6 Jun 07
WEll, for me i understand what u meant? But i have got my own principals too... I would never fall for my friends special someone.. Its just weird and doesnt makes things right.... I mean i will mind whatever happened to them before... I dun like the feeling... Its just weird... But when i was in secondary school, i used to had a crush on a guy... Later part, he became my friend's bf and i dropped the idea on him.. I mean it isnt very nice... Of coz i was hurt.. But i dun wan my friend to be hurt and upset by me as well...
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