I'm so tired of Christians attacking and judging other religions.
By eyewitness
@eyewitness (1575)
June 5, 2007 11:55am CST
I'm a Christian and i can tell you most christians i know are hypocrites.
They are always pointing their fingers at other religions,but forget the cruelties they have done in the past.Christians have killed people who didn't want to believe or didn't want to became a christian.They also started world war 1 and 2 but do you hear people about it?NO because they are busy attacking other religions the whole time.They think they are the perfect religion.Well wake up because there ain't no perfect religion.
You all try to be good believers but you all are looking at others and find all others flaws?
What are you doing?That's not love.God wants us to be one in Him but we will never make that.Why? Because muslims are judging the western world(which in a few ways they are right about the western world) and christians catholics and whatever other religions are judgin about islam.
Well guess what?It ain't a game.Be serious grow up and act like Jesus he respected and accepted everyone just like God and we all should do it too.I'm gonna start with it today right now.
If you don't that's your problem but i will follow what God wants.Mahatma Ghandi said.
I'm a hindu,a muslim a christian a catholic.He's right.
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22 responses
@melissacus (441)
• United States
5 Jun 07
You basically just made yourself look like a huge hypocrite. You're sitting here preaching and criticizing ALL christians for judging other religions and being hypocrites, yet at the same time you're sitting here doing the same thing. What makes it okay for you to do that? You say no religions are perfect, so why are you even complaining about these judgemental christians when perfection isn't expected from them. I don't understand. Christians have done bad in the past, but so have all other religions. It doesn't mean you should judge the whole group based on what their ancestors might have acted. Christians started WWI and II, how do you figure. Actually the opposing countries involved in both wars caused the war, not christians. I don't know how you got that idea...
also, how do you know what god wants?? You don't. YOu can only do what you think god wants. Don't assume that what you do is right by god.
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@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Who said that murdering a preacher husband is ok? Who? GAWD! the audacity of some.
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Ya know, I was just thinking about certain religous news topics. It seems that Christians think if you do not believe the way they do you are going to hell. If you commit adultery you are going to hell. If you fornicate you are going to hell......According to some "Christians" all of these things can get you to hell but you can murder your minister husband and run off with your kids and that is alright. What's up with that?
Referring to the Mary Winkler case when she shot her husband who was a Church of Christ minister in West Tennessee
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Ya know, I was just thinking about certain religous news topics. It seems that Christians think if you do not believe the way they do you are going to hell. If you commit adultery you are going to hell. If you fornicate you are going to hell......According to some "Christians" all of these things can get you to hell but you can murder your minister husband and run off with your kids and that is alright. What's up with that?
Referring to the Mary Winkler case when she shot her husband who was a Church of Christ minister in West Tennessee
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@tommyboyja (26)
• Jamaica
5 Jun 07
I do not really beleive that Christians are knocking other religions or other people beleives. The fact is that Jesus says that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by him. Jesus Christ is the only mediater between the creator and mankind. The holy bible said the if any other person or even an angel from heaven preach or teach another gosple other than that which the bible teaches; that person religion(s) is/are false. The bible also state that in the last days you will find person depart from the faith given heed to seducing spirit and doctrine of devils. So I hope you get the picture that christian are just pointing out what the word of God stated.
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
5 Jun 07
ALL religons knock other religons. If we didn't disagree, there would not be so many different religons.
Yes, Christians judge as well. They DO point fingers, along with other religons. I have also seen my share of hypocrits in many religons too.
One thing I have learned, those who point fingers at others are usually guilty of the same thing.
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@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
5 Jun 07
If Christians (or those who call themselves Christians) would only teach Jesus' words, this would be wonderful and a great progress for Christianity and God's work on Earth. But, sadly, history and presence show a very different picture: a pityless, ruthless, self-righteous believer who enjoys in advance seeing not Christians suffer in hell. So sad, so true!
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
But we can change that people.Just start with ourselves and the rest will follow.
Every human has it flaws there's no doubt about it.In my church they re judging all other religions and i don't agree with them.Two different religions can be together.My mom is catholic my dad is muslim but it really works out together.They never divorced they love eachother.They became one.Someone in my other discussion told me that the perfect church is the church where Jesus is the pastor.Meaning that if we only preech the way Jesus preeched then we're heading the right way.
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@iknowitall (455)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Try being an atheist for a day, and see the judgement and attacks you recieve... and remember that christianity is based on paegan beliefs and ideals, which includes persecution and damnation, let the hell fires burn lol...
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
I was an atheist i know how people act on those who don't believe.One if mine christian friends tols about my colleague which was a friend of mine that he would go to hell because he didn't believe in God and i was like no he's going to heaven because he had lead a good life.
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 07
no body knows who goes to heaven or hell for sure. all we have are guidlines in holy books. in islam you you die a jihad, killing unbelieving women and children, you go to heaven. in Christianity, you go to heaven through Jesus Christ. in Buddhism, you do good you get nirvana.
if you don't believe in what the Bible (Paul as sndcain mentioned) have to say, then to do good and go to heaven woul'd be Buddhism. stop being a hypocrite chirsitan like the ones you dispise.

@dragontester (570)
• Switzerland
5 Jun 07
It is nice to see you quote MK Gandhi here. I think the problem is more with all the religions today and not just 1 or two. It is for the people to realize the danger they pose by spreading the hatred.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
We should love eachother.That's what God wants us.He wants us to be one and not to hate eachother.
We can manage that if we would just open our eyes and our hearts to eachother.
Mahatma Ghandi understand the message he was a great man.
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@herrbaggs (1308)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Everybody love each other, that sounds incredibly boring.What an I supposed to do when I feel like being irritating and annoying? This sounds like the first stages of functional constipation.

@dazeylaze (256)
6 Jun 07
Yes, Christians are very hypocritical, and they make other Christians look bad. It's all about interpretations, and what people get from the Bible when they read it. If they're left to interpretate then they come up with all sorts of explanations for cruelty and try to justify any act of cruelty they're responsible for.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
Maybe we should look at eachother as people as human beings and not as christians or muslims or whatever it may be.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
But have you read the Quran there's no text in the Quran who says the bible is bad.
Do you know what religions have done to Europe?
History is repeating itself through another religion.There has been cults in the past there.
So many things has happened in Europe.I think you are American,tell me what do you know about the past of Europe?Because there lies the answer why people are doing this.
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 07
we can look at each other as people and not by religion yes. that would help. BUT people should stop saying "by allah we shall kill the unbelievers". maybe, "by my Honda Accord i kill this man"
you condemn priest who molest children. we all do. since they did not say,"in god's name i molest ye child!" then stop attacking christianity for people's own personal fault.
unlike Quraan, the Bible does not attack islam or say islam is a bad religion.
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@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
5 Jun 07
Dear Christian, and other Christians in this discussion.
Really, faith in Jesus Christ is an exclusive faith. Not because it wants to exclude anybody from salvation but because it sustains that Jesus, and only he, is the way to God.
Following the example of Jesus, a true Christian LOVES those who don't believe, for whatever reason. To love like Jesus doesn't mean to think all religions are right, nor does it mean to be indifferent while there are so many who don't believe in Jesus. He himself was very clear about this. To love means to respect, to tolerate, to help ... and it means also to evangelize, it means to make and support missions.
Very sadly, many Christians do right the contrary: they don't support missions, they don't evangelize, they only judge and condemn. I am a Christian and would like to convince everybody to accept Jesus, but that also means that I have very great respect for other sincere believers, may they be Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, Atheist, as long as they express an attitude of human dignity.
In a forum like myLot, I welcome everybody, whatever faith or no faith he/she professes, but I'd prefer they would tell of their reasons to believe instead of attack other religions. Christians may start and give an example!
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Amen and amen.
Not all Christians can be cast in the same light. The greatest command God gave us is to love our neighbors as ourselves, He didn't say love them except if they are whatever, He just said to love them. I can respect others beliefs even if I don't agree with them, and judging and condemning others because of something such as their beliefs only gives them a bad impression and pushes them away.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
And if we can't love ourselves we cannot love someone else.If we follow the first three of the ten commandments the rest will follow.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
6 Jun 07
This to me is a true act of christianity http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=2523941&page=1
I am sorry to say I dont think I could do it, it takes more courage and faith than I have and I hope I never will be tested in that way.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Excellent points here, and well said. Did Jesus judge people just because he did not believe the way he did, or shun the sinners? No, he was there for the Begger, the thief, the sinner, etc. and it did not matter who you were, he was a friend to all. Something we all need to remember and learn from.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
But everyone things different and interpretate things in different ways.We will never be unable to understand what God wants to teach us,because there are too many people interpretating things in different ways.Through that there are many who think they have it at the right end and tell others they should believe it too.We should be more open to others interpretation about things and not telling that what you say is the truth.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
9 Jun 07
But you know it's hard to see when someone is a false prophet.If someone is being very nice to you and tells things but in the wrong way and you might think he could be right in things because he's so nice.You see you woulnd't say immediately if he's a false prophet.
How about ghosts.Are all ghosts bad,we all have a sould and when we die we become ghosts too right?
So you see how do we know when something good happens in life it's from God? because sometimes Satan an do something good for you so he can take over you.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Well stated! Many do not want to accept the fact that the history of Christianity is written in the blood of others. Yes the same can be said of other religions but we aren't discussing them but Christianity. It's one of the reasons I have such a problem with Christianity is the fact that many of it's members are quick to say that they are the only ones that know God and even if you lead a good life will still go to hell unless you acknowledge their God and their beliefs as being the only ones. They are also the only ones I have ever experienced try to shove their faith down my throat. I've had friends of other religions and we talk about religion but they never try to convert me where as Christians, even if you are a form of Christianity, they try to change you to their denomination and strictly their belief system.
Now I do agree it isn't all Christians. I'll be the first to admit that but there are so many out there that if you say you believe in something else will pounce all over you. It's just a shame that those who do that give all Christians a black eye.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Oh I agree not all christians are like that. It's just a shame people cannot accept others and let them believe what they want. That we cannot all get along and respect each other to let them believe as they wish.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
7 Jun 07
That's true.That's why i say a better environment start with ourselves.So if i want things to change in a good way i have to start with myself.Its really hard but you will be astounded when you see the changes in your own family or in your own neighbour.It's pretty awesome.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
Not all christians are bad.You know in every religion their are some rotten people.
But even if there were no religions there were rotten people in society.We have to look at people as individuals.We need to respect eachother and we need to start love eachother but love as in accepting.People don't have to be friends but be friendly.
You know what the funny part of some christians are that as soon as you talk about them they feel attacked.There's no need to feel that way.
Like i have read the history and ofcourse not only christians but also catholics has done bad things,but those were also cults who have done that.
I know and believe that even if you have no religion and you have lead a good life you will go to heaven.I agreee that lots of christians sometimes want to brainwashothers with their faith and i have also met muslims who have done that and they are like jehova witnesses but they are pushing people away by doing that.You should never force someone.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I too am a born again believer. My mother makes one feel that if you don't go to HER church you are not going to a good church, if it doesn't come from HER pastor's pulpit, it's not right. I know what you mean. But I also try to remember, that when someone is pointing out faults with someone else, they usually have several fingers pointed back at them. I used to be judgemental, very much so. Until I had to walk in some of the shoes that I used to judge. Very humbling. I personally believe we are all different, so therefore we believe differently and we worship differently.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
I agree with you.That's what my father always said to me too.Pointing at someone else brings back three fingers at yourself.People can change their judgements and we're on earth to learn things.I too have to learn not to judge the whole time.
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
8 Jun 07
Though i don't think that all Christians are hypocrites and hate mongerers (and I've lived in a state which has almost equal proportions of Hindus, Muslims and Christians)I have to say that there are some really nauseating discussions on Mylot (especially against Islam, I'm NOT a Muslim in case you were wondering). Hate speak must not be confused with freedom of expression and I think that Mylot should ideally take some action. I used to respond to some of these posts because I rather naively believed that they spoke out of genuine ignorance. But I've realised that they are not interested in resolving differences or understanding another religious perspective. They're just pathetic people who need to rag on someone and rave and rant to feel that they are worth something. All I can say is that I hope they can find some peace in their lives.
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
8 Jun 07
In fact they're really the Christian version of the hate mongering mullahs who are giving Islam such a bad name, it's sad that they're smearing the name of Christianity in this forum.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
I think people just don't understand that a lot things don't have to do with the religion but it's the religious people who are giving a bad name.
If there was no religion i think there would be less hate.We shouldn't hate eachother but respect eachother.I know so many people all from different religions and they are wonderful.I'm glad my parents both have different religions
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Well I am far from a good christian I am too hot headed most of the time and I swear alot but my belief as far as religion goes is pretty simple. If you have true faith you talk about it and give testimony to your faith. If you dont have true faith you find comfort in telling everyone else they are wrong and attacking their faith. Theres a difference between speaking out against violence and speaking out against a religion. I wonder how many of the Chrisitans on here were very active in speaking out against the violence in north Ireland or Kosovo when it was going on?
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
I think you're right.Sorry for the late response.I do swear a lot too but if people would say if i don't ask forgiveness i would go to hell then i'm thinking are you GOD.No than shut up.I'd rather have someone saying please don't do that.I respect those more than people who are constantly whining by every bad word.
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 07
dang it! at the rate i am responding to this discussion, MyLot should have paid me a dollar instead of peanuts. common people keep the discussion going so we can see ONE DOLLAR. hahahahahaha.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
well i don't think that's hard to reach.I think we'll manage
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
I seldom see a true christian now. And don't think God is glorified of what his people doing. Dabating who's doctrine is right, and that they are righteous and born again christians. They're the one who can go to heaven. Only God knows...
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
Yes i agree with you.We can not think for God.We can not know what God thinks about things.Sometimes it feels it's more like it's the opinion of the people themselves.
@raf_perez (16)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
not that i am a religious person, and in fact i may not be the best Christian/Catholic there is, but i think this world is just filled with people who are scared of other people who are different from them. it's a sad fact, actually, but i guess taht's something we would need to work on slowly. it's good that an individual has decided to be open and to respect the beliefs of other religion, but it takes the effort of many. true, there is no perfect religion, 'cause i believe the nature of religion is man-made, but really, i think it would be unfair if we blame it all on that matter alone. i mean, we reserve the right to criticize or be criticized, and if things don't go the way we want them to be, it's not always with angst that we should react. keep the good intention, but still,take a chance on these people. they're not perfect, and so is this world. we just start with our selves as of the moment and accept these things as a part of our history. don't condemn these people for what happened in the past, but instead, look forward and work on a good future. come to think of it, is it not that the lack of openness, understanding, respect and acceptance was the cause of all these madness? if we become so angry just like the people before us (the people that we seem to abhor), then we are no different from them.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 Jun 07
Thanks for your reply.I'm glad you're open for this and i'm glad you talked about it and also letting me see how to look at things but also how to respond.You're right and i hope i didn't give people the feeling that i condemned them because i really don't want to do that.I know we all can get along in the end but it takes a long path.
@neo1985 (11)
• India
6 Jun 07
yeah u said the right point, come on think logically all religions tell the same fact believe in some one ( it might god or some other thing that changes)n do right things.
we should respect all the other religions except what we r following then only there will be comfortness between different religions that will lead to world wide piece killing people in d name of religion is bullshit no religion tell to kill people from other religion
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
Thanks for your reply.We are all human beings.We should respect eachother.We don;t have to fight.When did someone told us to fight against eachother.
Guess we're brainwashed :P^_^
@kulanuwun (1404)
• Indonesia
6 Jun 07
Yes, I am agree with you, but I think it is not because of the Christians itself but by sin of human.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
No that's true it is the sin of the human.It really hasn't anything to do with religion at all.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You are falsely attributing acts of "Christians" to acts of Christianity.
This isn't just a Christian problem, every religion does this. Acting like Jesus doesn't mean ignoring the effects and recent events surrounding political Islam. It is perfectly fair to criticize where criticism is necessary (and in this situation, criticism is perfectly valid).
If you think that verbal criticism is "attacking" other religions, you should see how non-Muslims are treated in many Islamic countries. Read through this site for news reports about the treatment of "kafirs" and "dhimmis".
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
Hi mr NiceGuy thanks for your reply.
What you say is right.Maybe i put it little in the wrong way.I didn't mean to attack people or to be judgemental but i just want people not to blame the same religion the whole time.I also think some things have to do with culture of a country and we all think differently.That's ok to think differently,it happens in every religion.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I'm tired of people judging, attacking and pointing the finger at others regardless of race, color, creed or religion. If you are spending all your energy picking out the faults of others maybe it's time to take a look in the mirror. It's amazing to me that people just can't agree to disagree and get on with their own lives...do they really believe thay can change someones beliefs or religion by going on the offensive? If anything it just makes the other person more steadfast in their beliefs
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
Yes thanks for your reply.I do look at myself now and i'm ashamed because i too judged people,not on religion but on other things that's why i started this discussion.
It would be so much better if people would accept eachother.
@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Before we are Christians WE ARE HUMAN beings. If Christ was (is) unable to get people to change who in the heck do you think you are that you can get any one to change? And who told you that you are perfect?
The only religion that should be attacked is ONE. When they show themselves I will pounce, because I can, because I am free and I have opinions. No one can tell me. No body. You go ahead and spout what we shouldn't do. Do it in church; get a pulpit and let 'er rip. But don't tell me what I should say or not say.
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I applaud and welcome your discussion. I think you got some wonderful replies. So good, in fact, that I can't really think of anything else to add. I agree with about 90% of your responders.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
6 Jun 07
Thanks for your response.I did got really wonderful replies except for one but that doesn't matter.The thing is it would be great if everyone could get along with eachother.And look to eachother as a person not as oh he's gay or oh she's a muslim.I know wonderful people and they all are different.